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Gib einem Hungernden einen Fisch, und er wird einmal satt, lehre ihn Fischen, und er wird nie wieder hungern.

— Laotse

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Deutsche Topmanager erwarten drittes Rezessionsjahr in Folge

  1. Januar 2025, 13:56 Uhr Quelle: dpa

Die Mehrheit der deutschen Führungskräfte erwartet mit Blick auf 2025 das dritte Rezessionsjahr in Folge. In den deutschen Chefetagen rechnen 56 Prozent mit einem weiteren Minus-Jahr – mit schwacher ………………….



Billionaires Worth A Combined $1.35 Trillion Attended Trump’s Inauguration: Here’s Who Was There—From Musk To Bezos

Mary Whitfill Roeloffs Jan 20, 2025,

Big-name billionaires worth a collective $1.35 trillion—including four of the five richest men in the world—attended the inauguration of President Donald Trump Monday morning as many looked to ……………..



Donald Trump — The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

21 January 2025 by Larry C. Johnson

Watching Donald Trump’s first 24-hours as President made me think of Sergio Leone’s spaghetti western classic, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Let’s start with the good. In sharp contrast to the shambles of his 2017 inauguration, Donald Trump demonstrated he had learned some hard lesson from his first four-year ……………………



Environmentalism and the Los Angeles Fires

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. January 22, 2025

The fires in Los Angeles have been the most devastating in the city’s history. A full account of the causes of the conflagration can’t be attempted here, but in this week’s column, I’d like to talk about the ………………………..



Preemptive Pardons

By Dom Armentano January 22, 2025

Is a so-called Executive “preemptive pardon” consistent with the intent and language of the Constitution? All the Constitution says is that:

“…he (the President)  shall have the power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.” {Article 2, Section 2} In the first important case to deal ……………….



Donald Trump rettet die USA vor einer Diktatur

Von Mario Thurnes Di, 21. Januar 2025

Noch keine 24 Stunden im Amt und schon hat Donald Trump die USA vor einer Diktatur bewahrt. Die Staaten verlassen nach seinem Erlass die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO. Karl Lauterbach will die immer noch mit diktatorischen Vollmachten ausstatten.




Opposing the Keynesian Illusion: Spending Does Not Drive the Economy

01/21/2025 Jonathan Newman

Keynes held that the economy can suffer extended periods of high unemployment because of deficient aggregate spending. A contraction in spending results in businesses having excess inventories and reduced revenues. Businesses respond by cutting back and decreasing their demand for labor. Due to “sticky wages,” this results in a large decrease in employment and incomes for workers. The problem comes full …………………



The Competency Crisis Proliferating the West

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture January 22, 2025

The ‘strange defeat’ is that of Europe’s ‘curious’ inability to understand Ukraine or its military mechanics.

The essayist and military strategist, Aurelien, has written a paper entitledThe Strange Defeat (original in French). The ‘strange defeat’ being that of Europe’s ‘curious’ inability to understand Ukraine or its ………………..



Schleichend an die Macht?

Die Kandidatenwechsel-Affäre mittels falscher Anschuldigungen bei den Grünen in Berlin bleibt ein Aufreger. War es eine Intrige, und wer hat sie gesponnen? Nutznießer ist bekanntlich Andreas Audretsch, der Wahlkampfleiter von Robert Habeck.

Das grüne Schmierentheater um die gezielt platzierten gefälschten Vorwürfe sexueller Übergriffe gegen …………………



Can Monetary and Fiscal Stimulus Counter Recessions?

01/20/2025 Frank Shostak

When signs of an economic weakness emerge, most “experts” are quick to recommend fiscal and monetary stimulus. Economic activity is presented in terms of the circular flow of money—spending by one individual becomes part of the earnings of another individual, and spending by another individual …………………….



Bundeswehr kann Milliarden nicht ausgeben

Von Alexander Heiden Mi, 22. Januar 2025

Die Bundeswehr weiß buchstäblich nicht, wohin mit dem ganzen Geld: Über vier Milliarden Euro konnte sie im vergangenen Jahr nicht nutzen. Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius ruft nach immer mehr Mitteln – und muss sie dann wieder an die Bundeskasse zurückgeben.




Trump Storms Out the Gate, But Already Falters on Ukraine

Simplicius Jan 22, 2025

As promised, Trump came out the gate swinging—or in his case, signing over 100 executive orders to immediately neuter many DEI initiatives, take away clearance from ex-Biden officials, and suspending ………………….



Make America Whole Again

Can a diverse new political coalition and a catastrophic natural disaster help us reclaim the unity Martin Luther King Jr. envisioned? Monica Harris Jan 20, 2025

Sometimes the universe laughs at us. Other times, in the words of famed psychologist Carl Jung, it winks.




Niger’s accusation of Western chicanery hits close to home

The latest spat between Niamey’s junta leader and Nigeria reflects growing bad blood and the loss of US and French influence in the region. Taiwo Hassan Jan 21, 2025






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