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— Napoleon Bonaparte

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Das Ende der Ära Trudeau?

Von David Boos Do, 19. Dezember 2024

Nach dem Rücktritt der kanadischen Finanzministerin wächst der Druck auf Premierminister Justin Trudeau. Auch parteiintern werden immer mehr Stimmen laut, die eine Ablöse Trudeaus fordern; dieser versucht die Spannungen als Familienstreitigkeiten um die Feiertage abzutun.




Strafanzeige: Evangelische Kirchengemeinde verbreitet Hamas-Propaganda

Von Josef Kraus Do, 19. Dezember 2024

Hamas-Dreiecke und antisemitische Slogans auf einem Weihnachtsmarkt: In Darmstadt machte der „antikoloniale“ Weihnachtsmarkt der Michaelsgemeinde in Darmstadt Schlagzeilen. Nun wurde Strafanzeige gestellt.




Alleged Killer of General Kirillov Arrested, But Holes Remain in the Story

18 December 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Akhmad Kurbanov is suspected of murdering Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov, the head of the Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Defense Troops of the Russian Armed Forces. He was located and detained shortly after planting the bomb that killed Kirillov and his aide. In the photo above, reportedly lifted from ………………………



Kabinett beschließt Einstieg des Bundes in die Meyer Werft

Von Holger Douglas Mi, 18. Dezember 2024

Politik und Gewerkschaften haben es geschafft: Die Meyer Werft in Papenburg wird ein Staatskonzern. Seniorchef Bernard Meyer verlässt Endes des Jahres die Geschäftsführung. 230 Jahre lang ist die Werft in ………………….



Syria’s Collapse and Global Geopolitical Shifts

By Doug Casey International Man December 19, 2024

International Man: After nearly 14 years of brutal conflict, various jihadist groups backed by Turkey, the US, and Israel finally toppled the Assad government in Syria.




Macron and Rutte, the Most Dangerous European Lackeys

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture December 19, 2024

Macron and Rutte are striving to get NATO and Europe more involved in the Ukraine war because of their spineless toadying to Trump.




Iran: America’s Next War Of Choice

The U.S. is at risk of being buffaloed into a bloody war of regional realignment in the wake of Syria’s collapse. Douglas Macgregor , James W. Carden Dec 17, 2024

Peace is not at hand in the Middle East, and Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu remains determined to ……………………….



Gut the SEC and CFTC

No government agency will willingly surrender power once it is in their grasp. Every other nation has ONE REGULATORY body, yet the USA has the CFTC and the SEC, plus the Federal Reserve over …………………



Bitcoiners’ Guide to Austrian Economics

12/18/2024 Per Bylund

Austrian economics is a scholarly tradition that consists of a body of theory that explains how an economy works. Austrian economists develop theory a priori, meaning explanations are derived logically from …………………………



Droht eine Konfrontation zwischen USA und Türkei?

Von Michael Rubin.

Die Aktivitäten der Türkei haben in Sachen Syrien bereits den Rubikon überschritten und bedrohen die amerikanischen Streitkräfte und Interessen.




US-Energiewende: Mr Wright setzt neue Prioritäten

Der designierte amerikanische Energieminister Chris Wright will die Energiearmut auf Null reduzieren und den allesüberragenden Klimaschutz diesem Ziel unterordnen. Eine am direkten Wohl der Menschen orientierte Prioritäten-Setzung, die womöglich Schule macht.




The Establishment’s “Principles” Are Fake

12/18/2024 Connor O’Keeffe

In the years leading up to the 2024 presidential election, the Democrats and establishment Republicans who wanted to see Joe Biden, and later Kamala Harris, remain in office went all in on one overarching …………………..



South Africa: Next Rich Failed State?

Perfect Target for a Hostile Takeover by Nils A. Haug December 18, 2024

South Africa… has an active and influential Muslim sector supportive of Hamas and Palestinian land ………………..



Pardon my Biden: Drones Over America 2.0

Waiting for the punchline

Donald Jeffries Dec 17, 2024

Joe Biden’s presidency should be treated as some kind of practical joke played on the American people. A cognitively challenged senior citizen, clearly unqualified for the role he was hired to play. Mumbling ……………………….



Peter Thiel Reveals How Scared Oligarchs Are of the People

Plutocrats like Thiel are constantly thinking about the fact that ordinary people vastly outnumber them and can kill them at any time. They think about it way more often than ordinary people do.

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com December 18, 2024

Billionaire Peter Thiel had a fascinating televised moment the other day when asked by Piers Morgan ………………………



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