Das irrste Ampel-Gesetz bleibt unbemerkt
Mit Lug und Trug brachten grüne Hardcore-Ideologen ein Gesetz durch, das Deutschland in den Abgrund führt. Offenbar entdeckten weder Union noch AfD die Zeitbombe. Es ist so eine Art Hunger-Gesetz.
„Ich werde Türsteher!“ – Wenn Orient auf Orient trifft
Der Anstieg der Kriminalität ist maßgeblich jungen Männern mit orientalischem Hintergrund zuzurechnen. Sicherheitspersonal und Polizei stammt jedoch auch vermehrt aus diesem Kulturkreis. Die Konflikte sind programmiert.
Gefährliche Verengung der Meinungsfreiheit: Der grüne Schatten
- Februar 2025
Von ROLAND WIRTH | Auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz beklagte US-Vizepräsident JD Vance einen Verlust von Demokratie und Meinungsfreiheit in Europa. Er kritisierte, dass Meinungsäußerungen als Desinformation verfolgt würden. In Deutschland jedoch scheint sich ein Trend zu etablieren, bei dem ………………
Montana Legislators Working to Ban mRNA Vaccines
Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccinations produce foreign proteins in the human body, triggering an immune response to prepare the body for future infections. Lipid nanoparticles flow into cells, mimicking a protein, but “the science” claims it does not enter the nucleus and, therefore, does not impact DNA. These vaccines are relatively new, with the first trial on humans occurring in 2008. Yet, that trial failed to …………………
Vice President JD Vance Delivers Remarks at the Munich Security Conference
(Heulsuse) Heusgen’s Emotional MSC Closing Address | Europe’s Response to Vance’s MSC Speech
Der Moment des Kurt-Robert Hagbeck
Von Alexander Wendt Fr, 21. Februar 2025
Indem er die Grundrechtsbeschneidung in Deutschland zur inneren Angelegenheit erklärt, begibt sich der grüne Kanzlerkandidat auf ganz besondere historische Spuren. Kritik an Deutschland von außen darf es nämlich durchaus geben – nur eben nicht von jedem.
Wirklichkeit schlägt Verlogenheit – Europa unsanft geweckt
Von Fritz Goergen Fr, 21. Februar 2025
Wer Kanzler würde in einer rotgrünroten Koalition, hinge nur davon ab, wer einen Prozentpunkt mehr hat: SPD oder Grüne? Die Brandmauer ermöglicht die illegitime Herrschaft der Minderheit in der Mehrheit. Dazu ist sie ja da.
Die Hoffnungsträger der Freien Wähler
Von Josef Kraus Do, 20. Februar 2025
Die Freien Wähler möchten über Direktmandate in den Bundestag einziehen. Die Partei verfügt über immerhin vier Hoffnungsträger, denen das gelingen könnte. Der CSU gefällt das gar nicht.
How Much Longer Can America Co-Exist With the Enemies Upon Ist Shores?
We ask: Has America ever been for Americans?
Coming Monetary Reset and Trump’s Impact on Gold and the Dollar
By Doug Casey International Man February 21, 2025
International Man: At $1.1 trillion, annualized interest on the US federal debt is now the second-largest budget item—and is on track to become the largest.
Subprime Redux: Commercial Real Estate Bond Distress Hits Another Record High
02/20/2025 Artis Shepherd
At the end of Q4 2024, commercial real estate continued to exhibit severe weakness, with commercial real estate bonds hitting record distress levels, surpassing the previous records reached in Q3 2024. Commercial real estate bonds are just commercial real estate loans packaged into securities and sold to ……………………….
An Israeli False Flag and Zelensky Cooks the Polling Results
20 February 2025 by Larry C. Johnson
Isn’t that convenient? On the day that Hamas returns the bodies of four dead Israelis — a mother, her two sons and an elderly gent — three unoccupied, parked buses are bombed in Israel:
Conspiracy Theorists Were Right About Everything – Now What?
By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us February 20, 2025
For many years alternative economists and “conspiracy theorists” have argued that, according to the evidence, there has been an organized criminal cabal operating a long running agenda to exploit and eventually destroy western culture. We have suggested that much of this agenda was being funded with …………………
Where Did All of That Money Go?
By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse February 20, 2025
Apparently our government cannot explain how 4.7 trillion dollars was spent. Are you kidding me? A stack of 4.7 trillion one dollar bills would reach all the way to the Moon and part of the way back. This is ………………….
Whose Gold, if Anyone’s, Is in Ft. Knox
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org February 20, 2025
If there is gold in Ft. Knox, whose is it?
Many bullion dealers believe that any gold in Ft. Knox is not ours. Over the decades the gold was “leased” to bullion dealers who sold it into the gold market, thereby protecting the value of the dollar by …………………..
The U.S. Sent Over $3 Billion to Hezbollah’s ‚Army‘
by Daniel Greenfield February 20, 2025
The State Department has spent nearly two decades selling the myth that empowering the LAF [Lebanese Armed Forces] will weaken Hezbollah, but after $3 billion in spending, Hezbollah is more powerful than …………………..
Kennedy Calls for ‚Radical Transparency‘ at HHS and 13 Agencies it Oversees
By Jennifer Galardi The Kennedy Beacon February 20, 2025
In his first address to federal health agency workers at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) yesterday, newly minted secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reminded everyone of his central ………………………