Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

In der Regel wird der Kapitalismus für Probleme verantwortlich gemacht, die aus dem politischen Versuch resultieren, ihn abzuschaffen.

— Ludwig von Mises

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Woche der Klarheit

Die russischen Forderungen an die USA und die Nato sind in Wirklichkeit strategische Ziele Russlands in Europa. Wenn es sie nicht auf diplomatischem Wege erreichen kann, wird es sie mit anderen Mitteln anstreben. Doch für beide Seiten sind die gerade beendeten ……………………..



Stop Trying to Turn Economics into a Branch of Psychology

01/20/2022 Frank Shostak

Recently, a relatively new economics called behavioral economics (BE) has started to gain popularity. Its practitioners, such as Daniel Kahneman, Vernon Smith, and Richard Thaler, …………………..



Ireland Lifting Nearly ALL COVID Restrictions

Ireland is lifting nearly all COVID restrictions while Austria, France, and Germany screw …………………..



Theodore Roosevelt: Back to the Badlands

Editorial of The New York Sun | January 21, 2022 | * * *

This is the week in which the statue of Theodore Roosevelt begins its journey to the Badlands from its pedestal in front of the American Museum of Natural History. Let us just say that New York’s loss will be North Dakota’s gain. The statue had come under fire as “a racist …………………



Your Chances of Dying

Your chances of dying from omicron are extremely low. Around 0.1% of people pass away from the seasonal flu each year. I found a well-sourced document that shows your chances of dying for other activities. You’re far more likely to die on your drive to obtain a COVID test …………………..



Woke M&Ms and Marketing Gimmicks

Have you ever looked at an M&M advertisement and felt underrepresented, or are you in good mental health? Mars Incorporated announced plans to redesign their M&M mascots to be more “inclusive.” These are colorful cartoon candies we are discussing. “M&M’S ……………………..



Thanks to Biden Administration’s Weak Leadership, Iran-China Threat Growing

by Majid Rafizadeh January 22, 2022 „China’s leading diplomat underlined his country’s readiness to expand cooperation with Iran in financing, energy, banking and cultural sectors ……………………



It’s Time to Break Up New York State

01/22/2022 Nicolas Gregoris

Neil Sedaka said it best – “breaking up is hard to do”. Ask any 16-year-old and they’ll tell you that’s certainly true, but Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) recently made headlines when ………………………



Russia May Have Shot Down US Cargo Plane

Posted Jan 22, 2022 by Martin Armstrong

An air cargo jet operating under US Transportation Command took off from Kyiv, Ukraine after delivering 200,000 pounds of Ammunition.  It then violated the air space of Belarus, ………………………



Medical Freedom Has Been Hijacked

Dr. Mary Bowden was suspended from Houston Methodist Hospital after sharing her views on COVID-19. Bowden is now speaking out and taking legal action against Houston people speak out without fear of retribution.




Facebook Continues to Mute the Truth

Facebook fact-checkers have become the new Gestapo by silencing anyone who opposes the Great Reset narrative. The Taliban is permitted to operate on social media. However, that ……………………



Hong Kong’s Hamster Genocide

Hong Kong’s “zero COVID” policy has caused schools and playgrounds to close as children learn how to be obedient to authority. The latest COVID measure is another way to ………………………



Beschlussvorlage zum Corona-Gipfel: Schallende Ohrfeige für Lauterbach, vage „Öffnungsperspektive“

So, 23. Januar 2022

In der Beschlussvorlage für den Corona-Gipfel am Montag wird Gesundheitsminister Lauterbach indirekt, aber sehr deutlich für sein Vorgehen bei der Definition des Genesenenstatus gerügt. Lesen Sie hier die Beschlussvorlage.




Richter an YouTube: „Sie verlieren“

Richter an YouTube: „Sie verlieren“ – YouTube an Richter: „Es überrascht mich nicht, was Sie gesagt haben.“

Der YouTube-Kanal der „Achse“ ist wieder da. Es ging schneller als noch vor kurzem erwartet, und ich erkläre, warum das so ist. Die Sache hat einen gewissen ……………………..



Große Achgut-Umfrage unter Pflegekräften und Medizin-Mitarbeitern

Das, was Achgut.com hier im Folgenden macht, wäre eigentlich Aufgabe staatlicher Stellen oder der Berufsverbände: eine Umfrage unter den Pflegekräften und Angehörigen der medizinischen Berufe in diesem Lande. Leute also, die an der täglichen Corona-Front …………………….



Israel – ein offener Brief an das Gesundheitsministerium von Professor Ehud Qimron



‘A Staggering Act of Appeasement’

Editorial of The New York Sun | January 23, 2022

The decision of the Biden administration to arrange for the payment of Iran’s dues at the United Nations is being described to us as “a staggering act of appeasement.” That is the ……………………..



Aktuelle Laborversuche bestätigen erneut: Mundwasser zerstören Corona-Virus

  1. Januar 2022 Innerhalb von nur wenigen Sekunden

Aktuelle Studie bestätigt frühere Erkenntnisse:




Medizin-Journal gegen Pharma: Forderung nach Zulassungsdaten für Covid-19-Genspritzen

Studien wieder nur gekauft?




Éric Zemmour: France’s Last Chance for Survival?

by Guy Millière January 23, 2022 When French President Emmanuel Macron speaks, it is only about the pandemic. Political analysts think that if he manages to avoid all other topics, his reelection will be a certainty. If he does not, everything could turn out any which way.

„No, the great replacement is not a fantasy“. — Éric Zemmour, candidate in France’s ………………………



Trump: Truth and Consequences

Editorial of The New York Sun | January 20, 2022

It’s remarkable that, in a battle between President Trump and the January 6 committee, only one Supreme Court Justice stood up for separated powers — Clarence Thomas. He is the only …………………



Gorsuch Alone Against Caesar

Editorial of The New York Sun | January 18, 2022

A Presbyterian church in Virginia will have to render more “unto Caesar” and less “unto God” following a defeat in a property tax dispute today at the United States Supreme Court. …………………….



Biden’s Colossal Failure on Iran: Redesignate the Houthis a Foreign Terrorist Organization

by Pete Hoekstra January 22, 2022 The Houthis serve as Iran's proxy in the civil war in Yemen and against Saudi Arabia, which backs the internationally recognized Republic of Yemen government. The UAE, which hosts U.S. military forces at Al Dhafra air base, has …………………



British Medical Journal Demands Immediate Release of All COVID-19 Vaccine, Treatment Data

By Katabella Roberts January 21, 2022Updated: January 21, 2022

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) has demanded the full and immediate release of all data related to COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, saying it is in the public’s interest to do so.




You Can’t Always Get What You Want

01/20/2022 Gary Galles

Once, when my newborn son was barely back from the hospital, I was holding him in my arms with my wife looking on. I asked him, „Can you say marginal rate of substitution?“

My wife recognized that as a bit of economics jargon and accused me of trying to turn our son ……………………



The Problem with Public Goods and So-Called Economic Power

01/21/2022 David Gordon

In this week’s column, I’d like to discuss two arguments Murray Rothbard gives that respond to influential criticisms of the free market. His answers to the two arguments follow a common strategy. In each case, he rejects the key premise of the argument.




Central Planners Don’t Know What’s Best for You

01/21/2022 Joakim Book

For all the great value in Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein’s new book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, we find plenty of enmity toward markets and market ………………………



The Municipal Convention Center Racket Is Alive and Well

01/19/2022 Doug French

The crown jewel of Las Vegas trade shows, the Consumer Electronics Show, just left town having attracted only a quarter of the show’s typical attendance. At the same time, the ………………………



Democrats Using January 6 Events To Target Republicans for Disqualification

By ARI HOFFMAN, Special to the Sun | January 21, 2022

The events of January 6, 2021, will cast a long shadow over the elections of November 2022, as Democrats and their allies scramble to disqualify from public office a growing roster of ………………………



Greenwald: Congress’s 1/6 Committee Claims Absolute Power as it Investigates Citizens With No Judicial Limits

Posted By: Glen Greenwald via Substack January 21, 2022

As the Rule of Law breaks down in America, despots and tyrants quickly fill the vacuum, as evidenced by the Congressional 1/6 Investigative Committee. Lawlessness exhibits itself ……………………..



At Least 25 Federal Agencies Are Tracking Religious Exemption Requests

Posted By: Alice Giordano via The Epoch Times January 21, 2022

Technocracy is a natural enemy of religion because it presents truth outside of science. Much ………………….



Wealth and Wellness

Previous studies have indicated that Americans’ quality of life plateaus at an annual salary of $75,000, but that myth has been dispelled. A research article in the Proceedings of the …………………….



Rentals to Increase by At Least 3.6% Across the US

Freddie Mac’s annual Multifamily Outlook report foresees rent rising by 3.6% across the US in 2022. “Given the robust demand for housing this year, we believe that upward price ……………………



Flashback: Fauci Spreading False Information on AIDS

Here is a flashback of Dr. Anthony Fauci spreading false information about AIDS transmission. Fauci claimed that people could become infected by simply being near someone …………………



Geopolitical Tensions Rising in East & West

I have been warning that the most strategic offensive is not just direct, but to coordinate with China. If China moves into Taiwan and Russia moves into Ukraine on a coordinated basis, ……………………..



Does Liz Cheney Belong in Jail?

Marty; Do you think Newt Gingrich is correct about Liz Cheney that she could face jail time?




The Risk of Violence is Increasing – A Day of Global Protests

These people have put themselves out there and just like there were attempts to kill Hitler, there will no doubt be someone or more than one who attempts to kill Gates or Schwab. You cannot turn the world upside down and expect people to accept it. Karl Marx’s idea of you ………………..



Arizona Governor Sues Biden Administration Over Attempt to Wrest Back Federal Funds

By Zachary Stieber January 22, 2022

Arizona’s governor on Friday sued President Joe Biden’s administration, asserting its attempt to take back federal money from certain states was not authorized by Congress.




Was können, wofür stehen Bundestagsabgeordnete wirklich?

Fr, 21. Januar 2022 Berufe und Qualifikationen

Prof. Dr. Hanns-Christian Salger, Markus Ross, Atlas Initiative

Sie repräsentieren das deutsche Volk: die Bundestagsabgeordneten. Häufig wird nach Quoten ……………..




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