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Die Übertretung eines gegebenen Gesetzes ist ein schlechtes Beispiel, zumal wenn der Gesetzgeber sie selbst begeht.

— Niccolò Machiavelli

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Der Weltpolizist meldet sich ab

Das Vertrauen in die USA als Schutzmacht ist nicht mehr existent. Das gilt auch für Australien und Neuseeland. Dort provozierte die chinesische Marine bereits mit Schießübungen vor der Küste Sydneys. Eine Lehre auch für Deutschland.




Jessica D. Aber US Attorney Found Dead Involved in Russia/Ukraine Case

I think you commented that Jessica Aber was involved in a Biden prosecution scam. She was found dead after resigning when Trump won. Is there any connection?




Deep State Still Desperate to Suppress the Facts About the Assassination of John F. Kennedy

23 March 2025 by Larry C. Johnson

Trump’s release of some of the JFK files is being downplayed by the usual suspects in the Deep State, but there are some genuine bombshells. One of those concerns the CIA’s Counter Intelligence Chief, James ……………………



Commercial Real Estate Is in Serious Trouble

03/20/2025 Douglas French

While the financial press is attempting to cover Trump’s frenetic bipolar tariff policy, the ponderous commercial real estate market continues to deteriorate. Bisnow.com reports, citing CoStar, “US banks ……………………



The Price of Gold: A Woefully Outmoded Law Needs Updating

03/21/2025 Alex J. Pollock

According to a woefully outmoded law of the United States, the American government must account for the more than 8,100 tons of gold it owns at the now completely irrelevant price of $42.22 per ounce. In the precise language of the 1973 Act to Amend the Par Value Modification Act, still in force, the legally ……………………..



My Time in the Reagan Administration


By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org March 24, 2025

When I was an economics professor, I often wondered if what my faculty colleagues and I were teaching students about economic policy had any validity. I left Stanford University, went to Washington, D.C., ……………………..



Kosovo, America’s “Mafia State”: The US-NATO-EU Support a Political Process Linked to Organized Crime

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci is part of a criminal syndicate

Michel Chossudovsky Mar 21, 2025

The unilateral independence of Kosovo was declared in February 2008. The Bush administration had detached Frank Wisner Jr., the son of the legendary CIA Frank G. Wisner who led the CIA-MI6 coup d’Etat against Iran in 1953.




France Can’t Deploy New Air Launched Nucelar-Tipped Missiles Before 2035

The two new „Rafale“ squadrons are to be armed with the upcoming ASN4G hypersonic missiles, but won’t be ready before 2035. This timeframe is not exactly reassuring for either France or other EU/NATO members. Meanwhile, Moscow has at least a dozen hypersonic weapons already in service.

By Drago Bosnic InfoBrics March 24, 2025




Tump Shows His True Colors

By Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin Live March 24, 2025

It didn’t take long for Donald Trump to show his true colors.

Trump won a landslide election last November primarily on the promise to STOP America’s “stupid” …………………..



American Pravda: Who Wrote Shakespeare’s Plays?

Ron Unz • March 17, 2025

My 10th grade English class had devoted a semester to the works of William Shakespeare, and that seemed appropriate given his place in our language and our culture.

During those months, I’d read about a dozen or so of his plays and had been required to memorize one of ……………………



Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Steve Witkoff Reveals Surprising Ignorance

23 March 2025 by Larry C. Johnson

I have recorded a video for Counter Currents on Tucker’s blockbuster interview with Trump’s “peace” emissary, Steve Witkoff. My editor is in a different time zone, so it may not go up until Monday. …………….



Mt Spurr Alaska – Activity Rising

Marty, Here in Alaska, we have been put on alert that Mt Spurr may erupt soon. Your computer has been remarkable projecting these trend of rising volcanic activity here in 2025 and we are still in the first quarter. Do you have any historical analysis of Mt. Spurr?




Der Sonntagsfahrer: Berlin braucht wieder eine Luftbrücke

Die West-Verbindung der Bundeshauptstadt ist wegen einer maroden Brücke weitgehend gekappt. Rettung könnte ein Flugtaxi namens „Fieseler Storch“ aus dem Museum bringen – und weniger vollverblödetes Spitzenpersonal.




Wer von Rücktritt spricht, wird zurückgetreten – gibt Friedrich Merz schon auf?

Von Roland Tichy So, 23. März 2025

Woche der Klarheit: Die Vielleicht-Regierung Merz ist eine Fortsetzung der Ampel, nur mit noch mehr Schulden. Merz hat sein Pulver nicht verschossen, sondern an die Linken im Bundestag übergeben. Schon spricht er von Rücktritt. Den kann er schnell haben, wovon auch immer. Wird Lars Klingbeil ………………….



Martin Armstrong and Mike Campbell Discuss Global Uncertainty



Chile – The Outlook

Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong:

I hope you are well and enjoying your front-beach house, in the Sunshine State. I ask you:




Andrew Johnson’s Scuffle with Protectionists

03/20/2025 Justin Madura

The seventeenth President of the United States, Andrew Johnson, is perhaps an unlikely figure which proponents of free markets would be inclined to consider. Upon assuming the role of Chief Executive …………………



China Has Set Up Iran’s Next War in the Middle East

by Gordon G. Chang March 23, 2025

Iran, in short, has a nuclear weapons program because of China. For a long time, the international community looked the other way as the „atomic ayatollahs,“ in violation of their treaty obligations, worked on building these fearsome devices. President Donald Trump, to his credit, is taking the issue ………………..



The Tariff and Income Tax Toggle

03/21/2025 Joshua Mawhorter

Much has been written recently on Trump’s statements regarding tariffs and even his idea to replace income tax with tariffs. Writings have tackled the economic destructiveness of tariffs, how they raise ……………….



Blackbox KW 12 – Ist der Merz im April schon Geschichte?

Von Stephan Paetow So, 23. März 2025

Er hat alles versaut, was man versauen kann, und inzwischen spricht er selbst davon, dass seine politische Karriere bald beendet sein könnte …




How Zelenski Is Trying To Sabotage Trump’s Negotiations With Russia

Ukraine’s (former) President Zelenski is trying to impede further talks between the U.S. and Russia. For this purpose he is avoiding to implement a temporary ceasefire an energy related targets as agreed on between President Trump and President Putin.




Ein Requiem für Vernunft, Freiheit und Menschlichkeit

Sa, 22. März 2025

Am 22. März jährt sich der Beginn einer beispiellosen politischen und gesellschaftlichen Zäsur in Deutschland zum fünften Mal – ein düsterer Jahrestag ohne ehrliche Aufarbeitung. Statt Schutz brachte der erste Lockdown Ausgrenzung, wirtschaftliches Elend und einen tiefen Riss durch die Gesellschaft – ……………………



Wo Schuldenmilliarden spurlos verdampfen

Von Alexander Wendt Fr, 21. März 2025

Neuerdings steht die „Klimaneutralität bis 2045“ im Grundgesetz. Angesichts der Sonderkredite, die auch mit diesem Ziel begründet werden, lohnt sich das Nachrechnen: Selbst eine Billion Euro würde nicht annähernd reichen.




Commercial Real Estate Is in Serious Trouble

By Douglas French Mises.org March 22, 2025

While the financial press is attempting to cover Trump’s frenetic bipolar tariff policy, the ponderous commercial real estate market continues to deteriorate. Bisnow.com reports, citing CoStar, “US banks ……………………



Political Conspiracies and the French Revolution

By Ron Unz The Unz Review March 22, 2025

A few weeks ago I published a long article on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, reviewing the available evidence on that notorious document of the very early twentieth century and attempting to evaluate its ……………………



If We Want Trump To Matter We Need To Do Likewise, If We Want Ron Paul To Matter We Need To Do Likewise

By Allan Stevo March 22, 2025

It was 2005-ish when a loved one had me read an article from a man he called “The Honorable Ron Paul.” I had never heard of him. Though I had been involved in local politics, I did not care for politicians ………………….



A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall – From the West Down to the East

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture March 22, 2025

In this incandescent juncture, what matters is off the record.

Let’s start with that phone call. The Kremlin readout is quite sober – but it does reveal a few nuggets. There is no comprehensive deal – yet – between Moscow and Washington. Far from it: we are ………………………



The Demonization of Shakespeare Is Part of the Demonization of the West

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org March 22, 2025

In the United States my generation began reading Shakespeare’s plays in high school.  In universities you encountered Shakespeare in the core curriculum.  When core curriculums were abolished, English majors got further into Shakespeare and studied his sonnets.  It was the work that was admired and studied, not ………………………



2008 Set the Stage for 2025

SchiffGold.com March 22, 2025

Last week Peter joined Tom Clougherty, Executive Director of the Institute of Economic Affairs, to discuss his unwavering view of free-market economics, the enduring threats from misguided government …………………………



Trump Seeks Russian Support for War on Iran

Moon of Alabama March 22, 2025

he readouts from the U.S. and Russian side about yesterday’s phone call between President Trump and President Putin has me concerned about the potential of another war in the Middle East.




10 Countries That Will Collapse Soon According to Experts.

Milan Adams Uncategorized March 21, 2025

Predicting the collapse of a country is like reading between the lines of history, economics, and politics. ………………..



Understanding Why Russia Won’t Accept a “Permanent” Ceasefire

21 March 2025 by Larry C. Johnson

Donald Trump will not succeed in convincing Russia to accept a ceasefire to bring a temporary halt to the war in Ukraine because Russia has been burned and bamboozled too many times by previous Western-backed ceasefires. The push for a ceasefire follows a pattern — i.e., Ukrainian forces get their ass kicked ……………………………..



Linke fahren als Anhängsel von Union, SPD und Grünen mit

Von Mario Thurnes Fr, 21. März 2025

Der Bundesrat hat dem Aufweichen der Schuldenbremse mit der notwendigen Mehrheit von zwei …………………….



19 Reasons Why the Federal Reserve Is at the Heart of Our Economic Problems

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse March 21, 2025

Most Americans have absolutely no idea how we got into the mess that we are in today.  The reason why ……………….



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