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Nimm vom Staat das Recht weg, was bleibt dann als eine große Räuberbande?

— Hl. Augustinus von Hippo (Kirchenlehrer)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Der Kapitalismus Kreis – Jede Wirtschaftsform ist Kapitalismus



Verfassungsrechtler Papier: „Vorsorgliche Verbote sind nicht mehr zulässig“

Hans-Jürgen Papier sagt: Weil viele Menschen geimpft sind, kann der Staat nicht mehr einfach auf Verdacht Maßnahmen verordnen. , 13.9.2021




Giving the Taliban International Legitimacy Would Be a Disastrous Mistake

by Con Coughlin September 14, 2021 European plans to forge closer ties with Kabul are, though, being severely undermined by the conduct of the new Taliban regime which, rather than living up to its promise to mend its ways, instead appears to be reverting to its old, ……………………



Dr. Wodargs Verdacht: Warum impft man Behinderte, Krebs- und Geisteskranke zuerst?

  1. April 2021

In der Sitzung 48 des deutschen „Corona Ausschuss“ zeigte Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, ehemaliger SPD Abgeordneter und Facharzt für Innere Krankheiten, Hygiene und ………………………



Ernst Wolff: Digital Financial Complex

…and a side note on Pfizer shareholders, Tessa Lena, Sept. 6

This story is a quick and focused one, again (or so it was until I got into it). An interesting talk by Ernst Wolff came up, and I want to share it and add some context while I am at it. I am ……………..



The Fed Is Helping Facilitate Trailer Park Evictions

09/13/2021 Mike Maharrey

The Federal Reserve is helping corporate real estate investors evict poor people from mobile home parks.




Reaching September-October

Marty, we have reached the next target on your model from September to October. This indeed seems to be getting very dark. Any comments? HC




Sky News – Dividing the Country is Tyranny



Police, Paramedics, Firefighters, Doctors, and Nurses Protest Vaccines

In Canada, police officers, firefighters, and paramedics have all joined together at Queen’s …………………….



Unaware that he was on a hot mic and being broadcast live on a TV station, Israeli health minister Nitzan Horowitz admitted that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine.

“Imposing “green pass” rules on certain venues is needed only to pressure members of the …………………..



9/11 and the Politics of Fear and Self-Preservation

We will either be remembered as a country that took freedom and liberty for all seriously or we will be remembered as a nation of cowards who, driven by fear, were willing to deprive this group, then that group, of their freedom — before losing that freedom entirely.

By Whitney Webb  MintPress News September 14, 2021




Juden gegen die AfD

Der Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland hat zusammen mit 60 weiteren jüdischen Massenorganisationen dazu aufgerufen, bei der anstehenden Bundestagswahl die AfD zu boykottieren. Die Partei sei „radikal und religionsfeindlich“, sie biete „Antisemiten und ……………………



Embattled Evergrande warns of growing default risks as pressures mount

By Clare Jim and Samuel Shen

People gather to demand repayment of loans and financial products at the Evergrande’s headquarters, in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China September 13, 2021. REUTERS/David Kirton




Aufstand in Kalifornien

Laut Umfragen hat der Republikaner Larry Elder, ein schwarzer Radiomoderator, die besten Aussichten, den aktuellen kalifornischen Gouverneur zu beerben.

Heute, am 14. September findet in den USA eine wichtige Abstimmung statt. Die Wähler des Bundesstaates Kalifornien entscheiden in einem Abwahlreferendum über die Zukunft des seit ………………..



Wahlkreis 196: Alle gegen Kohls Drachen

Der Drache heißt Hans-Georg Maaßen, seine Köpfe ähneln Konrad Adenauer, Ludwig Erhard, Franz Josef Strauß, Rainer Barzel und Helmut Kohl, und er kämpft um ein Bundestagsmandat. Gewinnt er, gewinnen Adenauer, Strauß, Barzel und Kohl. Das weiß der Merkel-Flügel in der Union, das wissen SPD, Grüne und Linke.




Twenty Years On, We’ve Learned Nothing From 9/11

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute September 14, 2021

Nothing upset the Washington Beltway elites more than when in a 2007 presidential debate I pointed out the truth about the 9/11 attacks: they attacked us because we’ve been in the Middle East, sanctioning and ………………..



Covid, 9/11 & Forever War

From the war on terror to the “pandemic”, the elite are constructing fake threats to start wars that never have to end. By Kit Knightly  OffGuardian September 14, 2021

“The war was not meant to be won. It was meant to be continuous.”

George Orwell, 1984




China Negotiating with Taliban

China is negotiating with the Taliban to take over the huge American Air Force base near Kabul. In fact, it is the largest American facility in all of Afghanistan. Biden left behind $83 ………………..



Democrats Go Insane on Taxes NYC 61.5% is Your Tax Rate!

The Democrats are simply insane. Every study on taxation has shown that the lower the tax rates, the greater the economic growth. The Reagan tax cuts resulted in people paying more in taxes because they earned more. The new tax hiked will push NYC to 61.5%. Anyone who ……………………



Critical Race Theory Is a Direct Attack on Market Freedom

09/13/2021 Clark Patterson

Critical race theory (CRT) has become the cultural wedge issue of 2021. An important question is what will be CRT’s effect on the future of freedom.

Because CRT assumes a finite economic pie and posits all economic interactions as zero-sum, ………………….



Biden’s Vaccine Mandates: It’s about Power

09/11/2021 Ryan McMaken

The Biden administration on Thursday announced sweeping new mandates. The new mandates require that all employers with more than one hundred workers require workers to be vaccinated or to test for the virus weekly. The mandates also require covid vaccinations for ………………….



Stunning UK Reversal: Scraps Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns And PCR Tests

Posted By: Claudia Aoraha via The Sun (UK) September 13, 2021

It is unclear what is driving this sudden reversal, but it is likely political. Nevertheless, the ripple effect of Britain’s reversals could have a profound effects on other nations such as …………………



Technocrat Tools: Fabricated Stories, Blatant Propaganda And Outright Lies

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola September 13, 2021

Technocrats know as many dirty tricks as the most corrupt political carpet-bagger, but when they intentionally threaten the lives of millions, it takes on a very dark nature. Recognizing …………………..



Slavery Ahead: The Technocratic Convergence Of Humans And Data

Posted By: Daniel Broudy and Makoto Arakaki via Frontiers In Communication September 13, 2021

It has been said, “Two percent of the people think, eight percent think they think and ninety percent would rather die than think.” We hope TN readers fall into the first  group as they are …………………



Privatschulen in Deutschland

Margret Kaul, 10.9.2014

In der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung gelten Privatschulen vor allem als Schulen einer wohlhabenden Elite. Tatsächlich ist die Privatschullandschaft jedoch außerordentlich vielfältig. Auch die Motive der Eltern, die eine Privatschule auswählen, unterscheiden sich. Wie hat sich die Privatschullandschaft in Deutschland ………………….



Der ″Erfolg“ der Impfungen am Beispiel Israels: Die Daten Ergeben keinen Sinn

Im folgenden Beitrag geht es nicht um mögliche Impfnebenwirkungen oder die möglicherweise auf lange Sicht desaströsen Folgen für Kinder, Erwachsene oder ganze Gesellschaften aufgrund staatlicher Interventionen. Das sind ganz eigene Themen, für die aus den hier betrachteten Daten keine Rückschlüsse gezogen werden können, obwohl ……………….



Is South America Turning Anti-Marxist?

It seems like we are in a period where everyone just moves in the opposite direction of what they have been. Where Klaus Schwab says you will own nothing and be happy,  those in the ………………..



Staatlicher Interventionismus aufgrund von Wirtschaftsstatistiken

Frank Shostak

Es ist üblich, dass Kommentatoren und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler auf etwas verweisen, das „Wirtschaft“ genannt wird und das sich manchmal gut und manchmal schlecht entwickelt. Die „Wirtschaft“ wird als eine lebendige, von den Individuen unabhängige Einheit dargestellt.




Offering Our Children on Big Pharma’s Altar

mRNA vaccines are the gateway drugs to universal addiction and the transformation of our children into the „Internet of Bodies”

Karen Hunt

RAND defines the Internet of Bodies as “a growing industry of devices that monitor the human body, collect health and other personal information, and transmit that data over the ……………….






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