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Wo es keine Marktwirtschaft gibt, sind alle gesetzlichen Garantien der Freiheitsrechte wertlos. Was soll Pressefreiheit in einem Lande, in dem alle Druckereien von der Regierung verwaltet werden? Oder Versammlungsfreiheit, wenn alle Versammlungshallen Regierungseigentum sind?

— Ludwig von Mises

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Trumps Wahlsieg und der woke Meltdown

Von Anna Diouf So, 10. November 2024

Der Wahlsieg Trumps führt zu emotionalen Zusammenbrüchen und pathosgetränkten Appellen im linken Lager. Nicht einmal massive mediale Meinungshegemonie konnte Trump stoppen. Nun ist die Verzweiflung groß.




We Will Avoid War with Russia and China, But Iran is Still on the Table

11 November 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Well, there is good news and bad news. The good news? Trump appears serious about avoiding escalation with Russia and China. The bad news? Trump is staffing his new administration with pro-Zionists who are likely to press for a conflict with Iran. I refer specifically to Elise Steffanik, Marco Rubio ………………….



Labour-Regierung startet Frontalangriff auf Britanniens Bauern

Von Jakob Fröhlich Di, 12. November 2024

Eine Kriegserklärung in Form neuer Steuergesetze hat der linke Premierminister Keith Starmer den Landwirten im Königreich geschickt. Dabei bricht er gleich mehrere Wahlversprechen gegenüber den ………………………



Der Staat versorgt sich selbst – auf Kosten des Steuerzahlers

Mo, 11. November 2024

Mehr Polizisten, mehr Lehrer: aber insbesondere die Verwaltung in den Ministerien explodiert. Pensionslasten und teure Neubauten der Ministerien erhöhen die Kosten noch weiter. Von Fabian Kramer

Gerade im Kanzleramt stieg die Zahl der Beamten in den letzten Jahren rasant an – nun muss es ausgebaut …………………….



Impfwahn auf der nächsten Stufe

Wie gefährlich sind die inzwischen in Japan und Indien zugelassenen neuen saRNA-Impfstoffe?

Derzeit gibt es viel Rätselei um COVID-Impfstoffe auf der Basis sogenannter selbst-verstärkender RNA (saRNA). Beispielsweise behauptete das im eigentlichen Sinne des Wortes hellwache (aber nicht woke) ……………………..



Die Kraftlosigkeit der Opposition 

Nicht nur die Rest-Regierung zeigt sich schwach und handlungsunfähig. Die Opposition ist keinen Deut stärker.

In den deutschen Medien ist eine Frage seit Tagen das schon nervige Top-Thema: Wann stellt …………….



General Mike Flynn

Democrats, if you’re wondering why America voted for Trump, allow me to explain: The truth is, the American People are sick of your shit. You ruined our nation and our culture. You openly mocked, belittled, and discriminated us, then called us racist, misogynist, Nazis when we started noticing. You ………………….



Alert: America Must Advance Leadership Role in Clean Fusion Power

by Lawrence Kadish November 11, 2024

As the world discovered when the United States deployed the power of atomic energy to end World War II, the nation that has the means to harness this incredible force in any of its many forms has the means of ………………………



The Complex Legacy of George Orwell

11/09/2024 Allen Gindler

George Orwell, one of the most influential political writers of the 20th century, is widely recognized for his searing critiques of totalitarian regimes in his novels Animal Farm and 1984. Orwell’s portrayal of state control, propaganda, and the manipulation of truth has resonated with readers across the political ……………………..



Congress Should Fire Jerome Powell

11/08/2024 Ryan McMaken

There were a few seemingly tense moments at the FOMC press conference on Thursday when two reporters asked Jerome Powell about the prospect of Donald Trump asking Powell to resign. The first ………………………



Why Is WaPo Reporting A Trump-Putin Call That Did Not Take Place?

This is curious.

The Washington Post is reporting a phone call between U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation.




SITREP 11/11/24: Ukraine Scrambles for Diplomacy as Clock Winds Down on New Russian Offensive

Simplicius Nov 12, 2024

As mentioned last time, in the post-Trump election victory all the powers-that-be in the world continue scrambling and jockeying to position themselves at the foot of the incoming administration’s throne. This …………………………..



Trump Takes AZ, Completes Sweep Of All Swing States; CNN Says Victory Was So Massive He „Broke History“

by Tyler Durden Monday, Nov 11, 2024

President-elect Donald Trump has won Arizona, completing a sweep of all seven battleground in the 2024 election.




Was jetzt zu tun ist: Regierungsprogramm für einen Kanzler

Von Roland Tichy So, 10. November 2024

Politik begeistert sich an dem, was sie am besten kann: Machtspielchen. Aber die Lage ist zu ernst für ……………..



„100% I’m On It“: Don Jr. Tells Dave Smith He’ll Block „Neocons And War Hawks“ From Administration

by Tyler Durden Sunday, Nov 10, 2024

Update (1128ET): With all eyes now on Mike Rogers, who’s been floated to lead Trump’s DoD…

Donald Trump Jr. told comedian Dave Smith on Sunday „I’m on it“ in response to keeping „all neocons and war hawks out of the Trump administration.“




The Biggest Losers On Election Night Were The Obamas

By: Helen Raleigh November 11, 2024

In some ways, voters chose Trump as a rejection of the Obamas’ brand of leftism.

About a week before the final day of the election, The Wall Street Journal published an editorial titled, “A Harris Victory Means the Fourth Term of Obama.” Although Kamala Harris failed her bid for the U.S. ………………………



The Road Ahead

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. November 11, 2024

Like many of you, I was happy that Donald Trump won the election. Kamala Harris is a committed Marxist, supporter of baby killing, and passionate advocate of the woke ideology. In foreign policy, she would have been guided by the neocons who control brain dead “President” Joe Biden.




Can There Be an American-Russian Reset?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org November 11, 2024

The New York Post reports that Russians are floating the idea of a “reset” with the US made possible by Trump’s election as President.  Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of Russia’s sovereign wealth fund said that Trump’s …………………….



Trump’s Victory Seals the Coffin of ‚Bush-Clinton era‘ which Lasted Three Decades

By Uriel Araujo, PhD InfoBricsNovember 11, 2024

So much is being written now about Donald Trump’s victory in the United States’ presidential election. Few analyses however, if any, are paying attention to a remarkable development, namely the end of the …………………….



Neocons Not Welcomed Into New Trump Team

Trump declares on X he will not be inviting Nikki Haley & Mike Pompeo to join his administration. By John Leake Courageous Discourse November 11, 2024

I have long thought that guys like Leo Strauss and Norman Podhoretz are interesting writers, and I would ……………….



An Electoral Awakening Worth Celebrating

By J.B. Shurk

I must admit that I haven’t exactly been an exemplar of Christian virtue over the last few days.  I keep telling myself, “I will not take pleasure from all of the videos showing Democrats crying after the election,” but then I find my way right back to another collection of social media meltdowns proving why leftism is a mental illness.  What can I say, lefty tears are delicious.  My




Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Cultural Collapse

By Camille Paglia November 11, 2024



America Failed Kamala

by Daniel Greenfield November 11, 2024

Americans had the opportunity to elect Kamala Harris. And we had failed to live up to her.

[A]s Michelle Obama told us, we were not good enough for her.

Perhaps one day we will be. And Harris, along with Hillary Clinton, can wait in the wings, sipping ………………………



Israel Keeps Finding New Ways To Play Victim While Committing Genocide

It keeps having to invent new abuses to be victimized by like the imaginary Amsterdam “pogrom” and the fake mass rape narrative that surfaced months after October 7, because it can’t sit comfortably in the ………………………..



Trump presents 10-point plan to dismantle and de-weaponize the ‘Deep State’

The president-elect said ‘the departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled, so that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives, Christians, or the left’s political enemies.’ Fri Nov 8, 2024




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