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Aber schauen Sie, wir haben jetzt jeden vierten Deutschen geimpft, diese Woche wird’s noch jeder fünfte werden…

— Jens Spahn (2021, CDU Bundesgesundheitsminister, im Interview)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Kahlschlag: 3 VW-Werke dicht! 18 Prozent weniger Gehalt!

Betriebsrätin verkündet den Knallhart-Sparplan der Autobosse

28.10.2024 Judith Görs, Daniel Puskepeleitis, Nils Heisterhagen – Riesen-Knall bei VW!




Watch: Trump And Rogan Have A Wild Interview

by Tyler Durden Sunday, Oct 27, 2024

Former President Donald Trump appeared on the Joe Rogan podcast Friday, where they discussed a wide range of topics for three hours.



Podcast Monday — What a Difference Eight Years Makes

28 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

In 2015 and 2016, Donald Trump swept to a surprise victory, in part, because of his shrewd use of traditional legacy and cable news media. I don’t think he ever turned down an interview request and the ………………….



The Political Theology That Maintains State Power

10/25/2024 John Kennedy

For religions throughout the world, established rules, studies, and practices are instrumental for their legitimacy. Established religious institutions throughout the world train theologians to study the nature of God and their belief system. For the Sunni Muslims, theologians in the Hanafi school consist of legal ………………….



EU: Mehr Planwirtschaft gegen Pleite der Planwirtschaft!

Der hektische Versuch der EU-Kommission, den Schaden, den sie durch ihre Deindustrialiserung anrichtet, durch neue planwirtschaftlich gesteuerte Industriezweige wieder wett zu machen, kostet zusätzliche Milliarden von den Steuerzahlern.




Government Gaslights People About the Economy

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute October 29, 2024

Public opinion polls consistently show the economy is one of the top issues, if not the top issue, for American voters. This may strike some as odd, since official government statistics show low ……………………..



Consolidating Recent Rises

Consolidation for gold and silver is timely, given recent unprecedented performance. But is it sensible to lock in some profits?




Gold Climbing From Record High To Record High: Why Buy Now?

By Claudio Grass ClaudioGrass.ch October 29, 2024

There is no question that gold owners have been finally and spectacularly vindicated over the last months: the “barbarous relic”, the “worthless shiny rock”, as many have called the yellow metal, once again …………………..



How America Was Destroyed

Hardly anything is left By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org October 29, 2024

Those who control the Democrat Party are concerned about Kamala’s election chances.  Little wonder.  She represents the most anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-white, anti-peace regime in US history.  Top Democrats are concerned that Trump will not only take the swing states, despite the multiple …………………..



Who Perpetrated the 2014 Ukraine ‚Maidan Coup‘ That Started Ukraine’s War?

By Eric Zuesse The Duran October 29, 2024

On 22 October 2024, the BBC headlined “The ex-British army chief on why peace with Russia is not …………………..



Jobcenter wissen nicht, wem sie Bürgergeld zahlen

Ein Expertenbericht bemängelt die Arbeit in Jobcentern (Symbolbild)

28.10.2024 Dirk Hoeren

Jobcenter bewilligen offenbar in vielen Fällen Bürgergeld, ohne die Identität der Empfänger geprüft zu ……………………



Corona-Ticker (21): Das Ende des Impf-Enthusiasmus

Vom Corona-Narrativ steht nur noch die Fassade und die Beteiligten kommen nicht mehr damit nach, die ganzen Skandale unter den Teppich zu kehren. Hier als Teil dieser fortlaufenden Chronik die neuesten Entwicklungen der letzten Tage und Wochen.




Im Herzen der Finsternis

Von Jonathan Spyer.

Eine ehemalige jesidische Sklavin, die aus dem Gazastreifen gerettet wurde, berichtet über ihre schrecklichen Erlebnisse in der Gefangenschaft der Dschihadisten.




Trump’s Latest Tariff Plan Just Replaces One Tax with Another

10/24/2024 Ryan McMaken

Donald Trump on Monday floated the idea that he might seek to replace the federal income tax with federal taxes on imports—also known as tariffs.




SITREP 10/28/24: Russia Unleashes Lightning Advances in South as ‚Red Scare‘ Hits Fever Pitch

Simplicius Oct 29, 2024

The North Korean ‘red scare’ is building to a fever pitch now. What seemed at first a surefire Russian ………………….



Who Is Actually Running the Country?

by John Richardson October 28, 2024

Members of both American political parties and other concerned observers have been asking for a while now, „Who’s actually running the country?“




Sunset Of Empires?

The ancient world order, Radio Far Side, Oct 27, 2024

One of my first posts on the new Substack site, entitled “Royals, Reich or Wrong”. posited that world events were the result of royal families attempting to revive ancient empires. I followed it up in a mind-………………….



The Political “F” Word Will Backfire On Harris

October 27, 2024 by David P. Deavel

Joy comes in the morning, as the Psalmist says, but by late evening of an incompetent political campaign, the paranoid bitterness really takes over. That’s what we’re seeing in the late stages of the Democrats’ ill-conceived attempt to win with a deeply unpopular and incompetent candidate who never received any …………………..



The Atlantic Council Has Big Plans For a War Between the US And Iran

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us October 28, 2024

Globalists as an organized entity have a habit of shifting their efforts between various false-front institutions in order to avoid significant scrutiny. For example, in 2020 they ramped up the fear machine ………………….




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