US-President Joe Biden

Die Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR) bezeichnete sich als Demokratie, war aber ein Kerker und als sich die Kerkertür einen Spalt öffnete, begann das Volk aus dem selbst ernannten Paradies der Arbeiter und Bauern zu fliehen.

— Fürst Hans-Adam II. von Liechtenstein

US-President Joe Biden

“In the United States, fascism comes in the very strange form of an elderly dementia patient. Usually fascists are charismatic leaders, look at Hitler or Mussolini, but this one, what he’s doing is just unbelievable. He is a socialist, definitely, that he is mandating the private sector what they should do, what they shouldn’t do. Karl Marx in the manifesto of the communist party, he defined socialism and communism as abolition of private property and that private property can be abolished overnight, like what happened during the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. But it can also take a gradual kind of process and that’s what is happening right now in the United States. Private property is becoming like having a title to wetlands. You have private property, but you cannot do anything with it.”

Yuri Maltsev (2021, about President Joe Biden)

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