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Blinder Glaube an die Obrigkeit ist der schlimmste Feind der Wahrheit.

— Albert Einstein

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Die verpulverte Billion – wo bleibt der Staatsanwalt?

Die Energiewende verschlang bisher rund 700 Milliarden Euro und ruiniert die Wirtschaft. Wenn man die  AKWs einfach weiterbetrieben und für die Hälfte der Summe neue gebaut hätte, wäre dreimal soviel CO2 eingespart worden. Ein Fall für die Gerichte?




Verhandlungsunfähiger Warburg-Bänker Olearius zeigt Ex-Oberstaatsanwältin Brorhilker an

Von Josef Kraus Do, 3. Oktober 2024, Kann der Skandal bald legal vertuscht werden?

Aufbewahrungspflichten für Steuerunterlagen zu verkürzen – ein Schelm, der Schlechtes dabei denkt, weil er Cum-Ex, Cum-Cum und Warburg-Bank im Hinterkopf hat! Vor Gericht zwar nicht verhandlungsfähig, hat sich Olearius aktuell über seine Anwälte die Ex-Staatsanwältin Anne Brorhilker vorgenommen. Die hatte der Justiz vorgehalten, eine Zwei-Klassen-Justiz zu sein.




Nasrallah as Martyr/Legend: The Lands of Islam Get Ready to Channel Their Rage

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture October 4, 2024

A symbol was shattered. A legend is born. The Resistance, more than ever, won’t back down.




Vance vs. Walz: Should the Government “Do Something”?

10/02/2024  Jonathan Newman

In the final stretch of any presidential campaign, the goal is to attract any remaining undecided voters. This usually means that candidates moderate and soften their messaging, especially in comparison to the …………………..



Can the Republic be Rescued?

I attended the Rescue the Republic gathering and was very disappointed. Peterson merely identified the NeoMarxist agenda, but nobody seemed to have any honest solution. It is clear they do not understand ……………………..



Why the Fed’s Two-Percent Inflation Target Is Meaningless

10/03/2024 Ryan McMaken

Federal Reserve technocrats like to use a variety of slogans and buzzwords designed to make the Federal Reserve look like it’s an apolitical, “scientific” institution guided only by a quest for sound management of the economy. Specifically, nearly every time Fed chairman Jerome Powell makes an appearance—………………..



Corona-Aufklärung: Wer nach der Pandemie sucht stößt auf – Nichts

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

Bei der Aufarbeitung der Corona-Verbrechen versperren viele Details den Blick aufs Grundsätzliche. Und das lautet: Es gab keine Pandemie, und das konnte auch jeder, der sich mit den relevanten Zahlen beschäftigte, schon 2020 wissen. Hier die ausführliche Analyse.




Americans come last – ALWAYS!!!!!!

The Biden Administration, under the Neocons’ control, has sent Ukraine $24.4 billion. The Ukrainian population is about 28 million, minus all the ethnic Russians in the Donbas, which would be about 42 million combined. That means the Biden Administration has sent the equivalent of $871 per person, but it does not go to the people. If we subtract the 8 million that fled and live in the EU, it will be $1,200 per person in Ukraine. FEMA has been generous and is handing $750 to the homes impacted by this storm, ……………………



Clarity After Iran Strike, as Israel Tries to Pivot to Nuclear Arc

Simplicius Oct 04, 2024

Two days out from Iran’s seminal strike on Israel and some things are being clarified.

All the early claims of having shot everything down were slowly retracted, with more realistic headlines ……………………..



Pepe Escobar and I Discuss Iran’s Missile Retaliation

3 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Love me some Pepe. Pepe Escobar and first met last December, during my first trip to Moscow. We were instant friends. When I arrived in Moscow in the midst of a record-breaking snowstorm, I was standing in ………………….



Biden Is Pushing Israel Towards Larger War

After being hit by some 200 Iranian missiles Israel has not yet dared to response to to the strike. It instead ………………….



Die ehemalige Chefin des Deutschen Ethikrats hat das Bundesverdienstkreuz nicht verdient

Alena Buyxs und ihr Gremium waren in der Corona-Pandemie auf Regierungslinie. Besonders stossend waren ihre Einlassungen zum Thema Impfen. Mit Ethik hatte das alles nicht viel zu tun.

NZZ Der andere Blick von Jonas Hermann, Berlin, 2.10.24




America Doesn’t Need More “Efficient” Government

10/02/2024 Connor O’Keeffe

Last month, Donald Trump announced that he intends to set up a government efficiency commission if he wins a second term. The commission would be led by tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, who would audit the …………………



Progress from Poverty

05/02/2024 David Gordon

Rainer Zitelmann has a well-deserved reputation as a defender of the free market; few, if any, can match his immense capacity for amassing relevant facts and using them effectively to support his arguments. ……………………



US: In Danger of Losing Freedom of Speech, Replaced by Politburo

by Robert Williams October 3, 2024

What [Biden-Harris administration climate envoy John Kerry] does not mention, of course, is who decides what is „disinformation,“ or if it is just whatever the current government wants the public to think.




Jungpolitiker verlassen die Partei – Austrittswelle bei Grüner Jugend: „Für die Partei ist das ein schwerer Schlag“

2.10.2024 Der Bundesvorstand der Grünen Jugend hat nicht nur seinen Rückzug, sondern auch den Parteiaustritt ……………….



The dockworkers strike over automation is just the beginning: Morning Brief

Hamza Shaban · Senior Reporter Thu, October 3, 2024




‚Get Out Of Stocks…Buy Gold‘ – Charles Nenner Warns Of Imminent ‚End Of American Empire‘

by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Oct 02, 2024 Via Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com,




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