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Socialism is not just ruin camouflaged as equality. It is despair wrapped up in the rhetoric of hope.

— Hugo Gurdon

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Mass-Voll will mit einer Initiative dafür sorgen, dass die Schweiz aus der WHO austritt. Unabhängig davon, was man vom Ansinnen hält – für eine spannende Debatte ist gesorgt

Marcel Odermatt, 3.6.22

Für die meisten Menschen in der Schweiz ist die Covid-19-Pandemie längst Schnee von gestern. Die Corona-Massnahmen-Kritiker von Mass-Voll wollen aber weiter in der ……………………..



First JPMorgan’s Dimon, now Goldman Sachs’ Waldron: the world is about to get hit with an economic “hurricane”

Sunday, June 05, 2022 by: Ethan Huff



Respect the Fed? No, End the Fed

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute June 7, 2022

President Joe Biden has unveiled a three-part plan to fight inflation — or at least make people think he is fighting inflation. One part of the plan involves having government agencies “fix” …………………..



Science versus Scientism (Part 1)

More root cause analysis of the COVIDcrisis, Robert W. Malone, 6.6.22

“It’s very dangerous, Chuck, because a lot of what you’re seeing as attacks on me, quite …………………….



Discussion Thread: Gun Rights vs. Gun Control + Dialogue with a Gun Control Advocate

By Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass June 7, 2022

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms … disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for ………………….



How Russia Can (And Will?) De-NATO-size Europe

In a video published yesterday Gonzalo Lire, currently under house arrest in Karkov, is asking a very interesting question:




2022.06.05 What Happens To Europe When Russia Wins



The Permanent Pandemic

eugyppius 6.6.22

A Twitter friend highlights this bizarre moment from a speech Karl Lauterbach gave on 3 June to a convention for private insurers in Berlin:

We’re going to have a special situation [in the Fall]; we also expect a strong influenza wave ……………………….



List of 45 Different Murders and Pharma Drugs They Were On

By Mark Reynolds June 7, 2022

February 13, 2013. One month ago, and only three weeks after the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook, two well-known 2nd Amendment activists were found mysteriously murdered on two …………………..



Hunter Biden on Gun Safety

President Biden is worried about firearms falling into the hands of criminals, like his son, Hunter. Hunter Biden filled out BATFE Form 4473 in October 2018 and purchased a .38 caliber revolver from a shop in Delaware. Hunter claimed he was not on drugs at the time of ……………………



European Debt Crisis Explained

The European Union failed to consolidate debt when creating its European utopia. …………………….



European Debt Crisis Unfolding on Target

The European Central Bank (ECB) has a major crisis beginning. The free markets always win, and the spreads on the interest rates among the member of the EU are widening for …………………



lon Musk Says Twitter Is ‘Resisting’ Terms of Deal, Threatens Termination

By Jack Phillips June 6, 2022

Elon Musk is accusing Twitter of “resisting and thwarting” his ability to obtain information about bot accounts on the social media website, saying that it’s a “breach” of the terms of ……………………..



Bastiat Predicted the Baby Formula Crisis 170 Years before It Happened

06/04/2022 Robert Zumwalt

The current baby formula shortage in the United States is a pressing crisis, and many in the media have been rushing to explain how such a thing could have happened. But on close ……………………..



The Liberation of a Continent and the Fall of the Nazi Third Reich

by Lawrence Kadish June 6, 2022

Understanding who we are today as Americans living in a democracy — because of the sacrifices of those we honor on June 6th — is a solemn responsibility for every American. Yet ……………………



Does Capitalism Make Us More Materialistic?

06/04/2022 Ben O’Neill

There was a time when the advocates of socialism argued that it would lead man to material abundance, whereas free-market capitalism would lead only to increasing misery and would ultimately collapse under its own internal stresses. You don’t hear that too much these days, …………………..



The Indictment of Navarro is Unconstitutional

by Alan M. Dershowitz June 7, 2022 Navarro has a strong claim of executive privilege that should be decided by the courts before any indictment can lawfully issue.

[A]bsent a judicial order, he cannot lawfully be indicted for invoking executive privilege and …………………..



Florida’s Social Media Anticensorship Law and the Court’s Tortured Legal Logic

06/06/2022 Tate Fegley

Readers may recall Florida Senate Bill 7202, regulating social media platforms, which was passed by the legislature and signed by Governor Ron DeSantis about a year ago. The stated intention of the legislation is to combat social media censorship. This bill had a slate of ………………….



Hohmann: How Technocrats Use Cities To Create Digital Slaves

Posted By: Leo Hohmann June 6, 2022

Prisoners of war are slaves when put into concentration camps. Modern cities are headed in that direction as ubiquitous surveillance and monitoring technology is merged into the human …………………



Mercola: Fomenting Hatred Is A Propaganda Tool Of Tyrants

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola June 6, 2022

“With COVID, it took barely two months for society to go from ‘we’re all in this together,’ to declaring half the population subhuman.” Orwell’s 1984 featured “Two Minutes Hate” every ……………………



Will the Real President Please Stand Up!

President Biden on Friday declined to rule out Ukraine having to cede part of its territory to Russia in order to end this standoff with Moscow. Biden claims he won’t tell Ukraine what to do within their own borders but it’s OK to call for the assassination or overthrow of Putin ……………………..



Martin Armstrong – When and Why Wars are needed



Why We Need Our Guns

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. June 6, 2022

Make no mistake about, brain-dead Biden and his gang of criminals want to take our guns away. And these efforts didn’t start with him. As James Bovard pointed out in 2020, ““’Hell …………………..



Rapid Cultural Decline and What Comes Next

By Doug Casey International Man June 6, 2022

International Man: Nations in decline often experience cultural degeneracy. We saw that in the Roman Empire and Weimar Germany, for example.




Peter Schiff: Why Shouldn’t You Give Up on Gold and Silver?

SchiffGold.com June 6, 2022

A lot of investors wonder about the lack of movement in gold and silver, especially given rampant inflation. Why haven’t we seen a big rally in precious metals as many expected? Why shouldn’t you just give up on gold and silver?




Europol Warns Weapons Shipped To Ukraine Could Be Used By ‘Criminal Groups’ For Years

By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge June 6, 2022

In a weekend German media interview the head of the European police agency Europol has issued a dire warning about the huge amount of weapons being pumped from the West into …………………..



Exclusive: Klaus Schwab Against Russia

Voltairenet.org June 6, 2022

The Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, organized this year’s Davos meeting to whip up support for Ukraine against Russia. He not only allowed Ukrainian ………………………



American Confidence in the Economy Drops to Lowest Level Since 2009,

Oil Prices Climb, Gas Prices Break Records, Main Street in Serious Trouble




US Cyber Chief Admits to Attacks Against Russia in Ukraine

Cyber Command went “hunting” in Kiev, says General Nakasone

RT News June 6, 2022

US Cyber Command specialists were deployed to Ukraine and conducted offensive operations against Russia, its commander and NSA Director General Paul Nakasone said on Wednesday.




Republicans demand answers from FBI on surveillance of 3.3 million Americans

Conservatives have long decried the partisan weaponization of federal law enforcement.

Tue May 31, 2022 –




SEC Warns Against Meme Stocks

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is warning investors against popular “meme stocks.” Yet, they have gone too far by offering direct trading advice. Specifically, the SEC produced a video (see below) about GameStop (GME) that has retail investors reeling.




Gun Sales Soaring in the US and Canada

As calls to repeal the Second Amendment continue, Americans have been buying guns at a record pace. Over 1 million civilians purchased firearms in the month of May alone, marking a record-breaking streak of 34 months of increased sales. Although the left would like the ……………………



One-Third of High-Income Earners Live Paycheck to Paycheck

Inflation does not discriminate based on income. According to a new Bloomberg report, over one-third of Americans earning at least $250,000 annually are living paycheck to paycheck. …………………..



Gold – Dollar – Inflation

The American view during the 70s was more concerned about gold rather than the value of the dollar against world currencies. Most Americans never traveled to Europe so their impression of currencies was the Canadian dollar which was about par with the dollar that …………………..



Menstrual Irregularities, Uterus Shedding Cases Spike After COVID Vaccine Rollout: Peer-Reviewed Study

‚What we’ve seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg‘: Dr. Northrup

By Enrico Trigoso May 27, 2022

The first of three peer-reviewed research studies on women who suffered menstrual irregularities or a decidual cast around the time COVID vaccines were rolled out begins to ………………….



SOS: Is The Pentagon Losing the U.S. to China?

by Judith Bergman June 6, 2022 „We have no competing fighting chance against China in 15 to 20 years. Right now, it’s already a done deal; it is already over in my opinion.“ — Nicolas Chaillan, former first Chief Software Officer for the Air Force, who resigned in protest over …………………….



NATO Should NOT Pay Ransom to Turkey; Instead, Should Amend Rules to Expel It

by Burak Bekdil June 5, 2022 „Turkey is a member of NATO, but under Mr. Erdoğan, it no longer subscribes to the values that underpin this great alliance. Article 13 of the NATO ……………………



Telegram hält sich neuerdings an Gesetze, zumindest ein bisschen

Auch wenn das Unternehmen das Gegenteil behauptet: Telegram hat nach SPIEGEL-Informationen Nutzerdaten an das BKA gegeben. Die Regierung verbucht das als Erfolg, trotzdem missachtet Telegram weiter deutsche Vorschriften. Von Max Hoppenstedt und Marcel Rosenbach 03.06.2022,




Greenspan Would Be Proud: A Lesson in Fed Speak

06/04/2022 Joseph Solis-Mullen

It has become a familiar sight over the past decade and a half: a supposedly venerable member of the financial elite tells us with utmost calm that what we think we are seeing isn’t …………………..



Only a monarch can control the elites

Democracy enables the deep state to rule us, BY Curtis Yarvin, The Queen should stage a coup and take back control of America. Credit: Cecil Beaton




Does an Increase in Demand Cause Economic Growth? How Keynesians Reverse the Roles of Demand and Supply

06/01/2022 Frank Shostak

According to John Maynard Keynes:

The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed, the world is ruled by



Debt-Fueled Demand and Oil Price Inflation Brings Airfares Roaring Back

06/03/2022 Ryan McMaken

If you’ve purchased any airline tickets lately, you’ve probably noticed that prices are up. It’s quite a reversal from the days of covid lockdowns, when airline tickets could be had for half ……………….



To Biden Administration on Iran: Do Not Leave Americans, Allies, in the Dark

by Majid Rafizadeh June 4, 2022 „By every indication, the Biden Administration appears to have given away the store. The administration appears to have agreed to lift sanctions that ……………….



Tyranny of the Modelers

Intersection of Utilitarianism, Geopolitics, Public Health and Hubris

Robert W Malone, 3.6.22

There are so very many factors that have contributed to the clear and compelling reality that the public health response to the global SARS-CoV-2 outbreak has been one of the greatest ………………….



The Final Exam

Eric, 3.6.22

Attempting to get people to “mask up” was the first test. The second was attempting to get them to roll up their sleeves for the Jab. Many failed both tests. Now comes the most important test – the final exam, so to speak. It is the attempt to get them to hand over the one …………………



Why Is Everything Broken?

By Edward Curtin EdwardCurtin.com June 4, 2022

“Begin then with a fracture, a cesura, a rent; opening a crack in this fallen world, a shaft of light.”

Norman O. Brown, Love’s Body

Being sick for the past few weeks has had its advantages.  It has forced me to take a break ……………………



Police and Military …. Atten-hut!

By Capt. Randall June 4, 2022

Remember the Constitution?  Didn’t you take a solemn oath to defend it? How far would you go in violating someone’s rights? When do you say nein, nicht, niet,… NO?




Why Is It So Hard to Finnish Nazism? NATO’s Growing Suicide Pact Threatens to Light the World on Fire

By Matthew J.L. Ehret  Strategic Culture June 4, 2022

Is it possible that the war we thought we won in 1945 was merely a battle within a larger war for civilization whose outcome yet remains to be seen?

The decision recently expressed by the Finnish and Swedish governments to join NATO’s …………………..



Is There a Way Out of the Russia-Ukraine War?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com June 4, 2022

In the video above, Lex Fridman interviews Oliver Stone about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Stone, an award-winning film director, was the executive producer of “Ukraine on Fire,”1,2 a documentary that came out in 2016.




Don’t Be Fooled: The World’s Central Bankers Still Love Inflation

06/02/2022 Ryan McMaken

The Bank of Canada on Wednesday increased its policy interest rate (known as the overnight target rate) from 1.0 percent to 1.5 percent. This was the second fifty–basis point increase since April and is the third target rate increase since March of this year. Canada’s target rate ………………….



Dave Mustaine’s Crucial Lesson for Entrepreneurs

06/01/2022 Jeff Deist

Listeners of The Human Action Podcast and Radio Rothbard sometimes remark on the intro and outro music from heavy metal band Megadeth.

Fans of this genre are very familiar with both the band and its founder, legendary guitarist …………………



Why Russia’s Authoritarian Regime Continues to Enjoy Public Support

06/02/2022 Paul Tolmachev

One of my areas of research in institutional economics is the social behavior of people under different political regimes, what Thomas Schelling called micromotives and macrobehavior. ………………………



WEF: Living In Metaverse Will Be ‘More Meaningful to Us Than Our Physical Lives’

Posted By: Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. via The Defender June 3, 2022

This is a must-read article in the advancement of pure Technocracy, aka “the science of social engineering.” A false reality is being created is being created for the whole world, where ………………..



The Man Who Foresaw The 2008 Financial Crisis, Collapse of Fannie Mae…

The American renowned economist, Michael Hudson, named one of the eight economists in Financial Times who foresaw the 2008 financial crisis had previously issued a warning and accurately predicted that growing inflation and the upsurge of mortgage debt would lead to a …………………



Deindustrialisierung und Schrumpfwirtschaft. Konsequenzen der grünen Wirtschaftspolitik

  1. Juni 2022 –Antony P. Mueller

Von 22 Tausend Mitgliedern im Jahr 1982 ist die Mitgliederzahl der Parteiengruppierung Bündnis 90/Grüne inzwischen auf über 125 Tausend gestiegen. Auch wenn diese Anzahl an der Einwohnerschaft Deutschlands lediglich 0,15 % beträgt, ist diese Partei dabei, die deutsche Wirtschaftspolitik zu prägen und das Land mit zwangsbewehrter Regulierung auf ………………



Banks, Credit Unions See ‘Devastating Consequences’ Of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

Posted By: Pam Martins and Russ Martens via WallStreetOnParade June 3, 2022

As I have said, when the Federal Reserve created its own digital currency and accepts its first ………………….



WEF Praises Quiet Lockdowns

In a deleted video posted on the World Economic Forum’s website, the group praised the lockdowns for offering a quiet atmosphere.




Elon Musk Makes ‘Rare’ Endorsement of Political Candidate

By Jack Phillips June 3, 2022

Tech billionaire Elon Musk announced he is endorsing Los Angeles mayoral challenger Rick Caruso in a rare backing of a political candidate.

“Los Angeles is fortunate to have someone like Rick Caruso running for mayor. He’s awesome,” he wrote on Twitter Friday.




Biden’s Visit To Saudi Arabia Exposes The Ukraine Narrative For The Sham It Is

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com June 4, 2022

In a major walkback from his campaign pledge to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” for human rights abuses like the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, President Biden will reportedly visit …………………….



Biden Is No Friend of Israel

by Con Coughlin June 3, 2022 The real crime, one that represents a serious breach of the long-standing intelligence-sharing arrangements between the US and Israel, is that one of …………………..




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