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The only security of all is in a free press.

— Thomas Jefferson

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Vermögensverwalter tun sich schwer, Erben an sich zu binden

Vermögensverwalter haben Probleme damit, die kommende Generation wohlhabender Kunden an sich zu binden. Laut einer Studie von Natixis, an der 2.300 Berater teilnahmen, könnte dies für viele sogar …………………….



Anticipate a Border Agent Exodus Under Kamala

Anyone tuning into this blog knows that America’s Border Tzar Kamala Harris continues to ignore the migrant crisis while begging citizens, and non-citizens, to vote for her to fix the issue. New reports state ……………………..



FDP will Steuergeld für Mittelmeer-Einsätze streichen: Baerbock zahlt Seenot-Aktivisten mit Trick Millionen

Angelika Hellemann, Burkhard Uhlenbroich, 20.10.2024

Der Zoff um die Seenot-Aktivisten schlägt neue Wellen.




The Ultimate Con of a Government ‚Rules Based System‘

By Karen Kwiatkowski October 21, 2024

The US puppet in Ukraine is feeling hot and sweaty.  Europe has lost interest, his UkroNats have lost patience, and Russia is plodding steadily to Kiev and Odessa.  The solution?  Zelensky wants “his” nukes ……………………



Charlie Spiering React to the AI Smith Dinner, & Why Democrats Are Turning Against Kamala

By Tucker Carlson October 21, 2024



ZDF besucht abgeschobenen Kriminellen in Afghanistan für gefühlvollen TV-Beitrag

Von Josef Kraus Mo, 21. Oktober 2024

Hätte es eines Beweises für die journalistischen Schieflagen und für die Verschwendung der Zwangs-Milliarden durch die „Öffentlich-Rechtlichen“ bedurft, am 18. Oktober hat ihn das ZDF mit einem dicken Ausrufezeichen geliefert.




Die grünen Pleiten zu Wasser, zu Lande und in der Luft

Die Pläne der Grünen wurden bislang politisch und medial immer gehypt, es ging ja immer um die Rettung der Welt. Doch jetzt reiht sich Pleite an Pleite. Kleine Bitte: Macht in Zukunft doch vorher wenigstens Tierversuche.




Update for Gold and Silver

Keep the big picture in mind: we are seeing the death of fiat currencies —all of them. But trying to trade it is a fool’s errand. This is about keeping it all in perspective…

By Alasdair Macleod MacleodFinance Substack October 21, 2024




Is Russia Finally Acknowledging Reality?

By John Leo Keenan October 21, 2024

“Awareness is descending on Russia that the existence of Ukraine as an independent country is an existential threat to Russia.  The liberation of Donbas does not demilitarize and deNazify Ukraine or replace Ukraine’s puppet government with an independent one.




No Compromise With the Fed!

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. October 21, 2024

Some people argue like this: Although the Fed as it now exists is very bad, a nation needs a central bank to regulate its money supply, and the Fed is better than nothing. That being so, we should try to urge the …………………….



More Fallout From Leak of US Intelligence on Israel Prep for Iran Attack

20 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Well, the freakout over the leak of the US intelligence documents regarding Israel’s preparation for an anticipated attack on Iran is growing in intensity. I missed something important in my initial review of the document pictured above. The varied classification of the paragraphs in the document tell a story. The ……………………



‚Pure Genocide‘: Christians Slaughtered in Nigeria and the Great Press Cover-Up

by Raymond Ibrahim October 18, 2024

Muslim militants slaughtered 16,769 Christians [in Nigeria] in just the four years between 2019 and 2023. That comes out to 4,192 Christians killed on average per year—or one Christian murdered for his/her faith every two hours. — Report, Observatory for Religious Freedom in Africa, August 29, 2024.





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