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‚Der Fehler des Kapitalismus besteht in der Ungleichverteilung des Wohlstands, der Fehler des Sozialismus besteht in der Gleichverteilung des Elends.‘

— Winston Churchill

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Verweigert Sachsens CDU-Basis den Wagenknecht-Kurs?

Ministerpräsident Michael Kretschmer würde sich von Wagenknecht und Genossen gern in die nächste Amtszeit wählen lassen, doch Sachsens CDU-Basis könnte ihm die Gefolgschaft verweigern.

Glaubte man den meisten Kommentaren der deutschen Medienschaffenden, dann wären die sogenannten ………………..



Wähler lassen Grüne und SPD links liegen – und die kapieren nicht warum

Von Fritz Goergen Mi, 2. Oktober 2024

Sie senken das Bruttoinlandsprodukt – marode Brücken – Ampelparteien blind für selbstgemachten Niedergang – nach dem Bröckeln der Brandmauer die Zuflucht zum AfD-Verbot – US-Vize-Duell geht an Rep JD Vance.




Has Netanyahu lost control of his war? Hezbollah is a far more formidable foe than Hamas

Rajan Menon, 2.10.24, For decades, Benjamin Netanyahu touted himself as Mr Security, the leader Israelis could count on to keep them safe. Then came Hamas’s October 7 assault, which killed 1,200 people, and took at least 230 hostages, shattering the Prime Minister’s image as protector of Israel. Ever …………………….



Mistaking Militarism for Statecraft, Empire for Democracy and Debt for Prosperity

No strategy to the war game, no accounting to our economy, we have fumbled and stumbled to the …………………



The toxic empathy of the VP debate There’s a vacuum at the heart of American power

Lee Siegel, 2.10.2024

“Everybody’s got a plan,” Mike Tyson once said, “until they get punched in the face.” The American media’s plan for last night’s vice-presidential debate between Senator J.D. Vance and Governor Tim ………………………



Israel – Invading Lebanon To Prolong And Expand Its Supremacists War

Is it a trap?

That is the question the Zionists should ask themselves. To me the answer seems to be ‚Yes!‘




Will the Suffocating Cage of Leviathan Be Avoided?

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture October 2, 2024

Trump is not the ‘right card’, in the view of the U.S. power-élites; the Joker should have been pulled from the pack.




Biden to Provide US Hurricane Victims Pennies Compared to Proxy Wars

The US government prioritizes foreign entities over their own citizens. President Joe Biden and his handlers have pledged over $17 BILLION to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel in the past week alone. …………………..



Bukele Defends El Salvador’s Gang Reforms

The United Nations would like the world to adhere to its lax crime laws. Generate civil unrest to destabilize nations to create a need for order, a New World Order, that will be more powerful and effective than the government. El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele began an anti-gang crusade when he entered office. Affiliated with a gang? Straight to prison.




Operation True Promise 2: Iran Strikes Again as Missile Barrage Overwhelms Israeli Defenses

Simplicius Oct 02, 2024

Iran unleashed their ‘Operation True Promise 2’ on Israel, sending hundreds of ballistic missiles which ………………..



Iran Pounds Israel in Retaliatory Strike

1 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Remember how a number of Western pundits and politicians were predicting that Iran would not retaliate …………………..



Scandalous verdict: US author CJ Hopkins was found guilty

The fact that the Tiergarten District Court acquitted author CJ Hopkins in January was not something the Berlin public prosecutor’s office was prepared to accept: they appealed – and were proved right, Aya Velázquez, Okt. 01, 2024




A Beautiful Deleveraging with Chinese Characteristics?

Ray Dalio, Founder, CIO Mentor, and Member of the Bridgewater Board September 30, 2024

Last week, China’s leadership—including President Xi Jinping, the Politburo, the CSRC, and the PBoC—clearly 1) announced a reflationary barrage of fiscal and monetary policies and 2) made statements in …………………



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