Why Palestinians Prefer To Work In Israel
by Khaled Abu Toameh October 13, 2021 The fact that a large number of Palestinians are desperate to work in Israel is a sign of the failure of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to improve the living conditions of their people despite the massive sums of money they receive from various sources, including the United States, European Union and United Nations.
Instead of holding Hamas responsible for what he called the „tragedy“ in the Gaza Strip, al-Amsi and other Palestinians choose to blame Israel.
Warum Geld seinen Wert nicht vom Staat erhält
- Oktober 2021 Frank Shostak
Warum hat der Geldschein in unserer Tasche einen Wert? Einigen Kommentatoren zufolge hat Geld einen Wert, weil die Regierung, die an der Macht ist, dies sagt. Für andere ist der ………………..
The men who failed Britain
Tom Chivers is UnHerd’s Science Editor. His second book, How to Read Numbers, is out now. At every turn Covid beat the British state. Will lessons be learned? October 13, 2021
Migranten an der polnischen Grenze: „Ihr Land hängt von der Menschlichkeit ab“
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Di, 12. Oktober 2021
In Brandenburg werden Notunterkünfte für Migranten eingerichtet. Die Bürger von Eisenhüttenstadt reagieren mit hinnehmendem Desinteresse. Die Migranten im Containerdorf …………………
Christmas from the Most Locked Down City in the World
Merkels Israel-Besuch: Adieu Angela
Angela Merkel besucht Israel, offiziell zum letzten Mal. Ein freundliches Protokoll: Begrüßung durch Premier Bennett, der sie „liebe Freundin Angela“ nennt, Teilnahme an einer Kabinettssitzung, während draußen die jungen Leute von Im Tirtzu gegen sie demonstrieren, ………………
Klimapolitik ist wie Coronapolitik: Behaupte irgendeine Koinzidenz und begründe mit ihr jede Willkür
Von Fritz Goergen Mi, 13. Oktober 2021
Noch nie in der Erdgeschichte hatte jemand „die Erderwärmung im Griff“ oder die Erdabkühlung oder sonst irgendeinen Teil der ständigen Veränderungen auf unserem …………………..
Inflation: Das dicke Ende kommt noch
Von Helmut Becker Di, 12. Oktober 2021
EZB-Präsidentin Christine Lagarde beschwichtigt die Inflationssorgen. Aber ein Ende der Teuerung ist nicht abzusehen, weitere Preisschübe zeichnen sich schon ab.
Durchsicht: Das Gedächtnis des Dr. Lauterbach
Professor Dr. Karl Lauterbach, der gern das Fürchten vor dem Corona-Virus lehrt, könnte Gesundheitsminister werden. Das fürchten manche wirklich. Hier ein Blick auf sein früheres Wirken und einige Gedächtnislücken.
Taiwan death from COVID-19 vaccination exceeds death from COVID-19
Taiwan death from COVID-19 vaccination exceeds death from COVID-19. Taiwan’s death toll from COVID-19 vaccination exceeds death toll from COVID-19 for the first time.
(Observer Network News) On October 7th, the death toll after vaccination in Taiwan reached …………………
Covid-19: A Psychological Military Operation, Part I
By Dr. Igor Shepherd October 13, 2021
We are at war, people—a one-sided war. The freedom-fighters of America have lost their way and cannot discern that enemies are deep within their midst. This is because today’s war is psychological. No adversary of freedom has ever before been able to conquer the entire world ………………..
Guess Which Fortune 50 Company Won’t Make Employees Get Vaccinated?
By Alex Berenson Unreported Truths October 13, 2021
Hint: It’s arguably the most science-driven of all. Intel.
We’re Living in a Chaos Economy. Here’s How to End It
10/12/2021 Mark Thornton
The Federal Reserve has been increasing the money supply at an explosive rate. The federal budget, deficits, and the trade deficit are record levels. Governments, both foreign and domestic, have locked down people, restricting production and consumption. How should this ………………….
Google, YouTube to prohibit ads and monetization on climate denial content
Sara Fischer, author of Media Trends
Google and YouTube on Thursday announced a new policy that prohibits climate deniers ………………….
The US’s Fantastical Foreign Policy: Sowing the Seeds of Failure
10/11/2021 José Niño
The 1980s were a kind decade for the United States when it came to its ability to project military power. Coming off the heels of decisive interventions in Grenada and Panama and ……………………
The 2021 Nobel Prize and the Trend of Economic Thinking
10/11/2021 Peter G. Klein
The 2021 Nobel Prize in Economics has been awarded to Berkeley’s David Card, MIT’s Josh Angrist, and Stanford’s Guido Imbens for their work on „natural experiments,“ a currently fashionable approach to estimating the causal impact of one economic variable on another. ……………….
COVID Purge: UCLA Med Center Doctor Escorted Out By Security For Refusing Shot
Posted By: Victoria Taft via PJMedia October 12, 2021
Pfft. Who needs those board certified doctors, anyway? Walk ’em off the property without notice. Take their id badge away. Tell ’em not to come back. Ruin their careers while you’re …………………..
Covid Totalitarianism: The Deification of Error
Belgian psychologist Dr. Mattias Desmet may be the most articulate voice on the most clear and present danger facing us: the mob-baiting now being pursued by formerly democratic governments…John Waters, October 8
Pfizer using Aborted Fetus for Vaccines
Deliberately hiding that fact to prevent religious exemptions both from Governments and from the people. They are making way too much money, to tell the truth! And they are feeding the politicians with lobbying fees for them to even ask questions.
Inflation is Hitting Every Sector – Not Transitory
All these increased demands for my product is great, but it comes with quite a wholesale flower prices have also increased significantly making the cost of the arrangements much ……………………
Confronting a Financial Assault on America’s Future
by Lawrence Kadish October 12, 2021 Far more destructive than most Americans could ever imagine, the nation’s multi trillion dollar deficit now being advocated by progressive socialists in Congress would place our future on a collision course with catastrophic bankruptcy.
Einstweilige Verfügung gegen Youtube
#allesaufdentisch: Das waren keine Corona-Leugner | Viertel nach Acht
Impfarzt gekündigt, weil er über Nebenwirkungen aufklärte – jetzt packt er aus
Wer ehrlich aufklärt, muss gehen!
Es ist enormer Druck, dem ungeimpfte und systemkritische Ärzte ausgesetzt sind. Sobald sie sich nicht dem System beugen und das Narrativ der todbringenden Pandemie und der ……………………..
Der unkaputtbare Skandalpolitiker
VON THOMAS DUDEK am 12. Oktober 2021
Andrej Babiš und seine ANO haben die Parlamentswahlen in Tschechien verloren. Doch ob damit der in mehrere Skandale verwickelte milliardenschwere Politiker für die Justiz greifbar wird, ist derzeit fraglich. Denn nun könnte er nach dem Präsidentenamt greifen.
Garland Memo on Parent Protests May Chill Free Speech
by Alan M. Dershowitz October 12, 2021 The memo acknowledges that „spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution.“ …. Nothing wrong with that. But no similar memo was directed against Black Lives Matter and other far-left groups that not only ………………..