Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Wahnsinn bei Individuen ist selten, aber in Gruppen, Nationen und Epochen die Regel.

— Friedrich Nietzsche

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Lauterbach gibt jetzt offiziell zu: Die Beiträge zur Pflegeversicherung steigen rasant

Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 7. Oktober 2024 Ampel lässt Beschäftigte bluten

Ein Medium hat herausgefunden: Die Beiträge zur Pflegeversicherung steigen nächstes Jahr rasant. Das kommt aber nur für diejenigen überraschend, die wegsehen wollten – und weiterhin mit System wegsehen.




Are Israel and Palestine Better Off Today, After One Year of Fighting?

7 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

The Folks who tried to label this Image failed.

A short answer, “No!” The actual anniversary of the October 7, 2023 attack was last Saturday. I don’t want to get into a discussion of whether or not Netanyahu allowed this to happen as part of a diabolical …………………….



The War’s Pivotal Impasse Crystallizes as Russia Cements Negotiation Terms

Simplicius Oct 08, 2024

Increasingly the lens is being narrowed onto territorial concessions as Ukraine’s end game. Behind the scenes, all Ukraine’s Western allies now understand that it’s impossible to compete with Russia and the only way they can salvage some of their blood-investment is by freezing the conflict under the false …………………….



Der Verfassungsschutz beobachtet seine Kritiker

Die Journalistin Aya Velazquez fragte beim Verfassungsschutz nach, warum sie beobachtet werde. Der musste schließlich mit der Wahrheit rausrücken. Der VS befürchtete nicht etwa die Delegitimierung des Staates, sondern seine eigene.




We’re not in der alten Republik anymore: eine Festschrift zum 75. Jahrestag der DDR

Von Alexander Wendt Di, 8. Oktober 2024

Zur Einheitsfeier am 3. Oktober gab die Politikerelite zu Protokoll, dass sie mit dem Land von 1990 nichts mehr anfangen kann. Aber Vorsicht: Wir erleben auch nicht wirklich die Auferstehung der Honeckerei. So einfach ist es nicht.




Habecks grüner Stahl vor dem Aus?

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mo, 7. Oktober 2024

Robert Habeck hat keine Hemmungen, den Steuerzahlern jede Summe aufzubürden, wenn nur sein Renommierprojekt gerettet wird. Die traurige Wahrheit dürfte lauten, dass die Stahlproduktion von Thyssenkrupp auf Raten sterben wird – und die Raten bezahlen die deutschen Steuerzahler. Es wird Zeit, eine Politikerhaftung einzuführen.




NATO threatens North Korea

North Korea has come out and denounced NATO’s condemnation of military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, warning that the entity could face “tragic consequences” if it continues to pursue an anti-North Korea stance. NATO had issued a statement condemning North Korea and Iran for “fueling” …………………….



Can America Survive Global De-Dollarization?

10/04/2024 Daniel Kowalski

“Money does not grow on trees” is an old expression of wisdom that seems to have been disregarded by 21st century American policymakers. People all over the world and throughout time base their decisions ……………………



Klimapolitik: Ein Weltbild ohne Wolken

Die globale Erwärmung der letzten 20 Jahre lässt sich zum großen Teil mit einem Rückgang der Wolken begründen, etwa aufgrund der Luftreinhaltung. CO2 ist eher nicht der zentrale Punkt. Das darf aber nicht sein. Die ruinöse Politik zur CO2-Verminderung ist längst ein Dogma.




Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck gesteht dramatischen Absturz der Wirtschaft ein

Von Roland Tichy So, 6. Oktober 2024

Die Bundesregierung korrigiert Wachstumsprognose nach unten: Sie rechnet offenbar damit, dass die deutsche Wirtschaft 2024 deutlich schrumpft. Die Folgen werden weitere Zunahme der Arbeitslosigkeit, …………………



A Zionist’s Perspective on Why Israel is Entitled to Palestine

6 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Yesterday, I sent an email to a discussion group in which I participate that is comprised of many prominent Americans who are very pro-Zionist. My email contained the spreadsheet of the Israeli Foreign ………………….



This Is a Slow-Motion Nationalization of the Economy

10/05/2024 Daniel Lacalle

Global liquidity is expanding. In the past three months, the global money supply has soared by $4.7 trillion. This rapid increase started when the Federal Reserve panicked the first time and delayed the normalization of the balance sheet in June.




The Regime Wants Appalachia To Suffer

10/04/2024 Tho Bishop

Americans from Florida to North Carolina continue to deal with the devastating consequences of Hurricane Helene, now the deadliest hurricane to hit the US since Katrina. The stories emerging from the …………………..



Is the Dockworkers Union a Corporate Tool?

10/03/2024 Thomas J. DiLorenzo

Labor unions are exempted from federal antitrust laws including the Sherman Antitrust Act, which outlaws “conspiracies in restraint of trade.” This is not a bad thing: Everyone should be exempted from ……………………



Repeating the Interventionist Excesses of the Tudor Period

10/03/2024 Phil Duffy

Fundamentally, there are only two forms of economic and political organization—centralized or distributed. The distributed model is based upon the principle of subsidiarity, which is, “an organizing …………………..



Julian Assange Describes a Dangerous Tendency in Government

By Adam Dick The Ron Paul Institute October 7, 2024

On Thursday, I wrote about the testimony of Julian Assange of WikiLeaks at a Tuesday meeting of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). Assange’s testimony provided an informative overview of his persecution for helping expose …………….



Five Faces of Invasion-Hidden Agendas And Treason Leading Us to War

Dave Jefferson, 6.10.24

An invasion can be the cause of a war, be a part of a larger strategy to end a war, or it can constitute an entire war in itself. Due to the large scale of the operations associated with invasions, they are usually …………………….



A NATO Invasion of Nuclear Russia Is Currently Underway, and the World Is Unaware that It Is in World War III

Has President Putin’s Patience Reached Its Limits?

By Peter Koenig Global Research October 7, 2024

A NATO invasion of nuclear Russia is currently underway, and the world is unaware that it is in World …………………..



Lies, Damn Lies, and Network News

Or how I was initiated, Radio Far Side, Oct 06, 2024

In the summer of 1980, I was a naive 19-year-old on a mission to backpack around the world. To achieve my goal, I had to pick up odd jobs and gigs along the way, since wiring money from home was a slow, ………………………



Gangsta Kamala and American Hoax Crimes

Living in The Trumaine Show Donald Jeffries Oct 05, 2024

The other day, Kamala Harris went on a podcast. No, it wasn’t “I Protest,” hosted by Don Jeffries. It was “All the Smoke,” hosted by former NBA players Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson. As embarrassing as ……………………



Why Biden Harris Could Not Print, Borrow, or Spend Their Way to a Strong Economy

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner October 7, 2024

A goodly part of the “strong” economy illusion derives from cherry-picking the hideously misleading numbers contained in the BLS establishment survey’s monthly “jobs” count. As we noted in my previous …………………..



The Many Roads to Liberty

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. October 7, 2024

Most readers of my weekly column already favor a libertarian society, with either a strictly limited government or no government at all. They realize what a disaster the state has been. What are the …………………..




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