Vorhersagen und Empfehlungen für die Zeit nach der US-Wahl am 5. November

Wer alles glaubt, was er liest, sollte besser aufhören zu lesen.

— Konfuzius

Vorhersagen und Empfehlungen für die Zeit nach der US-Wahl am 5. November

Gold, Silber, Bitcoin sind vermutlich besser als US-Dollar oder Euro


Top 3 Predictions for Post-Election America

By Doug Casey International Man October 17, 2024


Interest rates, the price of money, are the most important market. And, perversely, they’re the market that’s most manipulated by the Fed. Interest rates are still much lower than they “should” be, considering the amount of dollars being created by our central bank, the Fed, and the commercial banking system.

Higher interest rates are inevitable after going down for approximately 40 years, from 1982 to 2022. They last peaked in the 15-20% area in the early 1980’s. They bottomed in 2022. They’ll likely go up for many years from here, regardless of what the Fed or the US Government wants……

Get liquid. Be a prepper and set aside a few months’ worth of essentials in case the going gets tough.

Build your savings not necessarily in dollars, but in gold, silver, and Bitcoin…….



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