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The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants.

— Albert Camus

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution & Forecasting

Mr. Armstrong, I attended the WEC last year for the first time. Everything you laid out came true. You were saying the Euro would peak by February and we were




Neuauflage der “Reichsfluchtsteuer”?

Von Edgar L. Gärtner

Jahr für Jahr kehren mehr als 200.000 Deutsche ihrer Heimat definitiv den Rücken. Überwiegend handelt es sich bei ihnen um höher qualifizierte Personen im besten Alter. Die ………………..



Weg mit den Sachsen!

Kaum hatten die Wahllokale geschlossen –außer in Berlin –und ARD und ZDF ihre ersten Prognosen bekanntgegeben, meldete sich der Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland mit einer nicht ganz kohärenten „Presseerklärung zur Bundestagswahl“ zu Wort. Zwar hätten …………………



Das Gelächter der Geschichte

Man kann den Merkelismus, dieses gezielte Einknicken vor den Panikmedien, verachten oder verlachen. Eines jedoch kann man nicht: ihn ungerührt fortsetzen, als verberge sich dahinter ein neuer, zeitgeist- oder gar zukunftskonformer Typus von Politik. Ohne die abgegangene Galionsfigur gähnt an seiner Stelle nur der Abgrund eines billigen, sich selbst …………………



Wenig Zukunft mit so einer halblinken Regierung und schwachem Personal

Von Alexander Wendt Mo, 27. September 2021 Die Schwachen müssen regieren

Sieben Schlussfolgerungen aus der Bundestagswahl 2021. Die wichtigste: Das Land bräuchte ………………..



Was der rotgrüne Klimastaat für Deutschland bringt

Von Roland Tichy Mo, 27. September 2021 Es wird weitergemerkelt

In der Ampel-Koalition wird in den kommenden beiden Jahren weitergemerkelt. Bis sich die Realität unaufhaltsam Bahn bricht. Worauf Sie sich einstellen sollten.




Merkels Werk: die Demontage der demokratischen Institutionen

Von Roland Tichy So, 26. September 2021 Moralisieren ist ihre schärfste Waffe

Die noch amtierende Kanzlerin hat viele politische Fehler begangen. Ihr schwerstes Vermächtnis aber ist der Schaden, der wichtigen demokratischen Institutionen zugefügt …………………….



Decision By January 6th Commission to Ignore Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes Just Unmasked Their Entire Investigation

Revolver News September 27, 2021

The January 6 commission expanded its fishing expedition still further last week with its ……………………



The Green New Deal will impoverish America

By Joel Kotkin  Spiked September 27, 2021

‘The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all… Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-………………..



Beware the United Nations, IMF, WHO, World Bank, and BIS

People must understand that just as a small business wants to expand and grow bigger, that same human tendency exists in government. No matter what form, they will always try to expand their power. The United Nations has been the greatest threat to humanity since Adolf Hitler. They have justified expanding their dreams of world power to bring peace to the world ……………….



Never Say Neigh: FDA Lists ‚Horse Drug‘ As Approved COVID Treatment

by Tyler Durden Saturday, Sep 25, 2021

While the media has spent more than a year ridiculing the widely-prescribed drug Ivermectin to treat Covid-19 – branding it a ‚horse dewormer for idiots,‘ they’ve kept oddly silent about …………………



Germany & Desperately Needed Political Reform

The German elections are today and once more, like Canada, we will see a political outcome that reflects a very flawed political system. There are so many parties and the vote will be fragmented more than ever. The election winner who gets the most votes will, of course, need ……………….



Buried Alive: Persecution of Christians, August 2021

by Raymond Ibrahim September 26, 2021 After sexually harassing a Christian sanitation worker, a Muslim supervisor threatened to file blasphemy charges — which carry a maximum death penalty — against her unless she withdraws her complaints against him.“ — Morning Star News, August 31, 2021, Pakistan.




Florida’s next surgeon general opposes mask, vaccine mandates

By Lawrence Mower and Kirby WilsonHerald/Times Tallahassee Bureau

September 21, 2021

Governor Ron DeSantis announced on Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2021, that Dr. Joseph Ladapo, a physician from UCLA, has been hired to be Florida’s new surgeon general. By The Florida Channel TALLAHASSEE




Boom: China Declares All Virtual Currency Transactions “Illegal”

Posted By: Patrick Wood September 24, 2021

As a Technocracy, it is no surprise that China would summarily wipe out any and all competition for its own central bank issued currency. Secondly, this is a form of capital ……………………



Forget 5G, China Is Ramping Up For 6G

Posted By: ZeroHedge September 24, 2021

It’s not just a question of faster, but of the unleashing of other technologies, such as AI, augmented reality and the metaverse. The 6G “pipe” will be stratified into several layers, ……………………..



Crypto Equated To Toxic Pre-Crisis Derivative Swaps

Posted By: Jesse Hamilton via Yahoo Finance September 24, 2021

In the 2007-2008 financial meltdown, it was so-called ‘derivative’ market that almost toppled the world. Derivatives are bets on future market or economic behavior and loose no ……………………..



Wahlrecht vor Einbürgerung? Das sind die Pläne der Parteien

Stand: 24.09.2021 Von Marcel Leubecher Politikredakteur

Während sich SPD und Union in den Umfragen annähern, wirbt Olaf Schulz auf den letzten Metern vor der Bundestagswahl in Münster um Stimmen. Kann Scholz in der




Thanks to Biden Administration, Iran Mullahs and Taliban Empowered

by Majid Rafizadeh September 25, 2021 Not only did the Biden administration – whose sole purpose in Afghanistan was to prevent another „9/11 attack“ – hand the Taliban and the mullahs of Iran a major political and strategic victory, it also rewarded them with sophisticated, state-of-the-art US weapons worth $85 billion – courtesy of American …………………



New Proof Emerges of the Biden Family Emails: a Definitive Account of the CIA/Media/BigTech Fraud

An axis of the CIA, Big Tech and the DNC-allied wing of the corporate media spread an absolute lie in the weeks before the 2020 election. We now have definitive proof.

By Glenn Greenwald GlennGreenwald.com September 25, 2021




Brisante Enthüllungen: Wie die Clinton-Kampagne das FBI zum Wahlkampf gegen Trump instrumentalisierte

Von Sebastian Thormann Sa, 25. September 2021

Der Mythos von „Russia-Gate“ ist längst zerfallen. Neue Enthüllungen bringen jetzt allerdings die Clinton-Kampagne in Bedrängnis – machte ein Anwalt falsche Angaben ………………..



“Lymphozyten-Amok” nach Impfung

Am Institut für Pathologie in Reutlingen haben einige Pathologen aus tiefer Sorge eine Pressekonferenz durchgeführt. Obduktionsergebnisse von verstorbenen Impflingen sind mehr als beunruhigend. Es ist unverantwortlich, die Erkenntnisse abzutun.




„Jan, bitte, was ist das für ein Argument?“

Jan Böhmermann attackierte Markus Lanz, weil dieser Hendrik Streeck und Alexander Kekulé in seine Sendung eingeladen hat. Ein wohl geplanter Coup. Wort für Wort-Analyse eines intellektuellen Armutszeugnisses.




“Den Ernst der Lage nicht annähernd verstanden”

Auf der Bundespressekonferenz habe ich gestern und am Mittwoch drei Fragen zum Thema Corona gestellt, die der Arzt und Autor Gunter Frank im Dialog mit mir angeregt hat. Frank ist einer der kompetentesten und aktivsten Kritiker des harten Corona-Kurses der ………………….



Austrian Economics and Scientific Realism

09/24/2021 David Gordon

Uskala Mäki is one of the leading philosophers of economics of the past half century; moreover, he is well versed in Austrian economics, though not an adherent of the school. In ………………….



My Time with the FBI

James Bovard

From the early 1990s onward, I was exposing FBI crimes, lies, and cover-ups. FBI director Louis Freeh publicly denounced me after I wrote a Wall Street Journal piece on the FBI’s killing of an innocent mother holding her baby at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I continued hammering ………………..



Is an Educated Population Really Necessary for Innovation and Growth?

09/23/2021 Lipton Matthews

Lamentations that the waves of innovation are receding have engulfed policy circles. Distinguished economist Robert Gordon avers that the days of transformative innovations are over. Like Peter Thiel, he is disappointed at the incremental nature of modern-day inventions. ………………..



The Public Health Officials Say „Trust Us.“ The Data Says Otherwise.

09/24/2021 Anthony Rozmajzl

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Ben Shapiro, but feelings trump facts when it comes to covid-19. This is thanks entirely to the love triangle forged between the corporate press, government officials, and tech giants whose sinister and divisive campaign of fear and …………………..



New Book Confirms Biden Corruption



A Global Fiat Currency: „One Ring to Rule Them All“

09/24/2021 Thorsten Polleit

Human history can be viewed from many angles. One of them is to see it as a struggle for power and domination, as a struggle for freedom and against oppression, as a struggle of good against evil.

That is how Karl Marx (1818–83) saw it, and Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973) judged …………………….



The UN Opposes Billionaires’ Joyriding

September 24, 2021

Messrs. Bezos, Musk, and Branson

Dear Jeff, Elon, and Richard —




Before a Bust, There Is Always a Boom (and Malinvestment)

09/22/2021 Frank Shostak

For most commentators lending is associated with money. However, is this the case? When a saver lends money, what he/she in fact lends to a borrower is final consumer goods that he/she did not consume. Therefore, what a lender lends to a borrower is savings and not money as ………………….



Europa schlittert noch vor dem Winter in eine Energiekrise

Ungewöhnliches Wetter und Angebotsprobleme führen zu rekordhohen Erdgas- und Strompreisen – mit weitreichenden Folgen

Gerald Hosp ………………..



Strong quake hits Greece’s biggest island of Crete, one person killed

By Angeliki Koutantou and George Georgiopoulos

Students and their teachers are seen at a square following an earthquake in Heraklion, on the …………………



Giffey verspricht Gesetzentwurf – Berlin stimmt für Wohnkonzern-Enteignungen

Das Ergebnis ist deutlich: In einem bundesweit einzigartigen Volksentscheid spricht sich eine Mehrheit der Berliner dafür aus, große Immobilienunternehmen zu enteignen. SPD-Wahlsiegerin Giffey will sich der Sache annehmen – mit einer Einschränkung.




Mainstream Democrats Introduce Bill Endangering Israel

by Alan M. Dershowitz September 26, 2021 This is not an „occupation.“ It is legitimate and entirely lawful self-defense. It would be a lie — a blood libel — for the United States to declare Gaza to be occupied territory.




Despite Horrifying State Violence, Brave Australians Continue to Resist COVID Police State

Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance September 27, 2021

How We Got Here:




The Idea of a Private Law Society: The Case of Karl Ludwig von Haller (PFS 2021)

By Hans-Hermann Hoppe HansHoppe.com September 27, 2021

The following paper will serve as the basis for Professor Hoppe’s speech “The Idea of a Private Law Society: The Case of Karl Ludwig von Haller,” to be presented at the




Vaccinated Pregnant Women in 1st or 2nd trimester have 81.8% Chance of Miscarriage?

You have to wonder why the universities are suddenly investigating if the vaccines are causing abortions. The government appears to have been playing around with the numbers to ……………….



The West has lost its roots

The less moored our identities become, the louder we shout about them

The ancient human game of power and control is destroying our roots. Paul Kingsnorth is a novelist and essayist. September 24, 2021





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