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Wenn die Regierung das Volk fürchtet, herrscht Freiheit. Wenn das Volk die Regierung fürchtet, herrscht Tyrannei.

— Thomas Jefferson (US-Präsident, 1743 – 1826)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Paktistan: Slow Motion Train Wreck

By Eric S. Margolis December 2, 2024

Pakistan is the world’s most important Muslim nation.  It has 251 million people, nuclear weapons, the world’s sixth largest armed forces, intelligent, capable people, vast lands and major sources of water.

Yet Pakistan is a giant mess.  Its current politics are a form of tribal warfare.  Corruption engulfs almost …………………….



Will the West’s Gamble in Syria and Georgia Succeed?

2 December 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

If you are looking at the war in Ukraine, the attempted Maidan coup in Georgia and the Salafist jihadi offensive in Syria as separate, unconnected events, you are mistaken. The United States, with the ……………………..



Russia Raises Military Budget for Next Three Years

What began as a special military operation has turned into the start of the next world war, and Russia is paying heavily. Russian President Vladimir Putin passed a new budget over the weekend that will allocate …………………….



Ukraine the Largest Money Laundering Scam in Modern History

The pardon Biden gave his son identified these two cases and any offenses that Hunter Biden “committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from Jan. 1, 2014, through Dec. 1, 2024. ……………………..



World Bank Missing $41 Billion in Climate Funds

A new report by Oxfam, “Climate Finance Unchecked,” has determined that the World Bank has $41 billion in unaccounted funds that were destined to fight climate change.




Trump und die Trans-Volleyballer

In den USA tobt eine Auseinandersetzung um männliche Spieler im Damen-Volleyball. Von einer „Invasion des Frauensports“ ist die Rede. Im Mittelpunkt der Debatte steht derzeit der Volleyballspieler Blaire Fleming




The Long War to Reaffirm Western and Israel Primacy Undergoes a Shape Shift

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture December 3, 2024

The Middle East is ‘conservative’ no more. Rather, a very different ‘Awakening’ is gestating.

The long war to reaffirm western and Israeli primacy is undergoing a shape-shift. On one front, the calculus in respect to Russia and the Ukraine war has shifted. And in the Middle East, the locus and shape of the war is shifting in a distinct way.




They Lied About Gaza, and They’re Lying About Syria

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com December 3, 2024

Al-Qaeda affiliates with a history of receiving western funding have reactivated in Syria along with Turkish-backed fighters to recapture significant amounts of territory in the war-ravaged nation.




Will Trump Keep or Break His Vow to Release the Secret JFK Records?

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation December 3, 2024

In October 2022, the Mary Ferrell Foundation filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking the release of the JFK-assassination-related records that the CIA and other federal agencies have succeeded in keeping for …………………….



Misstrauensfrage auch in Frankreich: EU bald einig Schuldenland?

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Di, 3. Dezember 2024

Barnier wollte sparen, Le Pen auch, aber nicht bei den Renten. So geht die nächste Regierung in Frankreich zu Ende, während die Staatsschulden weiter wachsen werden. In Deutschland schießt man derweil die zugehörige „Bremse“ löchrig. Am Ende müssen doch immer alles die Bürger zahlen.




Biden’s Parting Shot at America

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute December 3, 2024

The interim between a US presidential election and the swearing in of a new Administration has for most of our history been a non-eventful period where the outgoing Administration winds down operations and …………………….



Notre-Dame und ISAR 2

Am 8. Dezember wird die Notre-Dame wieder neu eingeweiht und ab diesem Zeitpunkt wieder für Gläubige und Besucher eröffnet. Wenn alle an einem Strang ziehen, ist auch Unmögliches möglich. Was lernen wir daraus für Deutschland?




SITREP 12/2/24: Europe’s Bigs Scramble Across Globe for Last Minute Jockeying

Meanwhile, the Russian steamroller rolls on.

Simplicius Dec 03, 2024

For the frst time since early 2022, German Chancellor Scholz arrived to Kiev by train to a series of bad-optics photo ops. Ostensibly his visit was announced as one centered on the same old “solidarity” drive …………………..



The Democrats‘ Dirty Tricks Playbook?

Documents just made public show how groups aligned with the Democratic Party hit a third party rival with an array of underhanded schemes that put Watergate tricksters to shame

By Matt Taibbi Racket News December 2, 2024




The Insanity of Neocons

By Eric Zuesse Eric’s Substack December 2, 2024

Stephen Bryen, who’s now retired from a stellar career at the very highest levels both in the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex and in the Executive and also the Legislative branches of the U.S. …………………….



The Heartland Theory: More Relevant Than Ever?

By Claudio Grass December 2, 2024

Sir Halford Mackinder’s famous Heartland Theory was first formulated in the early 20th century, but it holds renewed relevance and importance today, especially when analyzed though a critical lens of the …………………



European Elites Are Destroying Europe – Again

Strategic Culture December 2, 2024

The tragedy of Europe is not something mysterious or ill-fated. It is the direct result of elitist rulers who have assiduously conducted policies that harm European citizens.

One would think that having suffered two world wars only decades apart, European politicians might be more cautious about starting another one. Incredibly, however, the countries of Europe are being plunged ……………….



Doc Drops COVID Truth Bombs: „Everything Was A Lie From The Beginning…“

by Tyler Durden Sunday, Dec 01, 2024 –

Dr. Richard Urso shares some truth bombs about COVID-19, vaccines, lockdowns, masks…

“Everything was a lie from the beginning. The asymptomatic people don’t transmit. Kids were not ………………….



How Trump can make education great again It’s time to correct a century-old mistake

Jacob Howland December 2, 2024

Linda McMahon’s nomination to head the Department of Education was a characteristic move from Donald Trump, host of The Apprentice, who ended every episode with the words “You’re fired!”. ……………………..



CDU-Wuppertal nominiert Haldenwang als Kandidaten für den Bundestag

Von Josef Kraus So, 1. Dezember 2024

Heißt es aus der CDU nicht bei jeder sich bietenden Gelegenheit: mehr Frauen vor? Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte nach vorne? Bei der CDU in Wuppertal kann man wieder einmal sehr anschaulich …………………..



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