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Wenn die Massen im Chor singen, wird der größte Stumpfsinn zu einer feierlichen Hymne.

— Leopold Kohr (1909 – 1994)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Schwere gerichtliche Klatsche für das ZDF und Jan Böhmermann

Von Josef Kraus Do, 19. Dezember 2024

Das Landgericht München hat dem ZDF die Verbreitung und Behauptung vier konkreter Äußerungen untersagt, die in der Sendung „ZDF Magazin Royale“ von Jan Böhmermann getätigt wurden und aufgrund derer Arne Schönbohm von Nancy Faeser strafversetzt wurde. Wann zieht ZDF-Intendant Himmler die Reißleine?




What Are We to Make of the Mysterious Drone Activity Over the United States?

19 December 2024 by

I do not have inside knowledge. But I do have some personal experience in scripting and participating in military exercises in the last three decades that dealt with a domestic nuclear threat. More than 24 years …………………..



New Reports On Gaza

Mainstream seem to have largely stopped to report about Gaza. But the Zionist genocide of the people in Gaza continues. Haaretz continues to document how the Zionist forces on the ground do it:




The Last Lie?

The Drone Paradigm By Thomas Buckley The Point December 20, 2024

It has become a reflex reaction.

Tap the Biden administration on the knee with a rubber hammer and it kicks out a lie.

And it has never mattered to the likes of Alejandro Mayorkas and John Kirby and Karen Jean-Pierre that their lies are clearly and obviously are lies.




Newsom Declares State of Emergency

Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency over the bird flu. Of the 34 reported cases, 33 were working directly in farms. There is no grave danger to the public at large. This publicity stunt is merely a way for Newsom to have more power over his state ahead of Trump’s inauguration.




British Media Gloating Betrays Mastermindes Behind Kirillov’s Killing

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture December 20, 2024

The reveling by the British news media over the assassination of a top Russian general in Moscow is revealing in several ways.




The American Media Is a Collection of Whores Who Prostitute Themselves for Money

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org December 20, 2024

“We are once again watching the lights of freedom going out all over the world. And it is up to us to determine if they will be lit again, ever.” — Laura Logan

Lara Logan, one of the few remaining journalists, in a forum provided by US Senator Ron Johnson describes American journalism as a bloodsport for information warmongers.  And she is correct.




Tom Homan’s Plan to Destroy the Cartel Empire, End Child Trafficking, and Secure the Border for Good

By Tucker Carlson December 20, 2024



Why Did Trump Buckle With CIA Appointment?

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation December 20, 2024

Before he even takes office, President-elect Trump has buckled to the CIA and its supporters in the U.S. …………………



The Economy Has Failed the American People, But It’s Taboo To Say Why

December 18, 2024

Addiction, illness and derangement are all immensely profitable, along with monopoly, cartels and collapsing quality.
The economy has failed the American people, but it’s taboo to say why because that would undermine the entire power structure that so richly benefits the few at the expense of the many. The few have an extremely compelling motivation to obscure the „why“ and to enforce the taboo on saying it ………………..



Austrian Economics Explains Why the WNBA Was So Hostile to Caitlin Clark

12/18/2024 William L. Anderson

The 2024-25 basketball season is underway with the National Basketball Association and college men’s and women’s ball nearly a month into the Road to March Madness. One season, however, finished nearly three months ago: the Women’s National Basketball Association.




Medley Report: Europe’s Descent, Oreshnik, and More

Simplicius Dec 20, 2024

A new speech by Georgian pretender Salome Zourabichvili to the EU Parliament is a must-see. It is the very apotheosis of the Rules Based Order’s terminal decline, on which we’ve enlarged at length here. As ………………….



Syria ‚Liberated‘ by Its Own Destroyers

By Manlio Dinucci Global Research December 19, 2024

Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, today’s de facto ruler of Damascus, has an eloquent history: he began his jihadist militancy in al-Qaeda’s ranks as an associate of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the “caliph” who founded …………………



Iran-Affiliated Venezuelan Gangs Invited Into the United States

by Robert Williams December 19, 2024

„Border Patrol zones across Texas, Arizona and California had no agent presence for weeks and months at a time. Those who did not want to be caught could simply walk in. We have no idea who and what entered our country over this time.“ — Aaron Heitke, retired chief patrol agent for the San Diego Sector of the U.S. Border Patrol, testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security, September 18, 2024.




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