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Nur die Lüge braucht die Stütze der Staatsgewalt, die Wahrheit steht von allein aufrecht.

— Thomas Jefferson

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Warum die Schuldenbremse fallen wird

Von Mario Thurnes Di, 4. März 2025

Noch bevor Friedrich Merz Kanzler wird, bricht er ein wichtiges Wahlversprechen: Die Schuldenbremse wird fallen. Wie das genau aussehen wird, wird sich an diesem Mittwoch vorentscheiden – doch die wesentlichen Akteure sind dafür. Auch einer, von dem man es nicht glauben mag.




Did Zelensky Just Blink?

4 March 2025 by Larry C. Johnson

French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, understands what happened last Friday in Washington, DC. The question remains… does Zelensky?




It’s Past Time To End U.S. Participation in the War in Ukraine

By John William Sherrod Being Right March 5, 2025

I’ve always been a staunch Pat Buchananite (and later Ron Paulian) non-interventionist when it comes to foreign conflict. During the 90s, I abhorred Bill Clinton’s adventurism in places like Bosnia and Somalia. Black Hawk Down is a great movie, but those American military personnel should never have been placed in harm’s way in the first place. It might seem hard for younger viewers to imagine this, but …………………



Der wahre Sinn der Brandmauer

Diejenigen, die an der Brandmauer festhalten, schaden sich selbst, sind aber nicht fähig, sich von der Ideologie dahinter zu verabschieden. Sie haben diese im Laufe ihres Lebens zutiefst absorbiert, um die eigene Person als wertvoll betrachten zu können.




The Worst Market Intervention of All Time

03/03/2025 George Ford Smith

“An inhabitant of Berlin, who in 1914 would have been jubilant upon receiving an unexpected legacy of 1,000 marks, did not think an amount of 1,000,000,000 marks worth his attention in the fall of 1923.“— ……………………..



Liberate Germany!

By Eric S. Margolis March 5, 2025

‘Germans are either at your throat or at your feet,’ quipped old war lover Winston Churchill.

Today, Germans are at our feet – an astounding 80 years after the end of World War II.  Though mostly reunited, Germany remains an occupied nation reduced to second class status and afflicted with war guilt.  Japan – also occupied – remains in a similar status.




The Snit Fit Heard Round the World

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner March 5, 2025

It goes without saying that the Donald can never get enough of the limelight. But last Friday in a live Oval Office broadcast seen around the world that thirst for public attention may have actually changed the course of history. And very much for the good—even if the trigger was pulled by a third rate actor who …………………



An American Classical Liberalism

03/04/2025 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

Every four years, as the November presidential election draws near, I have the same daydream: that I don’t know or care who the president of the United States is. More importantly, I don’t need to know or care. I don’t have to vote or even pay attention to debates. I can ignore all campaign commercials. There …………………….



Wann kommt die nächste Eiszeit?

Forschungsteam entschlüsselt dominierende Faktoren für den Takt der Eiszeiten

  1. März 2025




Bundespolizisten schreiben Brandbrief an Bundeskanzler: Afghanen-Flug „hochriskant und unverantwortlich“

Der letzte Afghanen-Flug landete erst vor wenigen Tagen am Berliner Flughafen BER

04.03.2025 – Frank Schneider

Die Flüge von afghanischen Migranten nach Deutschland setzen die scheidende Bundesregierung immer ……………………



Does Europe Yearn for Another General Bloodletting?

Napoleonic Wars, Crimean, Franco-Prussian, World War I, World War II. Has it been too long? Do the Europeans now long for the cathartic release of mass killing?

By John Leake Courageous Discourse March 4, 2025




Trump and the end of the Long Twentieth Century, Part 1

By NS Lyons March 4, 2025

We are publishing this important analysis of our epoch-changing times in three parts.

THE first weeks of the second Trump administration have been a wild ride. Like many, I’ve been blown …………………..



Throwing good money after bad – the great divide between Europe and America over Ukraine

By David Craig March 4, 2025

SO much has already been written and said about the disastrous White House meeting between Trump, Vance and Zelensky that you might think there’s nothing more to add. But two important points may ………………….



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