Biden Withdraws Vaccine Mandate& the Collapse of the Rule of Law
This is what is WRONG with our rule of law. The Supreme Court held before that the ……………………
Daily: 100.000 Zuschauer. Befremdlicher Auftritt von Vincenz vor Gericht. Novartis-Manager ruft Bundesrat zum Verfassungsbruch auf. Nein zum Medien-Gesetz. Bidens Friedhofs-Spirale. Netflix abgestraft, Spiderman macht’s richtig
Ok – Those who Voted for Biden & Want Global Cooling, Please Stay Out of Florida!
50,000 Truckers Protesting in Canada
The truckers should prevent all food deliveries to the capital. Starve them out! Anonymous
Will Australia survive Covid?
Shahar Hameiri is a Professor in the School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland, Australia. Its pandemic incompetence was inevitable. January 26, …………………..
The importance of Bronze Age Pervert
Murtaza Hussain is a reporter at The Intercept who focuses on national security and foreign policy. The radical Right flourishes in an atomised world. January 26, 2022
The radical Right in the United States is discussed far more than it is understood. Anyone to ………………………
Stop the Neocon From Starting a War
By Eric S. Margolis January 26, 2022
Amid surging tensions over Ukraine, the head of Germany’s navy had the courage to voice Europe’s fears over this totally unnecessary, contrived crisis.
Never Forgive or Forget the Enablers of the Destructive Covid Panic
By Steve McCann
After nearly two years of America pursuing politically motivated policies to “eradicate” an unstoppable respiratory virus, an increasing number of liberal politicians, commentators, and ………………….
„I am Jewish“ – Zum Attentat auf Daniel Pearl
Die Ermordung des amerikanisch-jüdisch-israelischen Journalisten Daniel Pearl durch Dschihadisten in Pakistan jährt sich dieser Tage zum 20. Mal – von den Medien eher ……………………
Das Verbot, unter dem Einstandspreis anzubieten – neue “grüne” Preiskontrollen?
- Januar 2022 – Was der neue Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister Cem Özdemir für Lebensmittel untersagen will, gibt es längst: – Marktmächtige im
„Einer der unpopulärsten US-Präsidenten aller Zeiten”
Joe Biden, der auch hierzulande mit großen Vorschusslorbeeren gestartet ist, hat im Auge der Mehrheit der amerikanischen Wähler bereits jetzt gründlich abgewirtschaftet. In einer krisengeschüttelten Zeit sitzt ein extrem geschwächter Präsident im Weißen Haus.
The Tonga eruption & Volcanic Winter?
The explosive eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano was massive. It would have covered much of California engulfing from San Francisco down to Los Angeles. They are still trying to figure out how big this event was yet it was certainly one of the largest to …………………
UN Giving ‘Humanitarian Cash’ to Migrants Heading to US Border
US taxpayers helping fund illegal immigrant passage to southern border via UN cash cards
By Charlotte Cuthbertson January 24, 2022
A Perfect Storm Engulfs Biden Over Economy, Europe, and Asia
By LAWRENCE KUDLOW, Special to the Sun | January 25, 2022
Almost immediately following President Biden’s blundering news conference on Wednesday, a near-perfect storm has descended. Stock markets are selling off with their worst performance in many years.
Call the Houthis What They Are — Foreign Terrorists
by Richard Kemp January 26, 2022 Following last week’s Abu Dhabi attack, Biden said he will consider reversing the decision. That would be the right move and he should do it immediately.
Biden’s moves were a classic example of the failure of appeasement. Inevitably, the Iranian ………………..
Review: Understanding Money Mechanics
01/24/2022 David Gordon
Robert Murphy aims to provide the “intelligent layperson a concise yet comprehensive overview of the theory, history, and practice of money and banking, with a focus on the United States” (p. 9), and he succeeds in doing so, but I do not propose here to concentrate on ……………………..
Frank-Walter Steinmeier und die Spaziergänger- Der Gang vor die Hunde
Mit Blick auf die Corona-Spaziergänge hat Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier Demonstranten gegen die Pandemie-Maßnahmen pauschal mit Gewalttätern in Verbindung
China Builds 27 Empty New York Cities
James Dale Davidson, January 19, 2022
As of 2016, China’s empty apartment units could house New York City 27 times over.
Der Bundestag verhöhnt das Volk
Von Georg Gafron Di, 25. Januar 2022
Kein Wunder, dass die Staatsverdrossenheit steigt, wenn für Bundestagsabgeordnete andere, bequemere Corona-Regeln gelten als für die Bürger.
What is regenerative capitalism and why is it important?
Regenerative capitalism refers to business practices that restore and build rather than exploit and destroy.
24 Jan 2022
Chris Stokel-Walker Writer, speaker and journalist, Writing for Neste
This partnership surfaces Fourth Industrial Revolution technology to make the $4.5 trillion circular ……………………….
I’ve seen the metaverse – and I don’t want it
The tech world has been overtaken by the seductive idea of a virtual utopia, but what’s on offer looks more like a late-capitalist technocratic nightmare
Last modified on Tue 25 Jan 2022
Der real existierende Faeserismus und seine Anhänger
Von Alexander Wendt Mi, 26. Januar 2022
Mit der Bundesinnenministerin sitzt eine Verfassungsverächterin in der Regierung. Etliche andere Politiker folgen ihr begeistert. Deshalb sind die Demonstrationen so wichtig. Wenn es um die Verteidigung der Grundrechte geht, ist auch ein gröberer Ton durchaus angebracht.
Corona-Gipfel ohne Öffnungsstrategie
Bei der gestrigen Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz gab es Streit zwischen den CDU-Länderchefs und der Ampel-Regierung. Wirkliche Opposition aber sieht anders aus. Das zeigt auch das
Strategiepapier der „Deutschen Gesellschaft für Krankenhaushygiene“- Es braucht eine neue Corona-Politik
Ist Omikron der wahre Gamechanger? Mit der neuen Virusvariante sollte man sich auf den Übergang zur Endemie einstellen. Doch dafür braucht es eine Exit-Strategie, die die ………………………
KH-Abrechnungen belegen Impfschäden – Punkt.PRERADOVIC mit Tom Lausen
Ankündigung von CDU-Mann auf Corona-Demo – Landkreis Bautzen will Impfpflicht für Pfleger nicht durchsetzen
In Bautzen soll die berufsbezogene Impfpflicht für medizinisches Personal nicht durchgesetzt werden. Dies kündigte der Vize-Landrat am Montagabend bei einer Corona-Demo an. Ein …………………..
Big Pharma Conglomerate with a Criminal Record: Pfizer ‘Takes Over’ the EU Vaccine Market. 1.8 Million Doses
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research January 26, 2022
Hundreds of millions of people have taken an injection that allows a bio-reactive “gene-therapy” molecule to be injected into their bodies because of fear, ignorance, and a refusal to consider that the people who are promoting this … have ulterior motives.” (Edward Curtin, April 2021)
Biden’s Ukrainian Albatross
01/24/2022 Daniel McAdams
Then-Secretary of State Colin Powell is given credit for popularizing the “Pottery Barn” rule of foreign policy. Though he denies using that exact phrase, in arguing against what became the disastrous 2003 US attack on Iraq Powell made the point that, as in Pottery Barn, “if you …………………..
Biden’s Latest Mayhem
by Lawrence Kadish January 25, 2022
It should not be surprising that Russian strongman Vladimir Putin believes he can invade …………………..
The Vaccinators Must Answer for Deaths and Injuries to Healthy Children
By Vasko Kohlmayer January 25, 2022
As the vaccine narrative is falling apart, there are all kind of admissions coming from different quarters of the vaccine industrial complex.
America Is in Danger of Having More Rivals Than It Can Handle
By Tom Fowdy RT News January 25, 2022
As the Ukraine crisis rolls on, there is a growing fear among Western commentators and foreign policy elites that a “China-Russia” axis is consolidating, which will pose a gargantuan ………………
The Insanity of the West Accelerates
By Paul Craig Roberts January 25, 2022
The New York Times reports that Biden is going to forestall Russian aggression against Ukraine by deploying between 1,000 and 5,000 US troops on Russia’s border and is prepared to increase the number of troops tenfold to 10,000 to 50,000 soldiers. A Russian army would …………………
America’s Most Dangerous Unknown Man
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute January 25, 2022
The US Senate will soon vote on Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s nomination to a second term. One of the senators opposing Powell is Elizabeth Warren. I don’t often agree with Senator Warren, but I do agree with her assessment that Powell is “dangerous.” …………………..