Die Auswirkungen von Freiheit und freier Marktwirtschaft auf Produktivität und Wohlstand

The only security of all is in a free press.

— Thomas Jefferson

Die Auswirkungen von Freiheit und freier Marktwirtschaft auf Produktivität und Wohlstand

“Human nature has not changed in the past 4.000 years… Egyptian farmers used oxen to plow fields and thresh grain. Oxen continued to be cutting edge farming technology in many parts of the world as late as the 1950s…

Economic historians have determined that the standards of living of people measured by per capita G.D.P. all over the world remained stagnant from the beginning of written history until about 166 AD in the Dutch Republic and 1800 AD in Western Europe and the U.S. We will not stray too far from the truth if we assume that people in the seventeenth century lived very much like the ancient Egyptians.”

Roger McKinney

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