Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Journalismus ist, etwas zu veröffentlichen, was andere nicht wollen, dass es veröffentlicht wird. Alles andere ist Propaganda.

— George Orwell (1903 – 1950)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Hatred for the Christian Cross

by Raymond Ibrahim December 26, 2021 „Under no circumstances is a human permitted to wear the cross.“ Why? „Because the prophet — peace and blessings on him — commanded the breaking of it [the cross].“ — Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Tarifi, Saudi expert on Islamic law, YouTube, May 8, 2013.

One Pakistani shoe-seller placed the image of the cross on the soles of his shoes so that the …………………………….



A Glorious Fist Bump

By David Hathaway December 27, 2021

I despise COVID fist bumps as a substitute for handshakes and hugs. I always try to turn them into something normal. But, I actually saw a good one on Christmas Eve. For well over a year, network TV has been doing the politically correct thing. Talk show hosts sit far apart ……………………..



Auto Manufacturers Compete to Create EVs

As gas prices soar, the plan to switch to electric vehicles (EVs) seems more appealing to the average consumer. The US will now require auto manufacturers to meet a fleetwide average of 55 miles per gallon (mpg) by 2026, which is up from the 43 mpg standard set by Trump. ……………………



Diversity, equality, inclusion…give me a break

By Walter E. Block

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) amounts to the complaint that there are too many white males on the faculty and the demand that this be radically changed, forthwith.  It would appear, at least to the grievants, that females, „people of color“ („colored people“ is no longer …………………….



The Year of the New Normal Fascist

And so, as 2021 goose-steps toward its fanatical finish, it is time for my traditional year-end wrap-up. It’s “The Year of the Ox” in the Chinese zodiac, but I’m christening it “The Year of the New Normal Fascist.”




LinkedIn has banned me for life for making 3 truthful comments

Christmas came early for me. LinkedIn has determined that three of my posts were so egregious that I should be banned for life from LinkedIn. It's now as if I never existed.

Steve Kirsch, Dec 25 2021




US Inflation Soars to 39-Year High

Powell’s decision to retire the word “transitory” when discussing inflation was too little, too late. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported that US inflation soared 5.7% in ………………………..



Veritas Lands in a Win-Win Situation in Its Suit Against the Times

Editorial of The New York Sun | December 26, 2021

The decision of the New York Times Company to use an editorial to lash out at the judge hearing the libel case levied against it by a competitor, Project Veritas, marks a risky ………………………….



USA Swimming Official Quits Over Trans Swimmer Competing Against Women

By Tom Ozimek December 25, 2021

USA Swimming official Cynthia Millen has resigned in protest over the participation of ……………………



Why Medicine is Doomed When Politics Gets Involved

Carlos Tejada died of a heart attack one day after getting the Booster. He spent his career at the Wall Street Journal before joining the Times in 2016. In July, he received a Johnson & Johnson DNA/AAV Covid vaccine. He even posted on Instagram that he was thankful to get ……………………



In their shared sea, Ukraine and Russia already risk direct conflict every day

By Isabelle Khurshudyan Serhiy Morgunov December 25, 2021

MARIUPOL, Ukraine — When the Ukrainian navy command ship was close enough to Russia’s shore to get the country’s state television channels, Capt. Oleksandr Hryhorevskyi switched on the news and wondered: Why all the fuss about his rusty old boat?




Was es für Deutschland bedeutet, wenn Putin wirklich in die Ukraine einmarschiert

Thomas Jäger Montag, 27.12.2021,

Die Lage zwischen Russland und der Nato ist im Streit um die ukrainische Souveränität weiter angespannt. Was aber würde es konkret für Deutschland bedeuten, wenn Putin die Ukraine wie 2014 erneut angreifen würde.




Minderheiten, nicht Mehrheiten, geben den Ton an

Dass und wie es kleine, aber entschlossene ideologische oder religiöse Minderheiten ohne viel Aufwand schaffen, der völlig anders gepolten ignoranten Mehrheit nach einiger Zeit ihre Regeln aufzuzwingen, wird immer noch zu wenig durchschaut.




Die Ampel blinkt und signalisiert erschreckende Realititätsverweigerung

Von Roland Tichy Mo, 27. Dezember 2021 Amt ohne Verstand

Man ist ja bereit, jedem Anfänger eine Art Schonzeit einzuräumen. Aber die Lage Deutschlands ist zu dramatisch, als dass man dafür Zeit hätte, und die Signale der Ampel-Regierenden zeigen noch dazu eine dramatische Realitätsverdrängung.




Blackout-Experte: „Risiko ist so hoch wie nie zuvor“

Von Elias Huber So, 26. Dezember 2021

Der Blackout-Experte Herbert Saurugg warnt: Derzeit kämen viele Einzelrisiken für einen länderübergreifenden Stromausfall zusammen. Etwa gebe es eine massive IT-




Der Bürgermeister von Teuchern und der Corona-Maßnahmen-Protest

Von Holger Douglas So, 26. Dezember 2021

»Nicht alles, was ihr sagt, teile ich. Aber in vielen Punkten habt ihr Recht: Die rote Linie ist überschritten, demokratische Verhältnisse sehe ich nicht mehr.« Sagt Marcel Schneider, Bürgermeister der Einheitsgemeinde Teuchern in Sachsen-Anhalt am 10. Dezember bei einer ……………………….



Hurra, über Rot gegangen

Zwei Dinge möchte ich anfangs klarstellen. Zunächst: Die erste rote Linie ist bereits überschritten, nämlich die, dass es keine mehr geben darf. Das ist doch ein Realitäts-Eingeständnis und -Anspruch, dem sich gewählte Führer unseres Landes gern stellen – wie man sieht – ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken. Zweitens: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach hatte recht, als sie behauptete: „Die glücklichsten Sklaven sind die erbittertsten Feinde der Freiheit.“ Die Schriftstellerin hat zwar im 19. Jahrhundert gelebt, also anno Tobak, aber traf …………………..




Thirty Years on, I Miss the ‘Evil Empire’

As a child of the Cold War, I grew up only knowing the Soviet Union as our enemy. When it collapsed, it created a vacuum when it came to defending the US. It turns out we needed the USSR to bring purpose to our own existence. By Scott Ritter  RT News December 27, 2021




We Cannot Stop the Spread of COVID, but We Can End the Pandemic

BY Jayanta Bhattacharya TIME December 23, 2021

The arrival of the omicron variant has led some politicians and public health grandees to call for a return to business closures and ‘circuit-breaker’ lockdowns.




Day 5: The Fitting Of Technocracy And Transhumanism

Posted By: Patrick Wood December 24, 2021

If society must be transformed into Technocracy, then the humans who live there must be transformed into Transhumans. In other words, a perfectly efficient, utopian society …………………………



The Sovereign Debt Crisis Arrives

While the world is turning, the economic crisis emanating from the SovereignDebt Crisis in Europe is propelling a very serious outlook as we head into 2022. I have been warning for the …………………



Nationalism: Good and Bad

12/24/2021 David Gordon

The historian Allen C. Guelzo in the epilogue to his rather hostile Robert E. Lee: A Life (Knopf, 2021) raises important questions about the value of nationalism that I’d like to discuss in this week’s column. Guelzo has favorable things to say about some of Lee’s ……………………




The State versus Liberty

The Nature of the State 12/23/2021 Murray N. Rothbard

So far in this book, we have developed a theory of liberty and property rights, and have outlined the legal code that would be necessary to defend those rights. What of government, the State? What is its proper role, if any?




Rousseau, Guevara, Marx and More: The Moral and Intellectual Bankruptcy of the Left

12/25/2021 Guglielmo Piombini Bernardo Ferrero

A brief look at the lives of Rousseau, Marx, Guevara, Brecht, and Sartre suggests that many of the Left’s most celebrated heroes built their philosophies on a foundation of the most repugnant narcissism, violence, and inhumanity. 






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