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Freiheit kann nicht ohne Moral errichtet werden, und Moral nicht ohne Glauben.

— Alexis de Tocqueville

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Chronik des Irrsinns – der Oktober 2024

Der zehnte Monat des Jahres 2024 geht zu Ende, also das zehnte Zwölftel eines Irrsinns. Die mit dem Klammerbeutel Gepuderten erhöhen die Schlagzahl, der Chronist kommt kaum hinterher. Lesen Sie, staunen Sie!




Ukraine SitRep: Kurakhove Cauldron, Broken Deals

Emil Kastehelmi of the Black Bird Group gives a good overview of the current situation in south-east Ukraine.




No Foreign Warplanes Have Entered The Skies Over Tehran

I, like others, do not know what exactly happened during the recent Israeli air attack attack on Iran.




What “Capitalism” Really Means

10/30/2024 Owen Ashworth

Grace Blakeley is a self-described socialist economist and author in the UK, appearing on shows like Politics Live, JOE Politics, and Novara Media. Grace throws down the proverbial gauntlet to self-………………………



A ‚Heroic‘ Preference for Self Destruction Is Taking Hold in Israel

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture October 31, 2024

Israel teeters at the edge: it will not be able to impose itself over the plurality of resistance that it faces.




BRICS Post-Kazan: A Laboratory of the Future

The much-awaited BRICS heads of state meeting in Russia’s Kazan did not disappoint. The multilateral institution has finally brought bite and substance to many of the global financial and political conundrums that have long-challenged a genuine reshaping of the global order.

By Pepe Escobar The Cradle October 31, 2024




Mädchenmorde von Southport: War der Täter doch ein islamischer Terrorist?

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mi, 30. Oktober 2024

Der 18-jährige Sohn ruandischer Eltern, der im Juli ein Messerattentat im britischen Southport verübte, wurde wegen Terrorismus und Besitz von Bio-Waffen angeklagt. Mit den Mädchenmorden von ……………………..



Will the Next Pandemic Come Before World War III?

The US, Mexico, and Canada are developing a cohesive framework to prepare for the next pandemic. ……………………….



American Imperialism and Our Bipartisan Warfare State

08/30/2024 T. Hunt Tooley

The Misesian (TM): You have remarked that after 1900, all the pieces come into place for modernity in terms of the American warfare state. What are some of these pieces and how did they fall into place at that ………………………..



Zionists Grasp At Delusional Fantasies While Israeli Generals Seek Exit Ramp

30 October 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

If you are considering holding a rational discussion with an ardent Zionist about Israel’s increasingly dire predicament, don’t waste your breath. These cats are beyond the reach of reason. Let me give you a prime ……………………



As We Stare Down the Precipice, Final Ruminations

On the eve of momentous change…what lies ahead of the turning point? Chaos or salvation?

Simplicius Oct 31, 2024

A major shift is happening.




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