Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Manchmal frage ich mich, ob die Welt von klugen Menschen regiert wird, die uns zum Narren halten, oder von Schwachköpfen, die es ernst meinen.

— Mark Twain

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Scholz-Habeck-Lindner: keiner für alle, alle für keinen – aber alle auf Kosten der Bürger

Von Fritz Goergen Di, 29. Oktober 2024

Gewalt gegen Feuerwehr, Rettung und Polizei – Gipfelspiele sollen von der politischen Ruinierung der Industrie ablenken – VW: vom Symbol des Wirtschaftswunders zur Sirene vom Ende des Wohlstands für ………………….



Russia Keeps Rolling Forward While Iran Contemplates Retaliation Against Israel

29 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Units of the 1st Tank Army of the Russian Armed Forces have liberated the village of Kruglyakovka.

Despite my hope that Iran would “take a win” in repelling most of the Israeli cruise missiles launched on …………………..



Trump’s Former Advisors Discuss How He Could End Ukraine War

Donald Trump has long stated that he would end the war in Ukraine if elected president. Confident in his ………………….



Nine Months of Javier Milei as President of Argentina: A Critical Assessment

10/29/2024 Antony P. Mueller

In office for just over nine months, Argentine President Javier Milei continues to face enormous economic and political challenges. His support from Congress and the Senate is fragile, and the president’s ……………………



Jimmy Dore: Trump’s MSG Rally, WaPo Refusing to Endorse Kamala, & Why Trump Winning Is Essential

By Tucker Carlson October 30, 2024



The Biden-Harris Administration, a ‚Ceasefire‘ and a Palestinian State

by Alexander Maistrovoy October 30, 2024

There seem to be several reasons for the Palestinians‘ reluctance to reach an agreement about a two-state solution, and a lasting end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:




How America Was Destroyed

By John Leo Keenan October 30, 2024

“This sounds far-fetched, but it isn’t.”

Nothing is farfetched.  There were two assassination attempts on Trump.  The first one is amazing, not ……………………



When Evil Is Allowed in, Evil Stays

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org October 30, 2024

On two previous occasions Israel sent its vaunted army into southern Lebanon only to be driven out by the Arab militia, Hezbollah, operating without tanks, without an air force, without air defense.   It appears that …………………….



Why Russia Will Likely Take All of Ukraine

By Eric Zuesse Eric’s Substack October 30, 2024

When a soldier willingly risks one’s life for one’s country — for example:




Playing It Again – The Hitler Card

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner October 30, 2024

Here they go again. The Dem-wing of the UniParty is so bereft of reasons to deny the GOP-wing its turn in the Oval Office that it is once again desperately playing the Hitler Card. And it gets richer still. This ……………………



Who Sets the Prices for Goods?

10/27/2024 Frank Shostak

Individuals are often presented as if a value scale is hard-wired in their heads. Allegedly, this value scale remains the same all the time. As a result, this value scale supposedly instructs individuals in the selection ………………….



Tollkirschen-Koalitionäre im Weltfrieden

Während sich die Möchtegern-Koalitionäre mit dem BSW in Brandenburg und Thüringen darauf geeinigt haben, wie sie zur Weltfriedensordnung beitragen wollen, eröffnen sich in Sachsen neue Varianten ihres Scheiterns.




US-Wahlkampf: Schlammschlacht ohne Format

Di, 29. Oktober 2024

In den USA gehen die Democrats mit einer unfähigen Kandidatin ins Rennen, aber auch Trump polarisiert extrem. Wie konnte es zu solch einer Gemengelage kommen, und welche Auswirkungen …………………



Wahl-Thriller in der Moldau – bleibt Maia Sandu an der Macht?

Von Boris Kálnoky Mi, 30. Oktober 2024

Die moldauische Präsidentin muss in der Stichwahl am 3. November um den Sieg bangen. Auf dem Spiel steht die EU-Integration der Moldau.

Maia Sandu, Chisinau, Moldau, 20.10.2024




Kanada schafft Uran-Kreislaufwirtschaft

So kann Kerntechnik gehen, wenn sie von sachkundigen Leuten und nicht von Ideologen betrieben wird. Kanada nähert sich mit großen Schritten einer umweltfreundlichen und unermesslichen Energiequelle. Zum Erscheinen des neuen Haferburg & Humpich-Buches: „Atomenergie – jetzt aber richtig“.




Avocado-Politik: außen schwarz und innen grün

Merz und seine CDU sind getreu ihrer ewigen Kanzlerin wie Avocados, außen schwarz und innen grün. Ein Beispiel: Im Grundsatzprogramm heucheln sie sich um die Frage der Kernkraft herum. Zum Erscheinen des neuen Haferburg & Humpich-Buchs: „Atomenergie – jetzt aber richtig“.




About Natural Order and Ist Destruction

By Hans-Hermann Hoppe October 30, 2024

I have touched upon quite a few different subjects in my intellectual work, but the central subject around which all of my work ultimately turned has been the subject of private property.




‚Showoff‘, ‚weak‘: Israeli media, officials ridicule attack on Iran

By Al Mayadeen English Source: Israeli media 26 Oct 2024

The recent attack on Iran has been largely a showoff that failed to achieve any strategic objectives, as per …………………..



BRICS will not kill Dollar – War Will

Marty, I know you will not say who you advise, but we know you were the only Western analyst called in by China during the Asian Currency Crisis. People have also seen you in India at that famous hotel that the terrorists attacked. China even issued a white paper on how their central bank uses Capital Flow ………………….



After „Colossal“ Exodus Of Subscribers, WaPo Boss Bezos Explains „The Hard Truth“ About Not Endorsing Kamala

by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024

In what is likely even more harrowing for the Op-Ed editors at The Washington Post, Jeff Bezos has just …………………..



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