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Mit dem ersten Glied ist die Kette geschmiedet. Wenn die erste Rede zensiert, der erste Gedanke verboten, die erste Freiheit verweigert wird, dann sind wir alle unwiderruflich gefesselt.

— Erik Satie

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Erzwungene Transformation – das große Missverständnis

  1. November 2024 –Rainer Fassnacht

Zur Bedeutung des Wortes Transformation ist im Duden zu lesen „das Transformieren; das Transformiertwerden“. Diese Erklärung weist aus Sicht der Sprache auf einen Doppelcharakter hin – der Mensch kann selbst aktiv gestalten oder ein Objekt für die Umgestaltungswünsche anderer Menschen ……………….



Florian Rentsch kehrt auf die politische Bühne zurück

Von Carsten Knop 24.11.2024

Florian Rentsch wird nach Informationen der F.A.Z. am Montag zum neuen Sonderbeauftragten für den Finanzplatz Frankfurt berufen werden. Die Personalie ist eine Überraschung. Rentsch ist zwar der Vorstandsvorsitzende des Verbands der Sparda-Banken und war bis 2014 Wirtschaftsminister des Landes ………………………..



Härtere Strafe als bei Kinderpornos: Satire wird zur Straftat 210 Tagessätze für Bildmontage über Faeser – die persönlich Anzeige erstattete


Der politische Irrsinn schlägt derartige Volten, dass man als Journalist und Chronist gar nicht mehr hinterherkommt. Zumindest, wenn man nicht, wie manche Kollegen, einfach unsortiert jeden noch so ………………………



Robert F. Kennedy im Achgut-Wissenschaftscheck

Robert F. Kennedy wird gerne als Scharlatan und Verschwörungstheoretiker gehandelt. Stimmt das oder ist es Propaganda zu seiner Stigmatisierung? Der Pharma-Lobby und dem Medizin-Establishment dürfte die Antwort nicht gefallen.




Why has the CIA been Hiding the JFK Files for 62 Years?

24 November 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Now that all of the principals who were alive when John Fitzgerald Kennedy was murdered in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963 are dead, there are only two reasons — neither mutually exclusive — to explain why the complete files have not been released — 1) The CIA is implicated in the assassination …………………..



Der Sonntagsfahrer: Mit Vollgas-Socken ins Nichts

Die britische Traditionsmarke Jaguar schafft den Jaguar ab, stellt den Autoverkauf einstweilen ein und gibt sich revolutionär unter dem Motto „A Copy of Nothing“. Das würde auch für VW passen. Oder zu Habecks Energiewende.




Kommt der Krieg ohne “rote Linien”?

Putins Befehl, militärische Unterstützer der Ukraine ins Visier zu nehmen, markiert eine neue Eskalationsstufe im Krieg. Droht ein groß angelegter Konflikt – oder gibt es noch Wege zur Deeskalation?




Wonder-Weapon Mania Dies Down Revealing Ukraine’s Wire-Frame Reality

Simplicius Nov 25, 2024

The dual hype surrounding both the Oreshnik ‘secret weapon’ and Ukraine’s ATACMS/Storm Shadow strikes on Russian territory has died down, to reveal the continuing pattern of Russian troop advancement on every front.




Are We on the Brink of Nuclear War? — A Conversation with George Galloway

23 November 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

This ain’t a click bait title. It is a legitimate question. I discussed it with George Galloway, Thursday morning my time, before we learned of Russia’s missile strike on the massive Yuzhmash defense plant in ………………………



FOCUS-Kolumne von Jan Fleischhauer – Wenn Gefühle zu Fakten werden: Das Geheimnis des sensiblen Robert


Ausgerechnet Robert Habeck, der Kandidat der Herzen, verklagt jeden, der sich über ihn lustig macht. Aber so ist das, wenn nur die eigene Betroffenheit zählt, dann rückt alles andere in den Hintergrund, auch die Meinungsfreiheit.




The Fools on the Hill

Hello, Mr. Armstrong; I hope you are having a good Saturday so far ? reading today your latest post ,it seems to me the world is approaching the day when it will turn into a massive graveyard .
Most European leaders are intentionally ignoring Putin warnings ,and the vast majority of people are just ……………………



Berliner Testament: So sichern Sie Partner und Familie optimal ab

Das Berliner Testament ermöglicht Ehepartnern eine klare und verbindliche Nachlassregelung. Es bietet Vorteile wie die gegenseitige Absicherung, birgt aber auch steuerliche und rechtliche Herausforderungen. Worauf Sie achten müssen, um Streitigkeiten und finanzielle Nachteile zu vermeiden, und wie Sie das ………………………



ICC Sends a Message to Netanyahu, But US Insists It Won’t Be Delivered

22 November 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

In a legitimate international rules-based order, all nations would be treated equally. Unfortunately, we do not live in that world. The US makes the rules and the rest of the world is expected to fall in line or suffer ………………………..



Distress in Commercial Real Estate Bonds Hits All-Time High

11/22/2024 Artis Shepherd

Commercial real estate continues to suffer despite the Federal Reserve’s attempt at ameliorating the capital markets with a 50-basis point rate cut in September.




Reconstructing Reconstruction

08/30/2024 David Gordon

Frequently an accepted version of the past turns out to be based on mythology, created to advance special interests. Even when we become aware of these interests, it is difficult to break loose from the common opinion. In few areas of history has the conventional wisdom assumed such dominance as in the Reconstruction era (1865–77) that followed the War between the States.




Finding Shelter from Monetary Racketeers

11/22/2024 George Ford Smith

Henry Hazlitt said that to cure inflation, stop inflating, but surprisingly, most economists and politicians don’t want a cure. They believe a little inflation is not only good, but necessary. According to this view the ………………………..



Will Elon and Vivek Succeed?

By Tom Woods November 23, 2024

We’ve all been reading that Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy will head a “Department of Government Efficiency” (DOGE) and that Vivek has withdrawn his name from consideration for US Senate from Ohio in order to fill this role.




We Are Faced With the Extraordinary Event that Washington Chose To Go to War with Russia

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org November 23, 2024

PCR On Target with Larry Sparano

This interview from two days ago explains the dangerous situation into which the Biden Regime has …………………………



My Zionist Conspiracy Theory

By L. Reichard White November 23, 2024

Yep, this is a conspiracy theory. That’s because not everything is done by two or three people who write it up and publish it so we all know what they did.




Now That Warheads Are Raining Down, Does Anyone Still Think the Russians Are ‚Bluffing‘?

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse November 23, 2024

This didn’t have to happen.  Years of catastrophically bad decisions by the western elite have brought us to the brink of nuclear war.  For more than two years, our leaders have assured us that the Russians were ……………………….



How To Cut $ 2 Trillion of Fat, Muscle and Bone From the Federal Budget

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner November 23, 2024

A goal of $2 trillion of budget savings is crucial to the very future of constitutional democracy and capitalist prosperity in America. In fact, the soaring public debt is now so out-of-control that the Federal ……………………..



Why These New Russian Missiles Are Real Game Changers

In response to a U.S. decision to arrange for ballistic missile attacks from Ukraine into Russia, the great magician and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin pull a rabbit from his hat.

Yesterday the six independent war heads of a new intermediate range ballistic missile hit the Yuzhmash …………………….



President Biden Gives the Green Light to an Act of War against Russia

11/20/2024 Connor O’Keeffe

On Sunday, news broke that President Joe Biden has authorized Ukraine to use long-range American missiles to strike deeper into Russian territory. After the US gave Ukraine the greenlight to strike targets ………………….



Biden’s Missile Crisis

The American people voted for Trump to end the wars. Biden apparently wants to end the world. By Dennis J. Kucinich  The Kucinich Report November 22, 2024

When President Biden approved the use of supersonic Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) to strike Russia, he placed in jeopardy the national security of the United States, the safety of our troops ……………………….



The Prospects for Trump’s Agenda

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org November 22, 2024

Cities and states controlled by left-wing Woke anti-American Democrats are busy at work organizing to oppose the will of the American people as expressed in the presidential election.




Did Biden Really Authorize Long Range Strikes Deeper Within Russia?

By Drago Bosnic InfoBrics November 22, 2024

In the past 24 hours, a shockwave of panic was unleashed after reports emerged about the United States allegedly allowing the usage of its long-range missiles against Russia.




Ukraine Accuses Russia of ICBM Attack

Western officials (speaking on condition of anonymity) deny the claim.

By John Leake Courageous Discourse November 22, 2024

As some Americans may know, the Space Race of 1955-1975 between the U.S. and the Soviet Union ……………………….



The Effects of Israeli Barbarity 189

November 20, 2024

I could not tell the easy, comforting lie.

“No”, I told the woman, her traumatised children clinging to her legs, “I can’t say you are safe here; not one of us is safe. The Israelis are genocidal. But in Lebanon so far, I don’t think they have bombed a school”.




Who Is Authorizing Biden’s Nuclear Brinkmanship While The President’s Brain Is Missing

It’s so fun how the Biden administration is using its lame duck months to skyrocket hostilities between nuclear superpowers and we don’t even know who’s really making these decisions because the president’s brain is cottage cheese.




The List: Policy Actions To Save America From Globalism Before Time Runs Out

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us November 22, 2024

It’s been a wild ride. After years of near total leftist control of every significant social and governmental institution in the US and abroad the American people have said enough is enough. The progressives have …………………..



Socio-Feudalism’s War on the Individual

by Daniel Greenfield November 22, 2024

The transformation of the medieval world into the modern world came about with the idea that man could and should transform his lot in life. The liberal individualism of the Enlightenment however was soon countered by reactionary movements, feudal and socio-feudal, seeking to put the genie of individual ……………………………….



Is This The Secret Reason Why Long Range Missiles Have Been Fired Deep Into Russian Territory

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse November 22, 2024

When it comes to the world of geopolitics, there is always far more going on than meets the eye.  The long-range missiles that Ukraine is now firing deep into Russian territory are not going to change the ………………………



A Trumpian Rebuke to the World Economic Forum

By J.B. Shurk

In the background of everything I write is a recurring message: human freedom is invaluable, and we must fight for it daily.  We are not “biological programs” or “redundant machines,” as the techno-fascists at the World Economic Forum would describe us.  We are not “useless eaters” whose mere presence …………………..



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