Atkuelle Artikel und Videos

Die Straße zur Tyrannei beginnt mit der Zerstörung der Wahrheit.

— Thomas Jefferson

Atkuelle Artikel und Videos

Friedrich Merz: die menschgewordene Staatskrise

Von Jakob Fröhlich Di, 12. November 2024

Unser Parlamentarismus funktioniert nicht mehr richtig. Am deutlichsten zeigt sich das nicht am ruchlosen Kanzler, sondern am schlappen Oppositionsführer. Olaf Scholz führt das Land in den Abgrund. ………………….


Make Money Free Again

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul InstituteNovember 12, 2024

Two days after Donald Trump became the first American since Grover Cleveland to win nonconsecutive presidential elections, the Federal Reserve announced a quarter percent cut in interest rates. Following this ………………..


USA will Kernkraft-Kapazitäten verdreifachen

Di, 12. November 2024

Während in Deutschland die Reste der Kernindustrie und der Kernkraftwerke systematische zerstört werden, wollen die USA die Kernkraft-Kapazität in Rekordzeit verdreifachen. Das soll den wachsenden ………………….


What is Donald Trump Doing?

12 November 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Let me state up front that I am no “Trump fan-boy.” But I am sure that what I am about to write will lead some of you to accuse me of that. So be it. When you listen to my interview earlier today with Danny Davis, I was quite disturbed by the news (still unconfirmed) that Trump planned to appoint Marco Rubio ……………………


Israel: Faktencheck gegen Lügen, Mythen, Vorurteile

Von Laszlo Trankovits Di, 12. November 2024

Dieses Buch tut not in unseren Zeiten grassierenden Antisemitismus. Der als „Antizionismus“ spärlich getarnte Judenhass, der in politischen Milieus, akademischen Diskursen, wokem Kunst- und ………………


Biden’s Legacy Is Genocide, War, and Nuclear Brinkmanship

That’s all anyone should talk about when this psychopath finally dies. Anything positive he may have accomplished in his political career is a drop in the ocean compared to the significance of these mass-scale ………………….


Die EU-Berichte aus dem Klima-Tollhaus

In Aserbaidschan dreht sich der Klimazirkus vor allem um sich selbst. Und in den EU-Berichten gibt es beim „Klimaschutz“ nur Fortschritte. Man nimmt nur die „guten“ Zahlen und verdrängt die Schäden. EU-…………………..


Die 100 größten Querdenker: Donald Trump

Von Okko tom Brok.

Trumps Karriere ist ein Beispiel dafür, wie Erfolg und Misserfolg oft nahe beieinander liegen – stets mit einem Hauch von Dramatik und dem unerschütterlichen Glauben an den eigenen Erfolg.

Manche sehen in ihm eine Reinkarnation alles Bösen, andere begrüßen seinen unerwartet klaren Sieg mit ……………..


MAGA in One Step

By Karen Kwiatkowski November 13, 2024

H.L. Mencken was correct in his assessment of democracy and elections.  It’s about getting something for nothing, always and necessarily from someone else’s pot. Electing an executive, who in turn spends ……………………..


The Cost of Owning a Home Is Soaring

November 11, 2024



On Awakening a Sleeping Giant

By Robert Ringer November 13, 2024

In the 1970 film Tora! Tora! Tora! Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto famously said, after he directed the Japanese naval attack on Pearl Harbor, “I’m afraid we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him ………………….


Trump Between War and Peace

By Manlio Dinucci Global Research November 13, 2024

The newly elected President of the United States, Donald Trump, who beat Kamala Harris by an overwhelming majority, has outlined the main thrust of his foreign policy as follows:



The Second Resistance Movement: Why the Campaign Against Trump This Time Is Different

By Jonathan Turley November 13, 2024

Below is my column in The Hill on the growing calls for an organized resistance to the Trump Administration by Democratic governors and prosecutors. They may find, however, that the resistance ……………….


Mises on the Human and Financial Disaster that Was World War I

11/11/2024  Claudio Restani

Ludwig von Mises had several experiences throughout his life, counted among them when he was drafted and served as an Austro-Hungarian officer in the First World War. Initially, he served as an artillery ……………………


Your Kids Are Already Communist, and College Will Make It Worse

11/11/2024 Mark Thornton

Children in the US are raised to be communists. Most of the parents are too and don’t even know it. It doesn’t matter if you send them to public or private schools as all the education degree-granting schools ……………………….


What Makes the Dollar the World’s Reserve Currency?

Throughout history there has always been a dominant currency. As each empire became the new financial capital of the world, their currency became the most prized and tended to circulate around the globe into …………………….


Unfassbar: Söder fordert Stopp des Rückbaus von ISAR2

Was haben wir uns die Finger wundgeschrieben. Vor ein paar Tagen wurde unser Buch „Atomenergie – jetzt aber richtig“ von einem bayrischen Mittelständler an Markus Söder geschickt. Der sagte gestern: „Ich fordere dringend einen Stopp des Rückbaus bei ISAR II. Noch ist es reversibel.“



How Badly Harris Lost and Why

By Clarice Feldman

Donald Trump appears to have been the first Republican in 20 years to win the popular vote.

Scouring the internet, the only Democrat figure who seems to be smiling is President Joe Biden. For the others it seems to be a time of mourning. A look at the results, their implications, and the machinations of ……………………….


The West’s Very Fundamental Accumulating Contradictions

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture November 12, 2024

The West doesn’t have the financial clout to pursue global primacy – if it ever did.

The election has occurred; Trump will take office in January; many of the existing Party Nomenklatura …………………………


The Deep Corruptness of Today’s Democratic Party

By Eric Zuesse The Duran November 12, 2024

10 November 2024, by Eric Zuesse. (All of my recent articles can be seen here.)

Because I am and always have been a progressive, I’ve always been strongly opposed to the post-Abraham-Lincoln Republican Party, which has always represented ONLY America’s wealthiest, against ………………….


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