Brauchen wir eine neue deutsche Teilung?
Die Wahlergebnisse zeigen: Es gibt ein schwarzes Deutschland und ein blaues Deutschland. Es ist auseinander gewachsen, was anscheinend doch nicht zusammengehört. Wären wir glücklicher, wenn wir uns nach 35 Ehejahren wieder trennen würden?
The Epstein Files
A tipster said that all but “approximately 200 pages of documents” concerning Epstein were still being kept secret at the FBI’s office in the Southern District of New York — despite her repeated requests for the “full” Epstein files. There are probably a number of powerful politicians listed in those files, but there ………………..
UK Busy Trying to Polish a Turd
28 February 2025 by Larry C. Johnson
I thought the phrase “you can’t polish a turd” originated with the British or US Navy. For you non-native English speakers, it means that you cannot improve something which is inherently or unalterably ………………….
Jens Almighty: Spahn weiß bei Illner einfach alles
Fr, 28. Februar 2025
Jens Spahn wundert sich bei Maybrit Illner ständig, „worüber wir hier eigentlich reden“. Bingo! So geht es dem Talkshow-Zuschauer schon seit Jahren. Doch Spahn meint es anders: Er weiß einfach zu viel. Um …………….
Kuscht Merz bei den NGOs, kann er gleich einpacken
Von Fritz Goergen Fr, 28. Februar 2025
Nach dem NGO-Auftakt wird früh klar sein, wohin das Merz-Boot treibt. Derweil geht es in den USA zur Sache. Beim Ukraine-US-Abkommen und bei der Audienz von UK-Premier Starmer wie davor der ………………….
Das Mineral-Abkommen zwischen den USA und der Ukraine im Wortlaut
Do, 27. Februar 2025
Ein neuer Vertrag zwischen den USA und der Ukraine soll die Sicherheit des Landes über einen ……………………..
Irrsinnig hohe Bußgelder gegen Vermieter – was für ein Blödsinn
In Hessen sollen Immobilieneigentümer bei Leerstand Strafzahlungen bis zu einer halben Million Euro leisten. Doch der Vorstoß bewirkt das Gegenteil von dem, was er eigentlich anstrebt.Carsten Herz 27.02.2025
The Gold at Fort Knox Was Stolen from Americans
02/26/2025 Ryan McMaken
In recent days, President Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Senator Rand Paul, and some others have pressed for an audit of the US gold reserves, with a special focus on the gold at Fort Knox. This is perfectly …………………..
How Much Gold Does the US Government Own, and Where Is It?
02/27/2025 Ryan McMaken
Several key figures in the Trump administration have declared that the “gold at fort Knox” ought to be audited. I’m all in favor of this, but the gold at Fort Knox is less than sixty percent of the federal ……………
Die Genossen Verlierer im Größenwahn?
Lars Klingbeil hat die SPD als Vorsitzender in ihre größte Niederlage geführt und tritt jetzt auf, als hätte er die Wahl gewonnen. Doch sein einziger Kraftquell ist die Brandmauer. Oder hofft er auf Dr. Tschentscher?
EU/NATO Keeps Poking the Bear, Still Wants Troops in Ukraine
By Drago Bosnic InfoBrics February 28, 2025
UK Prime Minister Kier Starmer is looking to pitch the plan to Donald Trump, masking it under the “readiness to deploy British troops as a security guarantee for a free, sovereign and democratic Ukraine”. ……………………
Ukraine – Minerals Deal Agreement, Lavrov Rejects Peacekeepers, War Destined To Become Trump’s Vietnam
Moon of Alabama February 28, 2025
Is The Stage Being Set for Damascus To Be Utterly Destroyed and Turned Into a Heap of Ruins?
By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse February 28, 2025
The Sunni radicals that have taken over Syria are demanding that all Israeli forces must leave Syrian territory. On the other side, the IDF is hammering military targets in southern Syria with a blistering wave …………………….
The Left Has Left the Building
From classical liberalism to certified lunacy
Donald Jeffries Feb 26, 2025
The new, “Woke” Left has entirely taken over my old party, the Democrats. There literally isn’t a single Democratic Party elected official who is redeemable in the least. They are all irrational devotees of ………………………
The Funeral That Sealed Hezbollah’s Unbreakable Covenant
Hassan Nasrallah’s funeral in Beirut became a powerful testament to the enduring spirit of resistance, as millions gathered to honor his memory amidst the wreckage left by the Israeli aggression in south Lebanon and the southern suburbs of Beirut. Despite the destruction and constant threats, the resolute ……………………..
10 x 10 Approach
By Doug Casey International Man February 28, 2025
Everyone who devotes any attention to investing inevitably develops his own specialties, approaches, and methods. In other words a style. There are many paths up the mountain, and all intelligent methods have merit. But the degree of merit can vary tremendously with the times. A value investor, who attempts to …………………….
How FDR’s Attack on the Gold Standard Spawned an Age of Inflation
By Thomas DiLorenzo February 28, 2025
In his great classic, Crisis and Leviathan, Robert Higgs explained how Franklin Roosevelt’s attacks on the ………………….
Modern Times and Ancient Truths
By Edward Curtin February 28, 2025
Eighty-nine years ago this month, the film Modern Times, starring Charlie Chaplin, was released. Considered one of the greatest movies ever, it was a comedic but savage critique of industrial capitalism ……………………..
Zwei Lehrstücke für Erststimmen-Leugner
Das aktuelle deutsche Wahlsystem mit seiner Entwertung der Erststimme schwächt die Demokratie und stärkt Parteiapparate. Wenn der Bundestag ohne solche Entdemokratisierung nicht wieder so groß werden soll wie der letzte, dann hilft die Rückkehr zum Wahlrecht von 1990.
The New GOP-Organized Labor Alliance Will Not Help the Working Classes
02/26/2025 Connor O’Keeffe
On Thursday, the Senate HELP Committee is set to vote on the nomination of Lori Chavez-DeRemer, Trump’s pick for Labor Secretary. Chavez-DeRemer was a Republican representative from Oregon who ……………………
Despite Romanian Human Trafficking Charges, Andrew Tate Flies to Florida
The self-described „king of masculinity“ left Romania on a private jet after a push from the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump.
Exclusive — Marsha Blackburn: Epstein List Essential to Uncover Global Trafficking Network
Hannah Knudsen 27 Feb 2025
Releasing the Epstein list is all about unveiling the dark global network he built, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily.
Blackburn — who has continually called for transparency on all things related to Jeffry Epstein — spoke ……………………
EPSTEIN FILES TODAY: AG Pam Bondi Drops a Stunning Announcement on Fox News
“It’s pretty sick, what that man did…” February 26, 2025 ByZeroHedge
Staat schüttete 2023 fast 4 Millionen Euro an die Agora-Netzwerke aus
Von Marco Gallina Do, 27. Februar 2025
Mit der Affäre um Patrick Graichen rückten der Think-Tank Agora Energiewende und seine Schwesternorganisationen ins Licht der Öffentlichkeit. Im Jahr 2023 schüttete der Staat fast 4 Millionen Euro an die Netzwerke aus. Verena Graichen, die Schwester des Ex-Staatssekretärs, steigt derweil die Karriereleiter auf.
NATO Admits Casus Belli Was NATO Enlargement
Sept. 2023 video of NATO secretary Jens Stoltenberg telling EU Parliament that Russia invaded Ukraine to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. By John Leake Courageous Discourse February 27, 2025
If DOGE Wants a Worthy Target, It Should Look at the World Bank and IMF
These are two of the most questionable and controversial institutions directly or indirectly funded with U.S. taxpayers’ money.
Walden Bello Feb 25, 2025 Foreign Policy In Focus