Do Institutions Play a Role in Promoting Economic Growth? In Short, Yes.
04/12/2022 Lipton Matthews
Economists teach that institutions determine long-term economic growth—but are some institutions more crucial than others? The legendary Douglas North (1989) popularized the ………………..
The Ukraine War Shows Nukes Mean Safety from US-Led Regime Change
04/11/2022 Ryan McMaken
Some journalists like Steve Portnoy of CBS seem unable to grasp that escalations that might lead to nuclear war are a bad thing. The journalist seemed incredulous last week when asking White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki why the United States has not started a full-on war with Moscow. Psaki’s position—with which any reasonable person could agree—was that it is not in the interest of Americans “to be in a war with Russia.”
Man wanted in NYC subway shooting arrested
By Tom Howell Jr. – The Washington Times – Wednesday, April 13, 2022
The New York Police Department on Wednesday arrested the man wanted in connection with the mass subway shooting in Brooklyn after a person spotted him in lower Manhattan and …………………
D’Souza: Covering For The Big Guy
by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Apr 13, 2022
The mainstream media continues to cover for the Big Guy. The big guy is, of course, Joe Biden. And the Hunter Biden scandal has always been about Joe Biden. Why? Because it’s a ………………
The Supply Chain Crisis Will Worsen
The supply chain issues across the world are continually worsening due to government mismanagement. It seems as if there are sinister intentions at play, as these new restrictions ……………..
Walgreens Rationing Baby Formula
Walgreens announced that it has begun to ration baby formula amid the supply chain crisis. The rule will go into effect for all 9,021 locations. Customers may only purchase three infant ……………
The Limits of Cynicism
People who follow French politics are talking about the upcoming run-off between Macron and Le Pen as a possible replay of 1981. In that election, François Mitterrand scored a ………………….
The World is Laughing at America
Above is a clip from “Studio 22,” a program on the Saudi government-owned television network MBC. The skit portrays US President Biden as mentally incompetent, repeatedly ………………….
Putting the Shanghai Lockdown into Context: China Sees this as a Bioweapon
Matthew Ehret, 11.4.22
Over the course of the past 10 days, I have noticed that many smart folks are freaking out over the events in Shanghai.
We Still Haven’t Reached the Inflation Finale
04/12/2022 Brendan Brown
Inflations have an inbuilt mechanism which works to burn them out.
Government (including the central bank) can thwart the mechanism if they resort to further monetary injections of sufficient power.
The more you vax, the weaker your immune system becomes
Independent data from the UK and New Zealand show the same thing: the more you vaccinate, the greater your chance of getting infected. It was supposed to be the other way around, wasn't it? Solution: Steve Kirsch, 6.4.22
The Next ‘Great Pandemic’: Astronomical Death Counts Now Being Telegraphed and Marketed to the Public
By Gary D. Barnett April 14, 2022
“Yeah, I think we have to recognize – I’ve always said that I think the Covid pandemic was a wakeup call. I don’t believe it’s the great pandemic.”
“I believe the great pandemic is still in the future, and that’s going to be a bird flu pandemic for man. It’s gonna have significant mortality in the 10-50% range. It’s gonna be trouble.”
Robert Redfield—Former CDC Director, March 30th, 2022 interview with Doug McKelway ………………..
Easter and Freedom
By Andrew P. Napolitano April 14, 2022
That God, which ever lives and loves,
One God, one law, one element,
And one far-off divine event
To which the whole creation moves.
— Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892)
Western Dissent from US/NATO Policy on Ukraine is Small, Yet the Censorship Campaign is Extreme
Preventing populations from asking who benefits from a protracted proxy war, and who pays ……………….
Iran’s – and America’s – Plans to Fund Russia’s War In Ukraine
by Con Coughlin April 14, 2022 Iran’s efforts to conclude a revised nuclear deal with the Biden administration could result in the Kremlin receiving a windfall of half-a-billion dollars to fund its war effort against Ukraine.
To boost its economy, Russia is now demanding that Iran pay in cash for the deals currently ……………….
Wird Enteignen wieder gesellschaftsfähig?
Die Enteignung in russischer Hand befindlicher Energieinfrastruktur scheint geboten, könnte aber das Einfallstor für weitere Enteignungsphantasien sein. Was soll der Bürger eigentlich von einem Staat halten, der Unternehmen erst verkauft, um sie sich Jahrzehnte später ……………………
Schwesig entpuppt sich als Marionette des Kremls
Von Holger Douglas Do, 14. April 2022 Landesstiftung sollte US-Sanktionen umgehen
Manuele Schwesig belasten Dokumente, die die Landesstiftung „Klima- und Umweltschutz MV“ als Instrument Moskaus entlarven. „Framing“-Tipps sollten die Fertigstellung von Nord ……………
Die Stimme der Provinz – der „Tanzboden des Krieges“
Die disziplinierten Ritterheere waren eine Wohltat im Vergleich zu den Zeiten zuvor, als die „überflüssigen“ jungen Männer marodierend durch die Lande zogen. Was also haben diese seltsamen überkommenen Kriegsrituale mit dem Krieg in der Ukraine zu tun? Nichts. Leider.
Straßburger Gerichtsurteil: Zurückweisungen gegen massenhafte illegale Einreisen rechtens
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mi, 13. April 2022
Idomeni und der „Marsch der Hoffnung“, der illegale Migranten nach Nordmazedonien führte, beherrschte einst die Nachrichten. Laut dem Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte war die Zurückweisung der Migranten rechtens. Was bedeutet das Urteil für ………………
Geschützte Merkel
Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mi, 13. April 2022 Zeit für die Wahrheit
Gerhard Schröder wird zurecht als Lobbyist kritisiert. Doch 16 Jahre lang war nicht er, sondern Angela Merkel Regierungschefin – die von seinen Reformen profitierte. Der ………………..
The Whitmer Case & the FBI’s PATCON Legacy
April 11, 2022 — With the recent acquittal of two defendants in the USA vs. Fox, et al, aka the Michigan “Whitmer Kidnapping Plot” case, and a mistrial on the other two defendants it seems that the FBI has been rebuked for the tactics it used in the case. The defense raised ………………….
Mercola: Programmable Digital Currency Is Cornerstone Of Total Control
Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola April 13, 2022
Mercola hit the nail squarely on the head: “Technocracy is the proverbial operating system for …………….
‘Something That’s Frightening’: Robert Epstein Warns Against Big Tech Manipulation
By Masooma Haq and Jan Jekielek April 11, 2022
Robert Epstein has been researching and looking at how the biggest tech companies influence human behavior, and conducting extensive monitoring projects of bias in these companies’ ……………….
German Inflation 22.6% – The End is in Sight
The wholesale prices in Germany rose at a record pace in March. Compared to the same month the previous year, wholesale prices jumped by 22.6%, as the Federal Statistical Office ……………….
If You Have Problems Trusting, You Will Have Problems Living A Life Of Freedom
By Allan Stevo April 13, 2022
As the regime around us falls apart, Americans (and all people) will increasingly look for more trustworthy leaders to turn to for answers.
Which Leads to Doom, Which Leads to Revival: Free Money or Frugality?
April 11, 2022
Clinging to delusional fantasies of „free wealth“ won’t lead to positive outcomes, any more than swallowing handfuls of meds leads to „free health.“
If It Feels Like You’re Being Manipulated, It’s Because You Are
By Caitlin Johnstone April 13, 2022
If you’ve got a gut feeling that your rulers are working to control your perception of the war in Ukraine, it is safe to trust that feeling.
A Fine Line
Taki, April 09, 2022
One hundred years ago, a down-in-the-dumps Joseph Roth wrote to Stefan Zweig, “The barbarians have taken over.” Later on Roth committed suicide, as did Zweig, both talented ………………..
The only way Boris can survive Partygate
John McTernan is a British political strategist and former advisor to Tony Blair. The PM must take his punishment like a man. April 13, 2022
There’s nothing like a political crisis — especially if you’re in Number 10. But when the news broke yesterday that Boris Johnson, Carrie Johnson and Rishi Sunak had all been issued ……………….
The PsyOps war comes to Ukraine
Aris Roussinos is UnHerd’s Foreign Affairs Editor, and a former war reporter. Propaganda networks want to split Transcarpathia. April 13, 2022, Zakarpattia, Ukraine
Far from the war, in Ukraine’s sleepy, western city of Uzhhorod, whose crumbling pastel-coloured Habsburg-era buildings straddle the river Uzh, government officials are concerned ………………..
Der Rücktritt von Anne Spiegel zehrt am Selbstverständnis der Grünen
Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 13. April 2022
Anne Spiegel ist zurückgetreten. Die Bundesfamilienministerin war nicht mehr zu halten – nach ihrem Versagen während der Ahrflut, nach ihren nachweislichen Lügen und nach ihrem bizarren TV-Auftritt. Doch die Schlacht um die Deutungshoheit in Sachen Spiegel haben die ……………..
Parlamentarische Anfrage der FPÖ setzt Rauch unter Druck
Ivermectin ist sicher und wirksam gegen COVID: Warum wird es in Österreich nicht verwendet? 13. April 2022
Staat und Krieg
- April 2022 – Thorsten Polleit
Aus ökonomischer Sicht lässt sich argumentieren: Der Staat (wie wir ihn heute kennen) ist aggressiv. Kriegerische Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Staaten sind daher auch kein tragischer Zufallsfehler, sie sind vielmehr ein logisches Ergebnis.
The Controllers of Money, Energy, and Food, Will Control the World: Can You Say ‘Covid’ and Ukraine False Flags?
By Gary D. Barnett April 13, 2022
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”
Quote attributed to Henry Kissinger