Autofahrer tötet Lehrerin und verletzt mehrere Schüler schwer
Ein 29 Jahre alter Deutsch-Armenier ist am Berliner Breitscheidplatz mit dem Auto in eine Schülergruppe gefahren. Die Lehrerin starb, zwölf Schüler wurden zum Teil lebensgefährlich verletzt. Offenbar handelte es sich um eine Amok-Tat. Das Motiv des Täters ist noch unklar. ………………
Ist „das Volk“ verfassungsfeindlich?
JF-TV Interview mit Professor Martin Wagener – 8.6.22
Kirgisistan: Gesundheitsminister wegen zu großer Impfstoffbestellung verhaftet
Mi, 8. Juni 2022 Korruption mit Corona-Impfdosen
Rund 2,5 Millionen Corona-Impfdosen hatte der kirgisische Gesundheitsminister für rund 19 Millionen US-Dollar gekauft – obwohl kein Bedarf bestand. Mehr als 240.000 Dosen seien bereits verfallen. Die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt.
Heizkosten: Habeck erwartet dramatischen Anstieg
Juni 8, 2022
Durch die Folgen des Krieges in der Ukraine rechnet Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck für den Herbst mit einem dramatischen Anstieg der Heizkosten. Dabei befürchtet er mittlerweile, dass die Debatte darüber den gesellschaftlichen Frieden in Deutschland …………………
„A Politician’s True Beliefs“ Disclosure
by Lawrence Kadish June 8, 2022 Ever look at a sausage package?
How about baby formula?
A candy bar? Yogurt? Cereal?
Finance, climate, diplomacy, science, medicine, education and psychology: The “experts” are WRONG about almost everything
Wednesday, June 08, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) Have you noticed how the so-called “experts” are usually incompetent morons? We have experts in finance who don’t know that printing trillions of dollars causes …………………..
Former Brazilian President Accuses Zelensky of Using War for Fame
Former Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva speaks at Forca Sindical Congress in Sao Paulo, Brazil December 8, 2021. REUTERS/Carla Carniel
The Economy is In a Better Place According to the White House
The White House has to be missing its former head of propaganda, Jen Psaki. The new White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre attempted to face off against Fox’s Peter Doocy and failed epically. Jean-Pierre, who could not look away from her note cards, insisted Americans ……………..
WHO Do You Think You Are? Nations Reject Pandemic Treaty
All the world leaders supporting the Great Reset were eager to relinquish complete power to the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO wanted to seize the ability to force health mandates on the global population. The Pandemic Treaty would have allowed the WHO to bypass national laws and implement their will on the people.
Could Central Bank Digital Currencies Destroy the Banking System
GoldCo. June 9, 2022
While inflation continues to dominate the headlines, developments below the economy’s surface are continuing, without much fanfare. One of the major developments that could completely upend the way the economy operates is the introduction of central bank digital ………………..
New Prosperity Magazine: Goldilocks and the Crack-Up Boom
June 6, 2022
For everyone left out of the Fed’s hyper-financialized, hyper-globalized, hyper-inequality „new prosperity,“ there’s always the bargain salmon cassarole.
The latest issue of New Prosperity Magazine addresses the Fed’s „Goldilocks“ inflation ………………..
A New Point About the Missing Virus
By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s blog June 9, 2022
(Episode 11 of Rappoport Podcasts — “Mass Shootings and the Psychiatric Drug …………………
Will Punch Drunk Biden Take America Down with Him?
By James Bovard June 9, 2022
President Biden often looks like a punch-drunk old fighter sent into the ring once too often. At this point, the only thing lower than Biden’s approval numbers is his energy level. Is Uncle ………………….
Why Woke Corporations Will Go Broke
By Doug Casey International Man June 9, 2022
International Man: There seems to be a concerted effort to blur the lines around gender. For instance, it’s now common for schools to introduce bizarre gender theories to prepubescent children.
Bloody Gina and Her Team of Torturers
By Andrew P. Napolitano June 9, 2022
Last week, at a pretrial hearing at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba for Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, a Saudi who is charged with being the mastermind of an attack on the USS Cole in ………………………
Kim Dotcom Breaks Down the True Scale of US Government Debt
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV June 9, 2022
New Zealand tech CEO, Kim Dotcom did the math on the United States’ sovereign debt and he tweeted a thread about it, saying it may the most important thread that he may ever make.
Wie die SPD die CDU an die AfD-Kette legt
Von Ferdinand Knauss Do, 9. Juni 2022
In Thüringen missbraucht die SPD das AfD-Tabu, um die CDU einzuschüchtern und jede sachliche Kritik an ihrer Energiepolitik von vornherein moralisch zu diskreditieren. Und die Presse spielt mit.
Geschlechtsumwandlung ab 14?
Unter dem Deckmantel der „Stärkung der Kinderrechte“ wollen Trans-Aktivisten diejenigen der Eltern aushebeln und so jungen Menschen die Entscheidung über tiefgreifende körperliche Eingriffe überlassen, die nicht einmal politische Parteien wählen dürfen. …………………..
No Way Out For Joe Biden Amid Cycle of Doom
Also: Woke U.S. companies lose out and Taiwan needs to wake up, Christian Whiton, 8.6.22
You no longer have to take the word of pollsters and conservative media that Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats are in trouble. Progressive media outlets and commentators are now openly lamenting a White House in chaos and possible loss of one or both houses of Congress to Republicans this November.
Die IAEA stellt ein weltweit neues Interesse an der Kernenergie fest
Von Holger Douglas Mi, 8. Juni 2022
Erstaunlich viele Umfragen bezeugen in jüngster Zeit ein gewandeltes Meinungsbild zur Atomkraft. Glaubt man ihnen, hat sich auch hierzulande die Stimmung gedreht: Die strikte Ablehnung ist einer leichten Mehrheit von Befürwortern gewichen.
Unsere wirtschaftliche Misere ist gewollt
Die Amerikaner können sich kein gebrauchtes Auto und nicht einmal Benzin leisten, weil die Linke nicht will, dass sie Auto fahren. Sie können keine Häuser kaufen, weil die Linke die Vorstädte zerstören und alle dazu zwingen will, in Megastädten zu leben.
The Path to Victory
06/07/2022 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.
The Mises Institute was founded as a research center based on classically liberal ideas that have always been under fire: the ideas of Mises and the tradition of thought he represents. ………………….
Are Today’s Homeownership Rates Sustainable?
06/08/2022 Ryan McMaken
There is scattered evidence that home prices are finally starting to slow down. But, if the phenomenon is system-wide, we’re still waiting to see the evidence in numbers. Last week, …………………
Supreme Court Overturns 4th Circuit Ruling, Unanimously Strikes Down Part of Bankruptcy Law
By Matthew Vadum June 6, 2022
When Congress boosted bankruptcy fees but exempted filers in Alabama and North Carolina from the higher fees, it violated a uniformity requirement in the U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously on June 6.
Oil Billionaire: ‘Somebody’s On Path To Destruct America’
Posted By: Via ZeroHedge June 8, 2022
Finally, a billionaire gets the big picture that “Somebody’s on the path to destruct America”. The mother of all economic destructions is taking place because energy is intentionally being withdrawn from the economy. All economic activity is directly proportional to the amount of ………………………
WHO And WEF Elitists Coordinate The ‘Great Reset’
Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola June 8, 2022
WEF in Davos kicks off with “The future is not just happening. The future is BUILT, by US. By a powerful community, as you here, in this room.” The overinflated ego of Technocrats ……………………..
Warning: Bush’s North American Union Is Back From The Dead
Posted By: Neil Munro via Breitbart June 8, 2022
From 2005-2009, this editor fought tooth and nail to derail George Bush’s Security and Prosperity Partnership that sought to merge Canada, Mexico and the U.S. into a unified region ………………….
Is ESG a Scam?
Environmental-Social-Governance investing is an ideological weapon of the woke Left, now infecting the financial markets. But that does not mean companies should stop trying to be more virtuous.
By Theodore Roosevelt Malloch June 7, 2022
Elon Musk recently tweeted that environmental-social-governance investing “is a scam,” after ………………….
Ihnen droht Strafverfolgung – Mehr als 1000 Asowstal-Kämpfer nach Russland gebracht
Im Mariupoler Werk Asowstal haben sich Ende Mai nach wochenlangem Kampf mehr als 2400 ukrainische Kämpfer ergeben. Ein Teil von ihnen wird nach Russland verlegt, meldet die Staatsagentur Tass. Unter den Gefangenen könnten sich demnach auch ausländische „Söldner“ befinden.