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Der beste Platz für Politiker ist das Wahlplakat. Dort ist er tragbar, geräuschlos und leicht zu entfernen.

— Loriot

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Gewaltexzesse in der Berliner Silvesternacht – „Silvester mit Krieg verwechselt“

Zu Silvester erlebt die Hauptstadt ein nie dagewesenes Ausmaß an Zerstörungswut. Dass das auch mit Migration zu tun hat, ist offensichtlich. Es geht um eine Hemmungslosigkeit, die keineswegs auf ein oder zwei Nächte im Jahr beschränkt bleiben muss.




Deutschland will sich nicht mit Israel auf der Buchmesse zeigen

Von Sandra Kegel 02.01.2025

Früher schmückte sich Deutschland mit seiner Nähe zu Israel. Jetzt will das Auswärtige Amt von Annalena Baerbock nicht einmal einen israelisch-deutschen Gemeinschaftsstand auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse wagen. Warum nur?




Ray Mcgovern Warns: The MOST Fatal Attack Is Coming After Moscow & Tehran’s UNTHINKABLE Strategy



Die trüben Optionen der Bundestagswahl

Der Wähler findet angesichts von Parteien und Programmen für die nächsten Bundestagswahl eigentlich nur regierungsfähige Kombinationen, die nicht wirklich mitreißend sind – vorsichtig ausgedrückt.

Eigentlich ist es unglaublich witzig: Weil jedermann und seine Oma, der auch nur einen Hauch von Kritik …………………



Wie die Brandmauerparteien und ihre Medien sich selbst lächerlich machen

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Fr, 3. Januar 2025

Die Freunde des deutschen Humors dürfen gespannt darauf sein, ob und in welcher Art die Diskussion zwischen Elon Musk und Alice Weidel stattfinden wird – und vor allem ob und wie Rest-Ampel und ………………………



Elon Musk, die Meinungsfreiheit und die SPD

Von Alexander Heiden Fr, 3. Januar 2025

Ein US-Milliardär schimpft über den Bundespräsidenten, und die Sozialdemokraten hyperventilieren. Das absurde Theater führt vor, wie sehr unsere Politikerkaste inzwischen das offene Wort fürchtet.




Top Prediction for 2025

By Doug Casey International Man January 3, 2025

International ManLooking at the intersection of finance, economics, politics, and culture, what is your most significant prediction for 2025?




2025: A Second Renaissance, or Chaos?

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture January 3, 2025

From Renaissance Florence, one of the – few – peaks of humanity, now living in memory, tread carefully across this flame-filled 2025.




How the Value of Money Will Change After the Apocalypse (65.5% of Americans have begun to stockpile what they think they need in the event of a natural or political collapse.)

Posted byClark BarnesJanuary 2, 2025 Posted inUncategorized

Famed French Microbiologist Louis Pasteur once said that “fortune favors the prepared mind”. When the topic of the apocalypse comes up, this quote definitely holds water. If you’re truly wise, you’ll endeavor to ………………………



Is Biden Hiding How and Why Martian Law Was Declared on South Korea?

By Eric Zuesse  Eric’s Substack January 3, 2025

On December 3rd, Toronto’s The Globe and Mail headlined




Ukraine – The Story Of The 155th Brigade

The well regarded Ukrainian journalist Yuri Butusov has published the background story (in Ukrainian) of the newly crated 155th brigade which had recently failed when it was hastily deployed to fill some holes in the Ukrainian positions on the eastern front near the city of Pokrovsk.




Why We Cannot Trust the FBI

2 January 2025 by Larry C. Johnson

It gives me no joy to write this, but it must be said — the FBI is a broken law enforcement institution and should be dismantled. I believe the same about the CIA, but that’s a topic for another day. Based on the FBI’s conduct over the last eight years, I find no reason to trust anything that FBI officials say with respect …………………….



Imperial Hubris (and its Consequences) in Syria

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture January 2, 2025

The Syria story is not so simple as ‘President Assad fell’ and the ‘technocratic Salafists’ rose to power.

At one level, the collapse was predictable. Assad was known to have been influenced by Egypt and UAE ………………….



Bird Flu Should Be the Subject of a Criminal Investitation

Current discussion about the reality of H5N1 – i.e., whether it’s fact or fiction – ignores that the matter should be the subject of a criminal investigation, not merely scientific debate.

By John Leake  Courageous Discourse January 2, 2025




President Jimmy Carter

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.orgJanuary 2, 2025

President Jimmy Carter departed this world with 2024.  He was a good man outfoxed by Washington. A populist, he was not the establishment’s choice for president which set about weakening him by framing …………………..



Time to Rip Off the Band-Aid

SchiffGold.com January 2, 2025

Last week, Peter joined Kai from the Soar Financially YouTube channel for an interview on the state of the economy, Federal Reserve policy, and the interplay between domestic politics, gold, and inflation. This interview is a great recap of the most important events of 2024, and Peter offers his perspective on …………………….



Celebrating the Death of Woke and the Resurrection of Common Sense

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us January 2, 2025

Years ago when the woke takeover of government and popular media was hitting a crescendo, I often struggled to put the horrifying development into the proper words. That is to say, woke isn’t just about …………………..



Too Big to Care and the Illusion of Choice

December 30, 2024

In a functional economy with real competition and transparency, every one of these cartel-corporations would be driven out of business by their ‚too big to care‘ incompetence.
We’ve all heard of Too Big to Fail, a description of the consequences of consolidating capital and power in a few corporate entities, the net result of which is monopolies and cartels becoming so large that their collapse would send the entire economy into a crisis without easy solution, as the void left …………………..



The Empire Burns The Middle East While US Homelessness Surges

The US empire is up to its elbows in the middle east working frenetically to manipulate what happens there, while in the United States itself homelessness has taken another record-shattering leap forward.




Ex-Oberstaatsanwältin Brorhilker erneuert Kritik „Cum-Ex läuft weiter“


Anne Brorhilker galt als führende Ermittlerin im Cum-Ex-Steuerskandal, bis sie im Frühjahr 2024 schlagzeilenträchtig verkündete, den Staatsdienst zu verlassen.




How Europe crashed its car industry Short-sighted policy gave China the upper hand

Helen Thompson January 1, 2025

The Mirafiori car plant is the last surviving automobile factory in Turin, the historical engine of the Italian car industry. At Mirafiori’s post-war peak, Fiat manufactured one million vehicles a year, employing 60 ………………..



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