Haben die Houthis den amerikanischen Flugzeugträger Abraham Lincoln ‚erfolgreich‘ angegriffen und beschädigt?

Gib einem Hungernden einen Fisch, und er wird einmal satt, lehre ihn Fischen, und er wird nie wieder hungern.

— Laotse

Haben die Houthis den amerikanischen Flugzeugträger Abraham Lincoln ‚erfolgreich‘ angegriffen und beschädigt?

Es gibt Berichte, gemäß denen die Houthis den amerikanischen Flugzeugträger bei Angriffen mit Drohnen und ballistischen Raketen so beschädigt haben, dass er jetzt seinen Heimathafen anläuft…


Gespräch zwischen Judge Napolitano and Professor Doctorow, 14.11.24:


But then there are things that are going on that nobody talks about. And so I’ll just throw something out here, which I don’t think you’ve heard. We all watched yesterday when the Houthis claimed, to have attacked the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln and its escort ships in the Red Sea.

And they said they used a variety, a combination of drones and hypersonic ballistic missiles. The United States, the Pentagon spokesman, acknowledged there was such an attack, and then listen to what he said. He said, „We knocked down all their drones.“ He didn’t say they knocked down the ballistic missiles. So– and the next thing we hear is the Abraham Lincoln is headed back to San Diego.

So I think that perhaps the Houthis did some damage to the aircraft carrier. And we can imagine, since they named the missile this Palestine II, we assume it was provided to them by Iran. But nobody is talking about something else. Who provided the targeting, the satellite information necessary to have precise targeting?

Napolitano: 7:49
Do the Houthis not have that ability on their own? Would they require Russia, Iran, some sophisticated satellite system?

Well, the Houthis certainly don’t have a satellite system. I’m not sure if Iran has a satellite system relevant to this particular geography. The Russians do. So I think it’s more than a safe guess that the Russians are providing intelligence to this axis of resistance. So the Pentagon isn’t touching this. It’s really a live wire that could be very dangerous to start exposing what the Russians are doing in the Middle East in opposition to what Americans and Israelis are doing.

Napolitano: 8:33
Right, so as I understand it, Professor Doctorow, the Houthis, with the aid of the Russians, did enough damage to the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln, an American aircraft carrier, that it had to get out of there and go back to the United States. And the Western press hasn’t covered this.



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