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Wahrhaftigkeit und Politik wohnen selten unter einem Dach.

— Stefan Zweig

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Das Ampel-Ende mit Sündenbock

Scholz und Habeck wollen sich retten, indem sie Lindner für alle Ampel-Schäden zum Sündenbock erklären. Auch andere Katastrophen möchten sie im Windschatten dieser Regierungskrise verstecken.

Ich habe mich geirrt. Ich hatte gedacht, das Ampel-Staatstheater würde sich auch diesmal wieder hinter ………………….



Das Ende ist nah – „Amadeu Antonio Stiftung” in Trump-Panik

Heute vormittag erreichte mich eine Mail-Aussendung der „Amadeu Antonio Stiftung“. Ich finde, sie ist es wert, mit vielen Menschen geteilt zu werden:




Verkehrsminister Volker Wissing läuft von der FDP zu Olaf Scholz über

Von Mario Thurnes Do, 7. November 2024

Der rheinland-pfälzische Landesvorsitzende Volker Wissing verlässt die FDP. Aus „Verantwortung für das Land“ wolle er Verkehrsminister bleiben. Wissing gilt als der Architekt der Ampel.

Die FDP-Minister Marco Buschmann (Justiz) und Bettina Stark-Watzinger (Bildung) haben ihren ………………….



Stoppt die Schulden-Chaoten Scholz und Habeck

Von Roland Tichy Do, 7. November 2024

Olaf Scholz und Robert Habeck wollen bis Weihnachten weiterwursteln und die knappe Zeit nutzen, um Deutschland endgültig ins Wirtschaftschaos zu stürzen und ihre Planwirtschaft zu etablieren. Das darf ……………………..



US Again Exempts Russian Banks From Sanctions To Buy Vital Commodities

By Drago Bosnic InfoBrics November 7, 2024

When Russia finally launched its strategic counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe, the US-led political West vowed to “isolate” it and “cripple” its economy. However, Moscow didn’t only weather …………………..



As We Stare Down the Precipice, Final Ruminations

On the eve of momentous change…what lies ahead of the turning point? Chaos or salvation?

Simplicius Oct 31, 2024

A major shift is happening.




Why Trump’s Victory Matters, and Why It Doesn’t

11/06/2024 Connor O’Keeffe

Donald Trump is the projected winner of the 2024 presidential election. After winning back states he had lost in 2020, Trump performed well in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania—states Kamala Harris ……………………



Election Aftermath: Notes on the ‚Grand Realignment‘

Simplicius Nov 07, 2024

Some post-election thoughts are due.

Firstly, I’d like to announce the most recent paywalled article has now been opened up to the public on ………………



Markets Made of Glass—How the Fed Destroyed Economic Resilience

11/04/2024 Artis Shepherd

Central to any good investor’s decision-making process is determining the degree to which the target of investment is “robust to the downside.” Can the investment maintain its value—or even continue to provide sufficient return on capital—in the event of a pullback in the broader economy or a specific ………………….



Black Crows Beware — Steer Clear of the UK or You’ll Be Eaten

6 November 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Well, as I predicted, Trump won. Could have gone the other way with massive cheating, but it appears that the RNC was on top of its game in preventing a repeat of the 2020 shenanigans (i.e., this is Irish for “fuckery”). You think I’m kidding? Checkout the following:




Zelensky and Putin React to Trump Victory

The media would like you to believe that Vladamir Putin is cheering Donald Trump’s victory, but the Kremlin has reiterated that America remains an unfriendly nation.




Election 2024 – Random Thoughts

Some random thoughts on Trump’s reelection.

Trump’s win in 2024 does not prove that the 2020 election was stolen by Democrats but it raises a new stink about the issue.




The Data Says Stagflation

SchiffGold.com November 6, 2024

On Friday Peter capped off the week by discussing the latest round of troubling data. With the ……………………



Trump Victory Speech

Nov 6, 2024



An Apparent Moral Demise

by Nils A. Haug November 6, 2024

„Jewish people brought morality to the world thousands of years ago, and some people are still mad about it.“ — Safra Catz, CEO of Oracle, ynetnews.com, January 27, 2024.




Glenn Greenwald Passes Judgement on the Despicable American Presstitutes

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org November 6, 2024

Glenn Greenwald Passes Judgment on the Despicable American Presstitutes’ Fabrications and Call for J.D. Vance’s American-born Wife, Daughter of Indian Legal Immigrants, to Divorce Her White Racist Husband




Socrates Wins Again – Beats All the Forecasts & Mainstream Media

Wow. All the major people who have touted a Harris victory have never been wrong. Newsweek proclaimed every major forecaster gave it to Harris. Socrates has projected every single race without fail. I know. I bet them. Trump flipped Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin in his favor, leading to the ……………………….



Central Planning: China’s Miracle–and Malaise

November 4, 2024

The illusion created by the initial success of central planning is that it can continue indefinitely, when the …………………..



Ceasefire Now: Trump and the Gaza Generation

For Trump, the world isn’t a war of all against all where America competes thoughtlessly against adversaries over resources. His program is to create a unipolar, stable world stage where vulnerable …………………..



Das Geschäft mit dem Tod: Startups digitalisieren den Trauerprozess

von Olivia Weindorf, Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Die ersten Wege nach dem Tod eines geliebten Menschen führen zum Bestatter und zur Trauerfeier. Bislang oblag das „Geschäft mit dem Tod“ im Wesentlichen auch eben jenen: den Bestattern, den Ausrichtern für Bestattungsfeiern inklusive Floristen und Todesanzeigen. Im Volksmund wird die …………………..



Reflecting on the Last Four Years

Assessing the Biden era as we head to the polls.

By John Leake Courageous Discourse November 6, 2024

The last time I remember the United States being a positive, optimistic, and more or less unified country ……………………..



A Kamala Loss is a Defeat for the Regime

By Tho Bishop November 6, 2024

Tuesday, in theory, will conclude the 2024 presidential election, one of the most bizarre in American political history. From inner-party coups to assassination attempts, Kamala’s Brat summer social media ………………….



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