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Wahnsinn bei Individuen ist selten, aber in Gruppen, Nationen und Epochen die Regel.

— Friedrich Nietzsche

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Die Kosten der Notre Dame und der Northvolt-Pleite

In Frankreich wird für 700 Millionen Euro Spendengeld die Kathedrale Notre Dame wieder aufgebaut. In Deutschland fließen 620 Millionen Euro Steuergeld in eine riesige planierte Fläche, ohne die versprochene Fabrik von Northvolt.




Bericht: Regierung und DPA fälschen Baerbock-Zitat, um Ministerin vor Kritik zu schützen

Annalena Baerbock sprach bei der OSZE über „1,3 Milliarden Menschen in Europa“. Doch Meldungen dieses Patzers werden schnell angepasst. Offenbar manipulierte die Deutsche Presse-Agentur gemeinsam …………………..



Hunter Biden Is Evil – and So Is Joe

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. December 9, 2024

The unusually extensive “pardon” by lame-duck “President” Biden has been much in the news lately, but the pardon is not the main issue we should be interested in. The real issue is that the Bidens, both father and son, are evil. Hunter’s Biden’s “lost” laptop—which 501 “security professionals” falsely claimed was a Russian fake —reveals warmongering brazen in its duplicity.




What’s Going on in Syria?

By Eric S. Margolis December 9, 2024

Syria is the mother of all mysteries. Even the Romans couldn’t figure out all the intrigues, plots, factions, coups and assassinations that were common there. Nor could they understand or deal with its hotbed of religions and weird sects.




The Historic Significance of Donald Trump

By Vasko Kohlmayer December 9, 2024

These days one comes across many people who are thoroughly confused by the repeat election of Donald Trump. Shaking their heads in bewilderment, they just cannot understand how such a politically heterodox figure could rise so high.




Syria, Mission Accomplished?

8 December 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Remember all of the jubilation created in Baghdad by the CIA, who hired a crowd that stormed the center ……………….



Martin Armstrong Interview on the Shaun Newman Podcast



In the West Law Is Being Separated from Truth and Justice

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org December 9, 2024

The Biden regimes discussion of “preemptive” pardons for Tony Fauci,  Adam Schiff, and  Liz Cheney is the Biden regime’s admission that these people have committed felonies in their efforts to destroy Donald ………………………….



The End of Pluralism in the Middle East 99

December 6, 2024  in Uncategorized by craig

A truly seismic change in the Middle East appears to be happening very fast. At its heart is a devil’s bargain – Turkey and the Gulf States accept the annihilation of the Palestinian nation and creation of a Greater Israel, in return for the annihilation of the Shia minorities of Syria and Lebanon and the imposition of Salafism across the Eastern Arab world.




Romanian Election Overturned

There is new turmoil during the final month of the Political Year from Hell emerging in Romania after the constitutional court annulled the presidential election. Calin Georgescu, who the media declared as a far-right extremist, won the election. The establishment cried “RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE!” and has ……………………..



Warum wir keine Corona-Aufarbeitung bekommen

Eine Corona-Aufarbeitung wurde schon oft gefordert und manchmal versprochen. Doch bis auf ein paar Alibi-Veranstaltungen ist von ihr so gut wie nichts zu sehen. Das hat handfeste Gründe.




Syria Falls

I have yet to fully understand how this could happened at the speed it did happen:

Syrian government falls in stunning end to 50-year rule of Assad familyAP, Dec 8 2024

BEIRUT (AP) — The Syrian government fell early Sunday in a stunning end to the 50-year rule of the Assad family after a sudden rebel offensive sprinted across government-held territory and entered the ……………………..



Wolfgang Kubicki nach Habeck-Post angezeigt: Das sagt der FDP-Mann

Nach einem kritischen Post über Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck ist der FDP-Politiker Wolfgang Kubicki angezeigt worden. Das ist seine Reaktion darauf. Paul Hoffmann 06.12.2024




Slash Military Spending: ‚Defense‘ Budgets Are Bigger than Ever Before

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org December 7, 2024

It should go without saying that asking generals and other Pentagon bureaucrats about defense spending is like asking your barber if you need a haircut. They are hardly disinterested observers.




Challenging the Theological Foundations of Zionism

7 December 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

If you are a devout Christian, Jew or Muslim, fair warning — you may find this post offensive. I am not trying to offend, but I do plan to present and challenge the theological claims contained in the Book of ………………………



Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian Adventure

An FBI case file reveals the spectacular corruption of the Biden family’s deal with Ukrainian oligarch, Mykola Zlochevsky

By John Leake Courageous Discourse December 7, 2024




Five Million Ukrainians Expected to Flee to Europe in Next Two Months

By David K. Lifschultz The Lifschultz Organization December 7, 2024

According to Scott Ritter about 90% of the non-nuclear power structure has been destroyed in the Ukraine and 5,000,000 to 10,000,000 Ukrainians are expected to flee to Europe in the next two months.  These ………………………



Erdogan’s Idlib Shock Shadows ‚Kursk‘

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture December 7, 2024

To seek a deal on Ukraine is to treat the symptom and to ignore a cure, Alastair Crooke writes.

‘Doomsters’ is an occasional Russian expression used to categorise commentators that only see the ‘dark ……………………



US Opens a Third Front Against Russia

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org December 7, 2024

The problem with President Putin is that he never finishes anything. He has let Russia’s conflict with Ukraine, which should have ended in three weeks go on for three years and talks about ending it with negotiations, in which he will again be deceived.




US Bows to Putin’s Warning and Some Cautions About the Syria Hysteria

6 December 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov Warns Things Could Go Nuclear

Damn Bernard at Moon of Alabama (just kidding)! He took the keyboard right out of my hand with his …………………..



FOCUS-Kolumne von Jan Fleischhauer – Ausgerechnet die Moralapostel der SPD nehmen es mit der Wahrheit nicht so genau


Deutschland dürfe nicht von Leuten regiert werden, die die Öffentlichkeit betrügerisch an der Nase herumführten, sagt die SPD. Okay, einverstanden. Aber warum ist dann Karl Lauterbach noch im Amt?




Javier Milei: Argentina’s Darwinian disruptor America is watching his revolution closely

Ian Birrell, December 7, 2024

It is easy to mock Argentina’s president Javier Milei with his crazy hair, cloned dogs and claims of expertise at tantric sex. He was, after all, nicknamed El Loco (The Madman) as a teenage goalkeeper and …………………..



Merz gegen Merz

Schulden oder Schuldenbremse, grüne oder liberale Wirtschaftspolitik, noch mehr Staat oder Bürokratieabbau, was genau ist eigentlich CDU-Politik? Von Friedrich Merz ist keine Klarheit zu erwarten, da er sich ständig widerspricht.




Habeck auf dem Mond gelandet!

Dr. phil. Robert Habeck verkündete praktisch unbemerkt zwei Weltsensationen. Erstens: müsse man „Bürokratie anders denken“ (!) Zweitens: Wenn wir unsere Produkte wegen irgendwelcher Zölle nicht mehr absetzen können, denken wir uns ruckzuck neue Welterfolge aus!




Craig Murray – The End of Pluralism in the Middle East

Republished from craigmurray.org.uk

A truly seismic change in the Middle East appears to be happening very fast. At its heart is a devil’s bargain – Turkey and the Gulf States accept the annihilation of the Palestinian nation and creation of a Greater Israel, in return for the annihilation of the Shia minorities of Syria and Lebanon and the imposition ………………….



U.S. Has Stopped Ukrainian ATACMS Strikes On Russia

As further ATACMS strikes on Russia seem to have stopped this timeline is of interest.

November 18:

U.S. allows Ukraine to use ATACMS missiles against targets within Russia:




America’s Future Depends on Trump’s Promise to Punish Woke Universities

by Jonathan S. Tobin December 6, 2024

A leftist-dominated educational establishment and its media enablers fear that Donald Trump will make good on his vow to defund educational institutions that embrace DEI and tolerate antisemitism.

That is why Trump’s scorched-earth approach is so necessary, even as it is being denounced by the same people who are responsible for creating or perpetuating the current mess as too extreme or even needed at …………………..




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