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Mit dem ersten Glied ist die Kette geschmiedet. Wenn die erste Rede zensiert, der erste Gedanke verboten, die erste Freiheit verweigert wird, dann sind wir alle unwiderruflich gefesselt.

— Erik Satie

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Macht das Elektroauto Trump zum Präsidenten?

Elektroautos werden zu einem möglicherweise entscheidenden Wahlkampfthema im Bundesstaat Michigan – wo am 5. November nicht nur der US-Präsident gewählt wird, sondern auch Wahlen zum ………………..



Italienische Justiz: „Meloni gefährlicher als Berlusconi“

Von Marco Gallina Di, 22. Oktober 2024

In Italien tobt seit dem Urteil zum Albanien-Modell eine offene Machtprobe. Eine geleakte E-Mail zeigt dabei deutlich, dass es der Justiz nicht um Migrantenrechte, sondern um den Kampf gegen die Regierung geht. Meloni ringt jetzt gegen die Migration – und um ihre Hausmacht.




Wie der Ältestenrat Aydan Özoguz vor dem Fall rettete

Mi, 23. Oktober 2024

Özoguz hat ihr Amt vorerst gerettet – aber die Kritik ebbt nicht ab. Der israelische Botschafter und eine jüdische Gemeinde fordern Konsequenzen. Nun kommen Details ans Licht, was im Ältestenrat wirklich geschah, um Özoguz zu retten. Eine pikante Rolle kommt offenbar Wolfgang Kubicki zu.




When Internal Disorder and External Disorder Happen Together

Ray Dalio, Founder, CIO Mentor, and Member of the Bridgewater Board

October 21, 2024




Peace as a Prerequisite for Civilization

By Wanjiru Njoya Mises.org October 23, 2024

Property rights, the division of labor, and voluntary exchange are the foundation of civilization. …………………….



Is Russia Finally Acknowledging Reality?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org October 23, 2024

The Duran presented on October 17 an excellent discussion between John Helmer and Gilbert Doctorow moderated by Alexander Mercouris about how Russian military and civilian decisions are made.  The knowledge I gained enables me to update my take on the situation, which I will now do.




A Radical Plan to Save America’s Economy in One Year

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us October 23, 2024

Alternative economists have been predicting a long list of instabilities in the US economy and for some time. We’ve been proven right in the last few years on most of those predictions and, as usual, corporate media economists are now scrambling to pretend as if they “saw the danger coming” all along. They now …………………..



The Political Party Illusion

By Jeff Thomas International Man October 23, 2024

It has been said that every great nation has its rise and fall; that its rise occurs as a result of the population (in general) becoming determined to work hard to create a better life, and that its fall occurs when the ……………………….



On the Constant, Unrelenting and Unhinged Anti-Trump Propaganda of the German Media

By Eugyppius A Plague Chronicle October 23, 2024

A few days ago, some important Twitter personalities noticed that Germans vastly overestimate Kamala Harris’s chances of winning the U.S. presidency:




17 Indicators of Global Recession Are Clanging

October 21, 2024




Why The Israel-Occupied Levant Must Be Liberated, S.O.S.

You don’t negotiate with Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer… You stop them. By Ilana Mercer October 23, 2024




If Republicans Are Against Lawfare, They Shouldn’t Have Unleashed It

10/19/2024 William L. Anderson

One of the hot topics of the 2024 presidential election is the use of what Republicans have called “lawfare” by the Democrats, using the law—and especially criminal law—to go after political opponents ………………



Switzerland is No Longer Neutral

“Neutral like Switzerland” can no longer be a saying as the Swiss government has announced it is joining …………………..



The Birth of “Irrational Exuberance”

10/21/2024 George Ford Smith

But how do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values . . .? — Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, “The Challenge of Central Banking in a Democratic Society,” December 5, 1996

John Law, the early eighteenth-century Scottish gambler and financier, thought the best way to revive an ailing economy was to remove the “great scarcity of money,” as he wrote in a 1705 monetary tract. A …………….



PUTIN Re-Shaping the World Right in Front of Us

22 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Well, it was Shiny Happy People-time in Kazan at the opening of BRICS 2024. I wonder if any of the Russian organizers considered inviting R.E.M. to play at the opening festivities? I voiced concern last …………………



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