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Is ours a government of the people, by the people, for the people, or a kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?

— Thomas Love Peacock

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Der frühere Bundeswehr-Generalinspekteur  Harald Kujat über eine mögliche Eskalation im Ukraine-Konflikt

«Wir waren noch nie so nah an einem Dritten Weltkrieg»: Nato-General Harald Kujat zur Lage



Europe’s Welfare State at Risk

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde has warned that Europe’s bolstering welfare state is at risk due to its declining economic environment. Lagarde said the EU “will not be able to generate the wealth we will need to meet our rising spending needs to ensure our security, combat climate change and ………………



Let’s Use Some Intelligence in Describing “Long-Range” Missiles

21 November 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

I interviewed a former CIA colleague, John Kirakou, yesterday in response to some legit questions raised by some of you — i.e., Can bias really lead to bad intelligence and bad policy decisions? It is posted ………………………



Thunderbolt from the Skies: Putin’s Doomsday Weapon Puts NATO on Final Notice

Simplicius Nov 22, 2024

This will be a major two part article on developing events a massive 5,600 words in size. The first (2,500 words) is free to the public and will cover my general geopolitical analysis, while the second is paywalled due to the sensitive nature of weapons systems discussions, amongst other reasons.




Evil? Maybe. Crazy? Don’t Bet On It.

08/30/2024 David Gordon

In this very useful book, the political scientists John J. Mearsheimer and Sebastian Rosato warn against a logic that leads to war: America is challenged by an evil dictator who will not respond rationally to ……………………..



The French State Plans to Force You to Drive an EV

11/20/2024 Alexis Sémanne

In a recent statement, French Minister of Energy Olga Givernet expressed her frustration, declaring, “I am ready to take strong action on compulsory measures,” signaling the government’s intent to impose stricter …………………..



Thüringen: Wie man den Wählerwillen wegregiert

Von Alexander Heiden Do, 21. November 2024

Alle gegen die AfD: In Erfurt haben sich CDU, SPD und das „Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht“ (BSW) auf einen Koalitionsvertrag verständigt. Die wichtigste – wenn nicht einzige – Gemeinsamkeit ist, dass man ……………………….



Faeser stellt gleich zwei Strafanträge gegen „Deutschland-Kurier“-Chef

Do, 21. November 2024

David Bendels, Chefredakteur des „Deutschland-Kuriers“, wird in zwei Fällen wegen Verleumdung angezeigt. Die Bildcollagen richteten sich gegen Innenministerin Nancy Faeser, die Strafantrag stellte. …………………..



Pistorius, die hellste Kerze auf dem Friedhof

Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius ist der mit Abstand beliebteste Politiker Deutschlands. Warum eigentlich?




Frankreichs Afrika-Geldbote packt aus

Robert Bourgi war über Jahrzehnte ein einflussreicher Strippenzieher hinter den Kulissen der französischen Afrikapolitik. In seinen Memoiren enthüllt er, dass afrikanische Staatsoberhäupter regelmäßig große Summen Bargeld für französische Politiker gespendet haben.




Die Bauernproteste rollen in den Wahlkampf

Am Samstag wird wohl unübersehbar am Brandenburger Tor demonstriert. Anders als im letzten Winter treffen die Proteste nun auf eine Regierung in Auflösung und eine Hauptstadt voller Wahlkämpfer.

Als die Ampel zerfiel und Partei-Mitarbeiter wie Medienschaffende über den Wahlkampfkalender ………………………….



Zelensky’s ATACMS Gambit: Nuclear Red Alert or More Empty Provocations?

Simplicius Nov 20, 2024

As could be expected, immediately upon receipt of “authorization” from Biden, Ukraine reportedly launched an ATACMS strike on the Russian 67th GRAU depot in Bryansk region.




China Puts Trump, Trade, and Foreign Business in the Crosshairs

by Gordon G. Chang November 21, 2024

AstraZeneca confirmed this month that Chinese investigators had detained Leon Wang, president of the company’s China business.




Russian Officials Believe That ‚NATO Has gone To War With Russia‘

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse November 21, 2024

Now Joe Biden has really done it.  By giving the green light to long-range missile strikes deep inside of Russian territory, he has brought us closer to nuclear conflict than ever before.  As you will see below, …………………….



The BRICS Spirit: Alive and Well in South Africa

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture November 21, 2024

Africa now essentially needs political will to fight infrastructural problems, a human capital deficit and an …………………..



Jeffrey Sachs – How the US Provoked the Invasion of Ukraine

By Jeffrey Sachs November 21, 2024



Does Israel Deserve a Christian Zionist Ambassador?

By Karen Kwiatkowski November 21, 2024

Matthew Hoh, associate director of the Eisenhower Media Network, traveled to Israel recently.  His visit included a stop at an Israeli viewing platform of Gaza genocide, complete with telescope.  This platform, ……………………….



What’s Behind the Post-Election Liberal Meltdown?

Normal political dissent does not take the form of people bellowing like gored oxen on TikTok before an anonymous world as they shave their heads.

John M. Grondelski, 11 2024




Looming Debt Crisis and What Lies Ahead

By Doug Casey International Man November 21, 2024

International Man: The financial position of the US government has been gradually deteriorating for decades.




The Cure for What Ails Us: Market Crash and Mass Defaults

November 18, 2024

The system has reached extremes that can no longer be rebalanced by policy tweaks, borrowing another ………………….




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