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The only security of all is in a free press.

— Thomas Jefferson

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Baerbocks Ausgaben: Weibliche Imame in Indonesien, Kritik an Misswahlen in Venezuela

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Do, 16. Januar 2025

Die offizielle Geldverschwendung im Auswärtigen Amt nimmt kein Ende: Frauenschutz in Indonesien, jede Menge „Klimaaußenpolitik“ und interkultureller Fußball. Matthias Moosdorf (AfD) kritisiert Fördergelder für das größte islamische Land, während die Islamisierung Deutschlands ausgeblendet werde.




Trump, Love Him or Hate Him, He Secured a Ceasefire in Gaza

15 January 2025 by Larry C. Johnson

Gotta give credit where credit is due. Donald Trump scored a peace-goal even before being sworn in. While Joe Biden is insisting, I did that, those whose mental faculties are still intact understand that it was ……………………..



Preventing Peace With Russia Russia – By Sanctions And Kinetic Means

The U.S. and its NATO proxies are losing on the battle fields of Ukraine. The Biden administration, attempting to  ‚Trump proof‘, i.e. prolong, the conflict, is thus (again) trying to defeat Russia by targeting ………………….



Phrasen-Armageddon zur Verblödung

Sachsen liegt im deutschen Bildungsranking vorne. Jetzt hat der Einäugige unter den Blinden einen neuen Plan. Der enthält 31-mal das Wort Kompetenz, 89-mal digital, 58-mal Professionalisierung und 24-mal multiprofessionell. Der Verzicht auf Noten nennt sich „Stärkung einer entwicklungsförderlichen Feedbackkultur“.

Bevor in Sachsen am 19. Dezember die CDU-SPD-Minderheitsregierung das Ruder übernahm, hatte ………………..



Trump’s Geopolitical Strategy (or Lack Thereof) in Greenland, Canada, and the Panama Canal

By Doug Casey International Man January 16, 2025

International Man: President Trump has openly voiced his interest in having the US government take control of the Panama Canal.




Unterm NATO-Schirm baut Erdogan die Bombe

Von Michael Rubin.

Erdoğan strebt nach einer türkischen Atombombe. Seine Mittel und Motive ähneln denen des Iran. Aber anders als Iran ist die Türkei durch die NATO geschützt.




Kirchenasyl: Amtskirchen ignorieren Gesetze

Von Alexander Heiden Do, 16. Januar 2025 Zahlen explodieren

Immer mehr ausreisepflichtige Migranten finden in Kirchen Unterschlupf – vor allem im großen Nordrhein-Westfalen. Gerechtfertigt wird das mit „besonderen humanitären Härten“. Das Bundesamt für ……………………..



The US Regime Might Finally Support Secession—But Only for Greenland

01/15/2025 Ryan McMaken

Donald Trump has made it clear that he likes the idea of Greenland seceding from Denmark. “For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World, the United States of America feels that ……………………



Are We Nearing the End?

By Kirkpatrick Sale January 16, 2025

What does it say about a society when its scholars turn increasingly to studies of the downfall of civilizations, the end of empires, the concept of human extinction, and even “existential risk”?  That ………………………



No, Climate Change Is Not Causing California’s “Insurance Crisis”

01/15/2025 Connor O’Keeffe

Last week, parts of Los Angeles, California, were devastated by a series of especially destructive wildfires. While fires are common in the southern California region, a couple of factors came together to turn last week’s flare-ups into major conflagrations.




Israel Against the World – With U.S. Aid

By Rep. John J. Duncan Jr. The Knoxville Focus January 16, 2025

I once represented a man charged with first-degree murder.  At the preliminary hearing, the courtroom was filled with the family and friends of the victim.




America and the British Empire

By Patrick Foy January 16, 2025

My big-picture outlook is that America with its quasi world empire has been following in the footsteps of the warmongering British Empire. That road is leading to America’s premature downfall. I suppose others ………………….



Charlie Munger on U.S-China tensions: Both sides are equally ‚guilty of being stupid‘



Wenn das eigene Gesundheitssystem zunehmend auseinanderfällt, aber Millionen ins Ausland fließen

Mi, 15. Januar 2025

Während Deutschlands Gesundheitssystem unter Kostenexplosion und Ineffizienz leidet, Krankenhäuser schließen und Pflegekräfte aufgeben, verspricht Entwicklungsministerin Svenja Schulze Millionen für …………………………



CDU Hessen: Mit Verfassungsschutz-Einheit sollen „ungefilterte Meinungen“ zensiert werden

Mi, 15. Januar 2025 „Boden des Grundgesetzes verlassen“

Hessens Innenminister Roman Poseck (CDU) erklärt „ungefilterte Meinungen“ in sozialen Medien zur …………………………



The LA Fires: The ‚Social Contract‘ Is Nonsense, and No One Is Coming to Save You

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org January 16, 2025

Possibly one of the most inane phrases ever uttered about modern governments is Oliver Wendell Holmes’s oft-quoted phrase stating that “taxes are what we pay for civilized society.”




Statt Corona jetzt planetare Gesundheit!

„Institute for Planetary Health“: Das Projekte eines neuen Erfurter Institutes, das uns auf dem Klimaschutzpfad voran bringen soll, schafft Stellen für Pseudo-Wissenschaftler, die von Corona auf Klima umschulen.




Volcanic Activity on the Rise

You have opened my eyes to the fact that volcanoes. I believe your computer was forecasting a rise in volcanic activity starting in 2025. Do you have any data that can suggest the risk from the supervolcano at Yellowstone? Pat




In Latest Effort To Deny Reality, Leftist German Word Police Announce That a Standard Colloquialism for ‚Ethnic German‘ Is Racist, Esclusionary and Antidemocratic

By Eugyppius A Plague Chronicle January 15, 2025

In Germany, we suffer under an annual media ritual in which a “jury” consisting of four linguists and a journalist select an “Unwort des Jahres” – an “Unword of the year” – to condemn as politically incorrect. …………………..



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