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Der vorherrschende Glaube an ‚soziale Gerechtigkeit‘ ist gegenwärtig wahrscheinlich die schwerste Bedrohung der meisten anderen Werte einer freien Zivilisation.

— Friedrich A. von Hayek

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Polizei setzt Verdächtigen fest Zwei Tote nach Messerangriff in Aschaffenburg


In Aschaffenburg kommt es zu einer Gewalttat: Mehrere Menschen werden mit einer Stichwaffe in einem Park angegriffen. Für zwei von ihnen kommt jede Hilfe zu spät. Unter den Todesopfern auch ein Kind. Festgenommen wird laut Polizei ein tatverdächtiger Afghane.




SCHOCKIEREND: AFD Anfrage enthüllt Vornamen von deutschen Vergewaltigern (NRW)



Mörder in meiner Stadt

Ich habe sie öfter gesehen, die Erzieherinnen mit einem Pulk von Zwergen im Park. Und dann gestern die Meldung, in diesem Park seien „ein Mann und ein zweijähriges Kind gestorben“. Nein. Sind sie nicht. Sie wurden ermordet, in meinem Aschaffenburg.




Wofür wurde Antony Fauci begnadigt?

Warum hat Joe Biden mit Antony Fauci einen der führenden Köpfe des Corona-Regimes in USA vorsorglich „begnadigt“? Wer nach den Gründen sucht, schaut in einen Abgrund von Täuschung und krimineller Energie. Und es wird doch alles herauskommen.




Dieter Nuhr über Klimatote und Radfahrer



On the Eve of Trump, Iran and Russia Launch Historical Deal

In a detailed strategic partnership agreement signed last week in Moscow, Eurasian powers Russia and Iran issued a challenge to the US-led global order and placed its incoming new president on notice.

By Pepe Escobar The Cradle January 23, 2025




America Cannot Loot Its Way To Greatness

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 23, 2025

Last year Congress passed a law requiring the Chinese government to divest from TikTok, alleging that the social media company collects sensitive data and information on Americans. But so does the US …………………..



Ross Is Free – We Can Be Too!

By Bretigne Shaffer January 23, 2025

The Dread Pirate Roberts is a free man.





By Joel Salatin The Lunatic Farmer January 23, 2025

Teresa and I had the unprecedented privilege to attend the MAHA Inaugural Ball at the Waldorf-Astoria in Washington, D.C. last night, guests of Dr. Eric and Karen Berg. Some 500 revelers converged in one ………………….



Trump Withdraws US From Pro-Abortion Paris Climate Agreement and the World Health Organization

On day one, Donald Trump exited the pro-abortion Paris Climate Accord and the World Health Organization, decrying America’s high financial contributions as a ‘rip-off.’

By Andreas Wailzer Lifesite News January 23, 2025




Trump Abolishes Democrats‘ DIE And Trans-Craze Policies

Moon of Alabama January 23, 2025

Trump’s second presidency has a strong start. On his first day in office he has issued some 200 executive actions including some 42 executive orders (EO) undoing many of Biden’s attempts of socially ………………………



Blutige Gewalttat in Aschaffenburg: Zwei Tote, Schwerverletzte – Verdächtiger festgenommen

Mi, 22. Januar 2025

Tödliche Messerattacke in Aschaffenburg: Ein zweijähriger Junge und ein 41-jähriger Mann wurden am helllichten Tag in einem städtischen Park erstochen. Die Behörden hatten den Tatort, den Park Schöntal, bereits 2022 als „gefährlichen Ort“ eingestuft. Ein 28-jähriger afghanischer Tatverdächtiger wurde ……………………..



Thunder and Blunder on Day One

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner January 23, 2025

Well, the Donald surely did hit the ground thundering, and some right good noise it was— starting with the 1500 + pardons of the J6 offenders. That promise-kept was crucial because it was one big presidential middle finger rebuke to the Giant Lie that the Washington establishment and MSM have been …………………..



Scholz zu Musk: Meinungsfreiheit ja, aber nicht für alle

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Do, 23. Januar 2025

In Davos lässt Olaf Scholz sich herbei, die Kritik Elon Musks gegen ihn und seine Regierung ganz entspannt im weißen Sessel zu kontern. Meinungsfreiheit soll gelten, meinte der Kanzler, aber nur, wenn ………………….



Die Davos-Karawane – und einer, der ausschert

Die Unterlagen zum Weltwirtschaftsforum (WEF) in Davos zeigen die übliche Transformations-Lyrik und eine Menge grünes Wunschdenken, insbesondere der EU – so ziemlich genau das Gegenteil von Donald Trumps Agenda, der heute seinen Auftritt hat.




How Countries Go Broke: Introduction & Chapter One

Ray Dalio, Founder, CIO Mentor, and Member of the Bridgewater Board, January 13, 2025




How Countries Go Broke: Chapter Two & Chapter Three

Ray Dalio, Founder, CIO Mentor, and Member of the Bridgewater Board, January 13, 2025

The following is an excerpt from an early draft from my new book, How Countries Go Broke, which is available for pre-order here.




How Countries Go Broke: Chapter Four & Chapter Five

Ray Dalio, Founder, CIO Mentor, and Member of the Bridgewater Board, January 22, 2025




How Countries Go Broke: Chapter Six & Chapter Seven

Ray Dalio, Founder, CIO Mentor, and Member of the Bridgewater Board, January 22, 2025




CIA Busy Polishing Its Ukraine Legacy

22 January 2025 by Larry C. Johnson

You know the end is nearing in Ukraine when the CIA — i.e., the Director and unnamed US government officials — start dishing on what we did in Ukraine that was so great. The CIA storyline is simple, this was not our fault. It would be hilarious if this was just a bungled coup where no one died. But that is not ……………………..



„Bescheuert“: Warum sich Bäcker Jens Atomkraft und Russen-Gas zurückwünscht


In der Grubenbäckerei in Rostock backen Geschäftsführer Jens Mühlau (56) und seine drei Mitarbeiter noch nach altem Rezept. Doch die steigenden Energiekosten erschweren den Kampf ums Überleben der 126 Jahre alten Bäckerei. Jetzt rechnet der Chef mit der Politik ab.




5 Historic Emergencies That Trump Will Be Confronted With Immediately as He Returns to the White House

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse January 22, 2025

Buckle up and hold on tight, because things are about to get really wild.  Immediately after taking the oath of office, Donald Trump is going to be faced with incredibly difficult decisions which could have enormous implications for every man, woman and child in this country.  There will be all sorts of people ………………..



Trump and Ukraine Should Concede

Moon of Alabama January 22, 2025

The Ukrainian commander in chief General Syrksi seems to have given up. Recent remarks of his suggest that he no longer sees a way to win the war. He is now simply waiting for the politicians to concede.




Donald Trump is the end of Hilarity The progressive pretence of democracy has shattered

‚The new Trumpian order may have many flaws but Trump is obviously and irreducibly real and human.‘ Mary Harrington, January 22, 2025




The Biden Regime Was an Amazing Collection of Criminals

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 22, 2025

“In its final hours, the most CORRUPT Administration in American history is covering up Democrats’ trail of criminal activity.” — US Rep. Andrew Clyde

The Criminal-in-Chief in his last criminal act has issued a “preemptive pardon” to 20 criminals. Mass …………………….



Today’s Populist Rebellion Shouldn’t Alarm Us

January 22, 2025 Karl Zinsmeister

Establishment voices are expressing alarm these days about the rise of political populism. All around the globe, workaday citizens are offering new resistance to authorities. In the U.S., voters just loosed a ……………………



Bluttat in Aschaffenburg: Afghane (28) ging mit Messer auf Kindergartengruppe los

Junge (2) und Passant (41) tot

Schreckliche Gewalttat in Aschaffenburg: Zwei Menschen sterben, zwei schwer verletzt

22.01.2025 – Karl Keim, Daniele Pfad, Jörg Völkerling




Trump Fails to End Ukraine War on Day 1

It was a lofty promise and a campaign tale that no one believed could happen. Donald Trump stayed true on his promise to carry out a number of executive orders on Day 1 of his presidency, but he cannot simply ………………….



„I Believe In The Rule Of Law, But…“ – Biden Pre-Emptively Pardons Fauci, Schiff, Cheney, Milley, & Family Members

by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Jan 21, 2025

Update (1145ET): As everyone sat in the Captol Rotunda ‚golf-clapping‘ the inauguration of President Trump, President Biden snuck in a last minute pre-emptive pardon for his family members

And just like that, he was gone…




Brussels: Is the Capital of Europe Crumbling Before Our Eyes?

by Drieu Godefridi January 22, 2025

Brussels has entered a wild-west era of „every man for himself,“ in which people try to protect themselves as best they can without relying on the failing „authorities.“

Brussels‘ financial situation is also alarming.





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