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Free government is founded in jealousy, not confidence…. In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.

— Thomas Jefferson (1799)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Der blinde Fleck der Pandemiepolitik

In der Coronakrise wollten deutsche Politiker um jeden Preis Risiken vermeiden. Gerade das aber hat möglicherweise die Risikolage erst richtig verschärft. Der Risikoforscher Peter M. Wiedemann nimmt unbequeme Wahrheiten über das deutsche Pandemiemanagement unter die Lupe.




Bürgergeld: Wie hoch ist der Freibetrag bei einem Erbe?

Nach der Bürgergeld-Erhöhung 2024 kommt es 2025 zu einer Nullrunde bei der Sozialleistung. Welcher Freibetrag für Geld aus einer Erbschaft gilt, lesen Sie hier.




Bis zu 620 Mio. Steuergeld futsch?: Habeck macht Northvolt-Pleite zur Geheimsache

Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck (55, Grüne) hat ein wichtiges Northvolt-Gutachten plötzlich als geheim eingestuft, 27.01.2025




UK Council Tax Hike – Britain’s Glory Days are Gone

Revolutions have begun over less. UK lawmakers plan to raise taxes on over four million households to cover a portion of their fiscal mismanagement. Homeowners may see their bills raise by a full 25% in certain areas as councils plan to use a loophole in the law to exploit the people.




Ukraine – Organizational Chaos, Commanders Fired

The unusual combat organization of the Ukrainian army is taking its toll.

In a classic military hierarchy Corps, Divisions, Brigades and Battalions each have their own staff and responsibilities. The Ukrainian army is using a more flexible but also chaotic structure of Operational Units with less control. The results are unnecessary losses on the battle field.




Fünf Merz’sche Wahlkampf-Punkte verdecken 27 Freiheits-gefährdende

Von Fritz Goergen Di, 28. Januar 2025

Über dem Wahlkampfgetöse droht unterzugehen, dass im Merz’schen „27-Punkte-Plan“ eine Entwicklung nach der Bundestagswahl programmiert wird, die sich im Gegensatz zur US-Regierung von Trump nicht für, sondern gegen Bürgerfreiheit richtet.




DeepSeek zeigt: China kan mit den USA konkurrieren

Von Holger Douglas Di, 28. Januar 2025

Für US-Präsident Trump ist die KI-Technologie von DeepSeek ein „Weckruf“: „Die Veröffentlichung von DeepSeek, einer KI eines chinesischen Unternehmens, sollte unsere Industrien wachrütteln und ……………..



Mord-Anschlag in Hanau vereitelt: Afghane mit Beil, Messer und „Tod über euch Deutsche“-Schild aufgegriffen

27.01.2025 Mord-Anschlag wohl nur knapp vereitelt!

Ein Afghane, bei dem es sich laut einem dringlichen Berichtsantrag der AfD-Fraktion an den Hessischen Landtag um einen 33-Jährigen namens Hassibullah A. handeln soll, soll am vergangenen Freitag nur knapp davon abgehalten worden sein, einen Anschlag zu begehen.




The West Continues to Insult Russia

27 January 2025 by Larry C. Johnson

The Western narrative about World War II glorifies the Western allies as the ones who defeated Hitler and minimizes the role of the Soviets. But the truth of the matter is that the Soviets deserve the lion’s share of the credit for defeating Hitler’s armies, while the United States and the UK played an important but secondary role.




The Difference Between the Market and the Bureaucracy

01/25/2025 Murray N. Rothbard

In a business firm on the market, the desires and goals of the managers are yoked to the profit-making goals of the owners. As Mises says, the manager of a branch must make sure that his branch contributes to the profit of the firm. But, shorn of the regiment of profit-and-loss, the desires and goals of the managers, …………………..



To Make America Great Again, Separate Money and State

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute January 28, 2025

“Delivering Emergency Price Relief for American Families and Defeating the Cost-of-Living Crisis” is the title of one of the many executive orders President Trump issued in his first week back in the Oval …………………….



Of All the Things Trump Has Done in a Week, Two Stand Out

By Karen Kwiatkowski January 28, 2025

Trump is making many things happen simultaneously. Two of them – transparency of the state and ridicule of the state – perfectly match America’s mood, and will determine her future.




The Retention of Wealth

By Jeff Thomas International Man January 28, 2025

For most people, the term “investment” means the purchase of something for its anticipated rise in value in the future. However, there is another category of investment, generally referred to as “retention of ……………………..



Der Abschied von der Politik und der Rückzug in die eigene Blase

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mo, 27. Januar 2025

Der Grüne-Parteitag: Schweigeminute für die Opfer, doch fröhliches Weiter für offene Grenzen. Ideologie trifft auf Realität; man hat es sich schön in der eigenen Blase eingerichtet. Die Brandmauer bleibt das Fundament der grünen Herrschaft.




A Cabinet of the Cancelled

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 28, 2025

Abigail Shrier writes in the City Journal that the members of Trump’s “Cabinet of the Cancelled” understand the danger of government coercion because they have experienced it firsthand.  And so has Trump and thousands of his supporters.




Wie eine Posse – aber am Ende fällt die Brandmauer doch

Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 27. Januar 2025

Inhaltlich ist es egal, ob die AfD den Anträgen der Union zur Einwanderung zustimmt. Auch wenn sie im Bundestag eine Mehrheit finden, ändert das erst einmal nichts. In der Realität. Für die Zukunft der ……………………



China’s DeepSeek Bombshell Rocks Trump’s $ 500B AI Boondoggle

By Mike Whitney The Unz Review January 28, 2025

The future of humanity is being decided as we speak. And it is not being decided on a battlefield in Eastern Europe, or the Middle East or the Taiwan Strait, but in the data centers and research facilities …………………..



WSJ Editorial Board Sweeps Itself Into Dustbin of History

Editorial Board Opinion about RFK, Jr. is pure Big Pharma propaganda.

By John Leake Courageous Discourse January 28, 2025

In the course of 2024, the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board expressed signs that it is not entirely ………………………



EU-Kommission will immer mehr Planwirtschaft und Zensur

Zwischen Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika liegen nicht nur die tiefen Gewässer des Atlantischen Ozeans, sondern mittlerweile Welten. Dies gilt nicht nur für die Freiheit der Wirtschaft, sondern auch die der Meinung.




Zwangsabschaltungen mit dem „Solarspitzen-Gesetz”

Von Frank Bothmann.

Deutschland ist zu einem Musterland der Energieplanwirtschaft geworden, die durch




Should Inflation Be Defined Only as Price Increases?

01/27/2025 Frank Shostak

If inflation is a general increase in prices, as most experts hold, then why is it regarded as bad news? What kind of damage does it do? Most experts are of the view that inflation causes speculative buying, which ……………………..



Trump entkernt grüne Wahlkampf-Panikmache

Die US-Rückkehr zu reichlicher herkömmlicher Energie lässt das Kartenhaus, die Schimäre, die blühende Phantasie der Weltrettung durch „Klimaneutralität“, endgültig zusammenbrechen –und damit ein zentrales Thema der grünen Wahlkampf-Panikmache.




Are Trump and His Supporters Ready for a Fight to the Death?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 27, 2025

In recent articles I have emphasized that President Trump and his supporters are in a life and death fight with cultural marxists who are dedicated to America’s destruction and who are institutionalized in every ……………………..



Government Means Perpetual Crisis

By George F. Smith January 27, 2025

If we look around, then, at the crucial problem areas of our society—the areas of crisis and failure—we …………………….



China’s DeepSeek AI Moves the Capital of Tech from Palo Alto to Hangzhou

By Mike Whitney The Unz Review January 27, 2025




Government Means Perpetual Crisis

By George F. Smith January 27, 2025

If we look around, then, at the crucial problem areas of our society—the areas of crisis and failure—we find in each and every case a “red thread” marking and uniting them all: the thread of government. In every one of these cases, government either has totally run or heavily influenced the activity. — Murray ………………………



Chamath Palihapitiya: Zuckerberg, Rogan, Musk and the Incoming ‚Golden Age‘ Under Trump

By Tucker Carlson, January 27, 2025



They Put Stink on Real Cures, …. We Found Out!

By Capt. Randall January 27, 2025

The pardon of Dr. Fauci says it all!  As perpetrator of bioweapon research and psychological warfare, his …………………….



For Those of You Waiting on Massive Collapse… Get Ready for a Rocky Financial Road

January 26, 2025

It’s a question that many of us are afraid to ask but can’t ignore any longer. Is the United States on the verge of a massive collapse? Signs are all around us, whispering — or even shouting — that something is ……………………..



The Return of Trump- This Time it’s Personal

While Biden pardons the world Donald Jeffries Jan 23, 2025

I was fully prepared to write a snide and scathing attack on Trumpenstein’s return to the White House. On his failure to do anything on “day one.” On his delay in pardoning the January 6 defendants. But I can’t do ……………………



Qatar’s ‚Day After‘ Plan for Gaza: Keeping Hamas in Power

by Khaled Abu Toameh January 27, 2025

Qatar wants the Palestinian Authority (PA) government to collect the garbage, rebuild destroyed houses, and pay salaries to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, while Hamas is busy rearming, regrouping and getting ready for the next attack on Israel.




Trump: Zelensky Passed on Deal, ‚Decided To Fight‘ & Is ‚No Angel‘

by Tyler Durden Sunday, Jan 26, 2025

President Donald Trump appeared on Hannity at the end this week and offered a blunt, critical assessment of Zelensky’s decision-making in the Russia-Ukraine war.




A New President Takes Office

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. January 27, 2025

As Donald Trumps begin his second term in office, we naturally wonder what to expect. Certainly, we can be glad that the Marxist Kamala Harris did not succeed brain-dead “President” Joe Biden, but how much of an improvement over that sorry wreck will he be? In this week’s column, I’m going to examine his inaugural address to get some clues.




Government Means Perpetual Crisis

By George F. Smith January 27, 2025

If we look around, then, at the crucial problem areas of our society—the areas of crisis and failure—we find in each and every case a “red thread” marking and uniting them all: the thread of government. In ……………………..



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