Akutelle Artikel und Videos

Nur die Lüge braucht die Stütze der Staatsgewalt, die Wahrheit steht von allein aufrecht.

— Thomas Jefferson

Akutelle Artikel und Videos

The Global Kidnapping of American Medicine Turns Hospitals into Killing Fields

Leading doctors like writer Peter Breggin and his journalist wife Ginger, author of this piece, say Americans must fight for the Hippocratic Oath or lose all faith in medicine and U.S. sovereignty. Ginger Ross Breggin, Peter R. Breggin, 4.5.22




The Bill of Temporary Privileges

By Andrew P. Napolitano May 5, 2022

Last week, the Director of National Intelligence, the data-gathering and data-concealing arm of the American intelligence community masquerading as the head of it, revealed that in …………………..



Dr. Robert Malone: Time to Flush Out All WEF Members from Our Governments

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV May 5, 2022

Robert Malone sat down with the Epoch Times’ Roman Balmakov to expose the …………………..



The Neoconservatives Are Setting Up the World for Nuclear War

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org May 5, 2022

Oliver Stone on Facebook writes that rabid anti-Russian propaganda has set the stage for a ………………….



The Violence of Democracy

Posted on May 4, 2022

Note: In a break from the grifter code, I am not going to assume the new merch is the greatest merch in history. Criticisms and suggestions are welcome. This is new ground for me, so I expect to be terrible at first and get better over time. Please shop here and leave a comment …………………



Propaganda From a Warzone

Politicians are using Ukraine as a photo opportunity. Would the most powerful government officials risk traveling there if Kyiv was under constant attack? Would they publicly stroll the ………………..



Biden Adopts the Same Strategy as Hitler to Cancel Free Speech

Every dictatorship throughout history established a propaganda arm which they have typically called variations of the “Ministry of Truth.” The Russian USSR established Pravda, which ………………….



Australia and India Form an Alliance to Lessen Reliance on China

Trade tension between China and Australia has hit a new peak, with Australia now seeking to limit trade with China entirely. Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said that India …………………..



In fight for ABORTION, the radical Left suddenly rediscovers the gender of WOMEN… but wants to exploit women to justify VIOLENCE against infants

Wednesday, May 04, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) It’s almost too hilarious to cover in a serious tone. The same radical left-wing ……………..



No, It’s Not the Putin Price Hike, No Matter What Joe Biden Claims

05/02/2022 William L. Anderson

Politicians love their buzzwords and talking points, and the Joe Biden White House and the Democratic Party use them as much or more than when Donald Trump and the Republicans ran Washington’s freak show. Last year, the mantra from the Biden administration was that ……………….



10 More States Report Mysterious Hepatitis Outbreaks in Children

By Katabella Roberts May 4, 2022

At least 10 more states across the United States are reporting similar cases of severe acute hepatitis—liver disease of unknown origin—after the Centers for Disease Control and ………………….



Impfschaden-Lawine rollt, führende Mediziner setzen sich ab

Von Andreas Zimmermann

Die cleveren Vertreter der medizinischen Eliten beginnen damit, sich wissenschaftlich von der Covid-Impfung zu distanzieren. Sie ahnen, was bevorsteht. Den immer zahlreicheren …………….



Mehrgewichtiger Übergewinn

Man sagt nicht mehr „übergewichtig“, sondern „mehrgewichtig“. Das Wort „über“ ist böse. Wenn eine Firma mehr Geld einnimmt als erwartet, dann ist das böse, also ein „Übergewinn“, und gehört weggenommen.




Geht den Stinger der Nachschub aus?

Von Tomas Spahn Mi, 4. Mai 2022

Der Allround-Technologiekonzern Raytheon Technologies produziert in Kooperation mit Lockheed Martin die Javelin. Dem Unternehmen ist es nicht möglich, die Produktion vor kommendem Jahr hochzufahren – wegen Mangel an Bauteilen.




Price Indexes Aren’t Accurate Measures of Inflation

05/03/2022 Antony P. Mueller

„Inflation“ is back in the headlines, and a lot of nonsense is being said about it. Without much thought whether it makes sense or not, „inflation“ is defined as a general rise in prices. ……………………..



End Roe v. Wade: It’s Time to Defederalize Abortion Policy

05/04/2022 Ryan McMaken

The US Supreme Court is now in the midst of ruling on whether or not individual states have the legal prerogative to significantly limit legal abortion within their borders. With the Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973, the Supreme Court “discovered” that the US Constitution prohibited …………………..




How Evil Are the Public Schools?

By Southern Catholic Mom May 5, 2022


I have an urgent message to all parents:




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