Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Der beste Platz für Politiker ist das Wahlplakat. Dort ist er tragbar, geräuschlos und leicht zu entfernen.

— Loriot

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Die Lady Macbeth von Berlin-Mitte

Die Frau, von der ich spreche, ist nach einer gewissen Pause – die sie brauchte, um ihre pompösen, nichtssagenden Memoiren zu schreiben – triumphal zurückgekehrt und mischt sich erneut in die Politik des von ihr schon sattsam geschädigten Landes ein.




Das Pariser Klimaabkommen ist mit Trump wirkungslos – und unsere Politik Selbstmord

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat die CO2-Reduktionsziele in Deutschland an das Pariser Klimaabkommen gekettet, das nach dem Ausstieg der USA keinerlei Wirkung mehr hat. Die Gelegenheit, diesen Beschluss zu revidieren. Und selbstmörderische Gesetze wie das EEG abzuschaffen.




‚Foreign Aid‘ Enriches the Rich While Impoverishing the Impoverished

By Thomas DiLorenzo Mises.org February 7, 2025

If there is anything we have learned from the American welfare state it is that from the very beginning it created a moral hazard problem whereby paying people for not working incentivizes them to drop out of …………………..



How China’s DeepSeek Could Disrupt Financial Markets and Global Stability

By Doug Casey International Man February 7, 2025

International Man: China’s DeepSeek artificial intelligence (AI) platform has stunned the world, outperforming US AI models while using just a fraction of their resources. Some are even calling it the “OpenAI killer.”




Trump Said What About Gaza?

By Tom Woods February 7, 2025

Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen various gatherings of Democrats, and they’ve concluded that they lost the election because of “racism” and “sexism,” and further that they should forge ahead with the DEI stuff as if nothing happened.




Confucius, DeepSeek, and Why China Would Win a War With the United States

By Ron Unz and Mike Whitney The Unz Review February 7, 2025

Question 1: Western Media Bias?

Is the western media even-handed in its coverage of China? And how has this impacted public perception ………………….



The Secret JFK Records: The CIA and the Zapruder Film

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation February 7, 2025

Today, February 6, is when we are supposed to learn about President Trump’s “plan” for releasing CIA records relating to the assassination of President Kennedy, which the CIA has steadfastly and fiercely kept secret for more than 60 years — on grounds of protecting “national security” of course.




Ukraine – Intensity Of War Has Decreased

Over the last month the war in Ukraine has become less intense.

The number of daily losses on the Ukrainian side, as provided by the Russia Ministry of Defense, has decreased from an average 2,200 per day in early November 2024 to an average of 1,600 per day in late January 2025.




Looks Like Trump Learned Something From His First Term — Control the Money, Gut the Bureaucracy

6 February 2025 by Larry C. Johnson

Let me start by noting that Trump’s callous, alarming plan to launch another Nakba in Palestine is not much of a plan. Trump added some caveats today, which make it highly unlikely that the Gazans will be ……………………..



China Implements 15% Tariff on US Coal

China is hitting back with 15% tariffs on US coal. America sent 11.6 million tons of coal to China, with 6.46% of all US coal imports flowing into China. Climate zealots are cheering the move, and those on the ……………………..



Trump Wants To Take Over Gaza, Announces 500,000 Dead

The king of Israel (with a red alpha tie) visited his vassal state in America where real-estate developer Donald Trump (blue beta tie) pushed the chair for his leader and offered him to cleanse the Palestinian ……………….



Sleepwalking Into Tyranny: How Power Is Silently Being Seized

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute February 6, 2025

This is what militaries do during coups: you capture the major targets, with government buildings high on the list, and you take over communications and other systems.”—Ruth Ben-Ghiat, historian on fascism and authoritarian leaders




European Union Facilitates Slave Trade in North Africa

By Peter Koenig Global Research February 6, 2025

Knowing Europe’s horrendous colonial history and today’s European Union’s (EU) ever-growing tyranny, there is little surprise in the EU’s facilitating slave trade in Northern Africa, mostly through ……………………



How Hamas Plans To Foil Trump’s Gaza Plan

by Khaled Abu Toameh February 6, 2025

Hamas is basically saying that if the Trump administration dares to implement the relocation and reconstruction plan, the terrorist organization will unleash a wave of terrorism against Americans and Palestinians.




Towards a WW III Scenario. The Privatization of Nuclear War.

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research February 6, 2025




Will President Trump Again Put Turkey – Not America – First?

By Ron Unz The Unz Review February 6, 2025

In his 2017 and 2025 inaugural addresses, President Donald Trump pledged to “Put America first.”

His 2017-2021 term, however, put Turkey and Turkish President Erdogan first. And his second term is …………………




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