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In Deutschland gilt derjenige, der auf den Schmutz hinweist, für viel gefährlicher als derjenige, der den Schmutz macht.

— Kurt Tucholsky

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Die Gewalt von Männergruppen gegen Frauen nimmt zu

Gunnar Schupelius 3. August 2021

Die Zahl der sexuellen Übergriffe und auch der Gruppenvergewaltigungen erreicht schwindelerregende Höhen. Eine wirklich entschlossene Haltung der Gesellschaft würde eine abschreckende Wirkung entfalten. Stattdessen werden die Taten totgeschwiegen, meint




Frankreich: Impfpflicht durch die Hintertür jetzt Schock-Realität

Trotz riesiger Bürger-Proteste ist die Impfpflicht durch die Hintertür seit gestern in Frankreich Realität. Ab heute sollte der Zutritt zu Gaststätten – auch im Außenbereich – den großen Supermärkten, den Flugzeugen, Fernzügen und Fernbussen, Krankenhäusern außer in akuten Krankheitsfällen, nur noch mit einem gültigen QR-Impfcode möglich sein.




Merkels Vorlage: Corona-Ausnahmezustand verlängern, weiter Maskenpflicht, Ungeimpfte massiv benachteiligen

Von Air Türkis, Max Roland Di, 10. August 2021

Ohne Not sollen heute auf der Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz massive neue Corona-Restriktionen beschlossen werden. Die Bundesregierung will weiter machen wie bisher. …………………



U.S. says it is up to Afghans to defend country as Taliban take more territory

Taliban gains spark recriminations over U.S. pullout




Prince Andrew is sued by Jeffrey Epstein accuser over alleged sexual abuse

Jonathan Stempel

The company and law firm names shown above are generated automatically based on the text of the article. We are improving this feature as we continue to test and develop in beta. We ……………….



Thai protest leaders detained ahead of planned „car mob“ rally

BANGKOK, Aug 10 (Reuters) – Thai authorities have detained at least 11 leaders of the country’s anti-government protest movement and deployed hundreds of police ahead of a planned demonstration on Tuesday involving a convoy of cars congregating in the centre of Bangkok.




WEF & Davos is More than Just Forums

Many people have asked if I attend DAVOS meetings. The answer is NO! I considered taking a booth there to display Socrates, but decided against it because the overall theme of Davos was the very opposite of my personal views and the forecast of Socrates which says they will crash and burn.




Using Global Capital Flow Heat Map

My question is how do I interpret an increase of 5% or more in the capital flows heat map to any country? Does this mean the stock market is projected to go up? the currency? how I am …………….



Taliban capture sixth Afghan provincial capital as U.S. troops withdraw

Taliban gains spark recriminations over U.S. pullout

Germany rejects calls for its soldiers to return




How cancel culture hurts the Left

Kat Rosenfield is a culture writer, novelist, and co-host of the Feminine Chaos podcast.

Liberals are in danger of losing the culture wars, August 9, 2021

There’s a running joke on the Left about people who claim to have been silenced for their ………………



‘An Epic Failure’ — We Need To Remember 1971

By BRIAN DOMITROVIC, Special to the Sun | August 9, 2021

My book on the early career of Arthur Laffer, that advocate of gold within the Nixon …………………..



Auch in Italien formiert sich der Widerstand gegen den »Green Pass«

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 9. August 2021

Seit Freitag brauchen die Italiener einen »Green Pass«, um am öffentlichen Leben teilzunehmen. Die Maßnahme löste einen Proteststurm in allen großen Städten aus. Noch ist ………………



How the Democrats fell for Mussolini

The biggest losers will inevitably be the poor.

Joel Kotkin is the Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman University and executive director of the Urban Reform Institute. His new book, The Coming of Neo-Feudalism, is now ……………….



Critical Race Theory ignores anti-Semitism

Joel Kotkin is the Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman University and executive director of the Urban Reform Institute. His new book, The Coming of Neo-Feudalism, is now ……………..



Using Goods vs. Exchanging Them: Menger Explains the Difference

08/07/2021 Antony P. Mueller Exchange Creates Value

Different from Adam Smith who presumed in his Wealth of Nations that the division of labor was caused by the “propensity to truck, barter, and exchange” as a part of human nature, Carl …………..



Of Common, Public, and Private Property and the Rationale for Total Privatization

08/07/2021 Hans-Hermann Hoppe

I have three goals. First, I want to clarify the nature and function of private property. Second, I want to clarify the distinction between “common” goods and property and “public” goods ………………..



Revitalizing a Town Takes a Lot More Than Fixing Up a Few Buildings for a TV Show

08/07/2021 Daniella Bassi

Some may have heard of Home Town Takeover, but for those who have not, it’s an HGTV show in which a couple from the town of Laurel, Mississippi, take on renovation projects in the hopes of rejuvenating their hometown and making it a place people want to live and open ………………




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