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Freiheit kann nicht ohne Moral errichtet werden, und Moral nicht ohne Glauben.

— Alexis de Tocqueville

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Brandmauer eingestürzt: ÖVP erklärt sich zu Gesprächen mit FPÖ bereit

So, 5. Januar 2025

Nach dem Scheitern der Koalitionsverhandlungen zwischen ÖVP, SPÖ und Neos in Österreich wurde die FPÖ mit der Regierungsbildung beauftragt. Die ÖVP ist zu Verhandlungen mit der FPÖ bereit. So schnell kann eine Brandmauer verschwinden, die zum Gefängnis für die Mauerbauer wird.




Congress Certifies Trump Victory Jan 6th, 2025

As expected, the insane Democrats did not get their way, and reason prevailed. The U.S. Congress formally certified President-elect Donald Trump’s November election victory over Vice President Kamala Harris. Biden said he would not allow Trump to take the White House. Jamie Raskin wanted to ……………………



Syrer in Deutschland: Rückkehrer-Quote nahe null

Von Alexander Heiden Di, 7. Januar 2025

Im Wahlkampf tun die Parteien gerne etwas, was sie sonst nicht tun: Sie gehen auf die Wünsche der Wähler ein. Derzeit macht sogar die SPD Vorschläge, wie man syrische Flüchtlinge wieder ……………………….



D.O.G.E.: End The Global Engagement Center

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute January 7, 2025

In the book Crisis and Leviathan, libertarian thinker Robert Higgs pointed out that the state uses crises to ratchet up its power and control over citizens. With each new “crisis” – often directly or indirectly caused by the state itself – government grows and our freedom shrinks.




US ‚Quietly‘ Sent Heavy Weapons To Ukraine Well Before Invasion Started, Blinken Reveals

By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge January 7, 2025

The United States is currently dealing with conflicts in multiple hot spots from Eastern Europe to Gaza to ……………………



The New Virus – Unknown & Mysterious Again

Hi Martin,

Hope all is well and Happy New Year.

Are you keeping track of this new virus going around in China? Is is apparently in the Ukraine now too? Any updates? Could this be what the 9th of January was targeting? Disease and War cycle? Kind ………………….



The January 6 “Insurrection” that Wasn’t

01/06/2025 Thomas Buckley

Typically, coup attempts do not wrap up in time for dinner.

But over the next few days, with the anniversary of the 2021 January 6 Capitol riot having become a progressive political holiday worthy of obsessive memorialization, the nation will be deluged with tales of ……………………



Interest Rates, Computational Boosts, and the Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle

01/04/2025 Jorge Besada

Interest rates play a critical role in the economy. Were entrepreneurs limited to just asking to borrow the wealth and savings of friends and family, rather than loans from banks, certain projects and services could never be achieved. Further, interest rates play a nearly miraculous role that inadvertently gives society a …………………………



Another One Down: Anti-Globalist Maelstrom Sweeps Away Trudeau as Larger Storm Looms

Simplicius Jan 07, 2025

Today Trudeau announced his resignation, effective upon the choosing of a new leader:




The Despicable British Government Gave Immigrant-invaders the Right to Rape Underage British Girls

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 7, 2025

Elon Musk Holds UK Prime Minister Starmer Accountable:

“Gangs across the UK, involving men of predominantly Pakistani origin, rape-tortured vulnerable girls on an industrial scale over the last thirty years, with multiple independent inquiries indicating systemic ……………………..



Ein Meilenstein bei der Bekämpfung von Hass im Netz

Dieselben Brüsseler Schlauköpfe, die nicht willens oder in der Lage sind, die Außengrenzen der EU zu kontrollieren, wollen „grenzüberschreitende Online-Dienste“ überwachen. Ein deutscher Grünen-Abgeordneter setzt noch einen drauf.




‚Globalisation of War: US-NATO Threats Directed Against Russia, China, Iran and North Korea‘

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research January 7, 2025

Below is the key note address by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky to the Kuala Lumpur 2018 July Venue ……………………..



Sind wir noch „Charlie“? 10 Jahre nach dem Anschlag

Vor zehn Jahren überfielen Islamisten die Satire-Zeitschrift „Charlie Hebdo“ und ermordeten zwölf Menschen. Der Anschlag wurde zum Symbol für die Auseinandersetzung zwischen militantem Islam und Aufklärung.




Achgut-Investigativ: Insolvenz- und Kriminalfall Northvolt (1)

Die „Northvolt“-Pleite ist für den Steuerzahler viel teurer, als bislang bekannt. Welche gigantischen Summen Habeck und Scholz dort versenkt haben und wie der Fall verschleiert und verharmlost wird, können Sie hier exklusiv bei Achgut.com lesen.




Five Years and Thirty Million Deaths

Ron Unz January 6, 2025

In recent years the sharp decline in quality of the New York Times has left the Wall Street Journal as America’s best major newspaper, a development that no one had expected when Rupert Murdoch …………………………



Meloni bei Trump: Musk soll Militärsatelliten für Italien bauen

Von Marco Gallina Mo, 6. Januar 2025

SpaceX soll für 1,5 Milliarden Euro die Kommunikation italienischer Geheim- und Militärdienste modernisieren. Den Deal treibt Meloni bei ihrem Besuch bei Trump voran. Sie bekräftigt den Schulterschluss mit Washington und Trump – und die Absage an ein EU-Projekt, für das sich Thierry ……………………



What Does Russia Mean by “Demilitarize and Denazify?”

6 January 2025 by Larry C. Johnson

Let me remind you what Vladimir Putin said at the start of the Special Military Operation (SMO) in February 2022:




Rising Volcanic Activity Point to Solar Minimum Post-2032

You originally said that we should expect an increase in volcanic activity starting in 2019. I believe you said the Pacific Rim would start to become more active by 2025 on the West side. Do you have any update on that and the prospects of something leading to a volcanic winter? It is getting very cold up here ………………………



How Trump will expose Europe’s weakness A strong economy would mask policy mistakes

Wolfgang Munchau, January 6, 2025

They have a proud history. They run out-of-date business models. They are uncomfortable with the digital world. And they are getting older. Elements of the mainstream media and some of Europe’s largest countries have a lot in common. They find themselves disorientated in a century that is not going their …………………….



44 Statistics From 2024 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

by Tyler Durden Sunday, Jan 05, 2025

2024 was definitely one of the wildest years that any of us have ever experienced.  During the past 12 months, Donald Trump was convicted by a New York jury, he was almost assassinated, he won the presidential election, and he was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year.  Nobody has ever had a …………………….



2025, Iran Is Back in the U.S. Crosshairs for Regime Change

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture January 6, 2025

A new American president and a new Middle East configuration have brought Iran back into the ………………………



Remember January 6 Forever

By J.B. Shurk

On January 6, 2025, Congress certifies President-Elect Donald J. Trump’s victory.  There is something poetic about reclaiming that day from all those who have worked so hard to turn the sixth of January into “a date which will live in infamy.”




2025 Is Off to a Wild Start

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com January 6, 2025

The new year has kicked off with some truly bizarre and highly suspicious major news events. A US military veteran killed 14 people when he drove a pickup truck into a crowd in New Orleans early New ………………………..



Canada, the Panama Canal and Now Greenland. What’s Behind Trump’s Expansionist Rhetoric?

by Robert Spencer January 6, 2025

Trump is once again being true to his America-First convictions.

[Trump’s] question to Trudeau was pointed, and remains unanswered: „So your country can’t survive ……………………



Who Wants To Tell Trump

By Tom Woods January 6, 2025

Two unrelated things to get off my chest today:





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