Macron, Starmer und das geopolitische Vakuum
Von Marco Gallina Mo, 3. März 2025 Illusionen zweier gefallener Großmächte
Frankreich und Großbritannien inszenieren sich als neue Herren Europas und stellen US-freundliche Mächte wie Italien und Ungarn, aber auch Deutschland in die hinterste Reihe. Aber sie regieren ein bloßes Schattenreich – ohne Washington können sie gegen Moskau keinen Frieden erzwingen.
Der irreale Wunsch nach der deutschen Atombombe
Von Richard Drexl Di, 4. März 2025 Braucht Deutschland Atomwaffen?
Kaum zu glauben aber wahr, das Spiel mit offenen Karten der Trump-Administration schreckt selbst die bräsigen Deutschen auf. Sogar bisherige Tabuthemen wie Atomwaffen für die Bundeswehr werden neu diskutiert.
2 Tote, 25 Verletzte: Auto rast in Mannheim in Menschenmenge
Die Polizei hat das mutmaßliche Auto sichergestellt, dass am Montag durch die Innenstadt von Mannheim in eine Menschenmenge raste
Suddenly, Leaving NATO Is on the Table!
By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute March 4, 2025
Over the weekend, President Trump’s Department of Government Efficiency head Elon Musk made quite a stir with just two words posted on his social media platform, X. Responding to a post that, “It’s time to leave NATO and the UN,” Musk replied, “I agree.” The comment immediately made the rounds ……………………..
A Golden Opportunity: Leave NATO Now
By Scott A. Boykin March 4, 2025
The President has the authority to withdraw from a treaty on behalf of the United States, and President Trump should immediately withdraw the U.S. from NATO. Ukrainian President Volodymyr …………………
Why Is Europe Making Itself Irrelevant
By Paul Craig Roberts March 4, 2025
Readers want to know why the UK PM and European leaders–really, non-readers, misleaders, bad leaders–want war with Russia over Ukraine. My answer is that they don’t.
If We Set Aside Ideology, Is There Anything We Can Agree On?
March 3, 2025
Just the experiment of setting aside ideological certainties for a moment would be instructive.
Radical Reconstruction and State Omnipotence
By Wanjiru Njoya March 4, 2025
In his book Omnipotent Government, Ludwig von Mises traces the shift in Europe from individualism to state omnipotence, highlighting the disastrous effects of empowering government to run every aspect of ……………….
DOGE vs the Deep State (Corruption and scandal as USAID has its day of reckoning…)
“Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.” ~ Doug Casey, Crisis Investing (1979)
Donald Trump, Mathias Döpfner und das Ende der Welt, wie wir sie kennen
Von Alexander Heiden Mo, 3. März 2025
Nach dem Eklat in Washington irrlichtert der Alte Kontinent herum. In einem bemerkenswerten Kommentar führt Springer-Boss Döpfner unfreiwillig vor, weshalb es die EU als Großmacht weder gab noch geben wird. Das einige und starke Europa ist die Lebenslüge unserer Zeit.
Trump Pulls the Plug on Further Aid to Ukraine
4 March 2025 by Larry C. Johnson
What a day. The fallout from Friday’s rumble in the Oval Office continues and it is not good news for Ukraine. Although Zelensky caught some love from a motley collection of Eurocrats over the weekend in London, it was meaningless. More empty promises from European countries with no military clout and ………………………
Trump Pauses all Funds to Ukraine – About Time!
I have been stating all along all of my sources say the same thing. Zelensky is just a puppet of the Neocons. He takes his orders from them and they do not want peace. They have invested so much into this war to conquer Russia that they are not about to walk away.
Audi am Scheideweg: Erzwingt die Absatzkrise einen weitreichenden Stellenabbau?
Von Hannes Märtin Di, 4. März 2025
Um die finanziellen Schwierigkeiten im Unternehmen abzufedern, muss Audi nun einen radikalen Sparkurs fahren. Pro Jahr will der Autobauer die Personalkosten um eine Milliarde Euro senken. Auch ein großflächiger Stellenabbau könnte bevorstehen.
DOGE’s Key Revelation: A Federal Budget Made Into a Maze Impervious to Reform
By James Varney, RealClearInvestigations March 03, 2025
As Elon Musk and his tech team urge their fellow Americans to become “domestic auditors” to help rein in federal spending, people have been encouraged to use the Treasury
Starmer’s Summit Gives Birth To A Mouse – It’s Stillborn.
A mountain was in labour, uttering immense groans,
and on earth there was very great expectation.
But it gave birth to a mouse. This has been written for you,
Tariffs Are Wealth Destroyers
03/03/2025 Frank Shostak
On January 31, 2025, US President Donald Trump announced that he would impose a 25 percent tariff on imports from Canada and Mexico (except for Canadian crude oil and energy imports, which will be subject to a 10 percent tariff) and a 10 percent tariff on imports from China. Tariffs are taxes on things that ……………………….
Jean-Baptiste Say: Neglected Champion of Laissez-Faire
02/28/2025 Larry J. Sechrest
Beyond some rudimentary facts, very little is available in English about the life of J.B. Say.1 He was born in Lyons, France, to middle-class Huguenot parents, and spent most of his early years in Geneva and ……………………..
EU „Weltmarktführer in der Kreislaufwirtschaft“
Die EU-Kommission und ihre „kühnen“ Pläne zur Dekarbonisierung der Industrie, sollen „den globalen Fortschritt gestalten“. Doch der wird längst woanders gestaltet, während die EU das Recycling der sozialistischen Planwirtschaft betreibt.
Die Migrations-Forschenden aus Wokistan
Der Sound des deutschen Migrationsforschungsbiotops ist kaum unterscheidbar von Verlautbarungen linksgrüner Politiker und Aktivisten. Als Beispiele dienen hier das „Deutsche Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung“ (DeZIM) und den „Rat für Migration (RfM)“.
The Clean Industrial Deal
The European Commission crafted a new strategy to funnel money into climate change initiatives—The Clean Industrial Deal (CID). The European Union has watched as these net zero carbon goals slowly strangle their economies. Yet, those in charge believe they can achieve net zero by 2050 through perpetual ……………………..
Europe’s reckless bid for victory It is defenceless without America
Can Europe fund Ukrainian security through debt? Wolfgang Munchau, 3.3.25
Donald Trump wants peace, now. Volodymyr Zelensky and his European supporters want victory, later. This is what the very public disagreement in the Oval Office on Friday was all about. Peace through ………………………
Romanian Uprising thanks to EU & US Interference in Their Election
The Romanians, I suppose, must all be far-right, but that is the current mood, and the interference in their election has only increased the anti-corrupt government sentiments. The high court is lucky they are not ………………….
Kriegskredite, Schwarze Kassen, Energiekosten
Von Roland Tichy So, 2. März 2025
Die laufenden Sondierungsgespräche zwischen CDU/CSU und SPD werden zeigen, ob Friedrich Merz für einen politischen Neuanfang steht oder ob es ihm nur um ein paar Jahre Hofhaltung in der Bundes-………………….
Why Arabs Don’t Want To Receive Palestinian Ex-Prisoners
by Khaled Abu Toameh March 3, 2025
The Jordanians and Lebanese, for their part, have not forgotten how Palestinians sparked civil wars in their countries in the 70s and 80s.