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Die Übertretung eines gegebenen Gesetzes ist ein schlechtes Beispiel, zumal wenn der Gesetzgeber sie selbst begeht.

— Niccolò Machiavelli

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

US-Vizedebatte Vance/Walz: Einstürzende Vorurteile

Die weitgehend faire Debatte zwischen den US-Vizepräsidenten-Anwärtern J.D.Vance und Tim Walz überraschte das Publikum angenehm. Es dürfte jetzt schwierig werden J.D Vance zu diabolisieren wie seinen Chef Donald Trump.




Freiheit statt Einheit: Zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit

Von Wolfgang Herles Do, 3. Oktober 2024

Wir haben entschieden zu wenig Streit. Weniger Einheit tut not. Die deutsche Einheit, das ist ihr schönes Paradox, hat zwar staatliche Vereinheitlichung geschaffen, doch die Gesellschaft diversifiziert. Meinetwegen auch: gespalten. Gut so.




What To Make of Milei

By Hans-Hermann Hoppe October 3, 2024



Global Elites‘ Plans for Feudalism 2.0 – and How You Can Resist

By Doug Casey International Man October 3, 2024

International Man: There’s little doubt the self-anointed elite are hostile to the middle class, which is on its way to extinction thanks to soaring inflation and taxation.




Hamas and Hezbolah Walk Into a Bar….

On „terrorism“ and „freedom fighting“, Donald Jeffries Sep 30, 2024

Recently, Israel killed some more “terrorists.” I guess it was more than usual, but I don’t pay much attention to what’s happening in other countries. I prefer to concentrate on domestic issues, considering how every major politician continues to neglect them. That’s how we became the World’s Wealthiest Banana Republic.




The Final Chapter for the Axis of Resistance, or the U.S.-Backed Zionist Regime?

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture October 3, 2024

Iran and the Axis of Resistance are facing an existential threat. A whole new strategic thinking is needed.

Former British spy chief John Sawers thinks that the Axis of Resistance is facing its final chapter as Israel takes on its regional foes with devastating lethal force – and seeming impunity.




Of Tin-Horn Tyrants

And sycophantic media moguls Radio Far Side Oct 02, 2024

Welcome back, boys and girls and non-binaries, to Uncle B’s GeezerMedia 101 seminar! Let’s discuss how we warp minds, create fear and squelch opposition, so our Glorious Message can ring out unsullied to the eagerly awaiting masses!




‚True Promise II‘: Did Iran Restore Deterrence After Ist Latest Strikes Against Israel?

By Andrew Korybko Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter October 3, 2024

All that can be assessed thus far in the absence of any Israeli retaliation at the time of writing is that both …………………….



Israel’s Ideology of Genocide Must Be Confronted and Stopped

Israel’s violent extremists now in control of its government believe that Israel has the Biblical license, indeed a religious mandate, to destroy the Palestinian people.

Jeffrey D. Sachs Sep 30, 2024 Common Dreams




Iran Attacked Israel Only After U.S. Rejected Its Moderate Stance

Yesterday a massive barrage of Iranian ballistic missiles hit Israel. It came after months of serious Iranian efforts (vid) to achieve better relations with the U.S. had failed. Israel had managed to sabotage those ……………………..



Israel Continues To Play the Victim While Killing More Palestinian and Lebanese Civilians

2 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

The Zionists running Israel today remind me of a serial mugger who gets shot after attacking a victim who was armed and demands the victim be prosecuted. The Zionists always justify their bombings of …………………….




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