„Müssen etwas gegen instabile Währung tun“ | Wolfgang Bosbach, Frauke Petry bei Viertel nach Acht
The First Observed Juneteenth
Today marks the first official observance of Juneteenth. The holiday was declared in 2021, but this is the first year that US stock and bond markets will cease trading. The new national ……………………….
Britain Head of Military Tells Troops Prepare for WWIII
Britain’s Military Chief of the General Staff had just taken that position and he has already told the army they need to prepare for war against Russia in Europe. He has told every soldier …………………………..
I would Never Invest in Disney After LightYear
Happy Father’s Day. My question is simple. As a father, would you take your children to see Disney’s Lightyear? HH
France: Dangerous for Jews
by Guy Millière June 19, 2022 [T]he attitude of the French judiciary to [Hadjadj’s] murder is similar to how it has regarded all murders of Jews in France, for decades.
First, the authorities always say, as quickly as possible, that the murder of the Jew was not at …………………….
Fauci & Secret Payments
Watchdog President Uncovers $350 Million in Secret Payments to Fauci, Collins, Others at NIH
Ukraine – a Modest Roadmap
By Karen Kwiatkowski June 20, 2022
Is there a way to resolve what has happened in and to Ukraine to the satisfaction of the major parties involved? Supposedly the Italians offered a plan, but it’s gone nowhere. The ……………………
The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here’s What Happens Next
By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us June 20, 2022
In my 16 years as an alternative economist and political writer I have spent around half that time warning that the ultimate outcome of the Federal Reserve’s stimulus model would be a ……………………
‘Live in fear liar’ Pompeo says Soleimani assassinated to protect US assets
Saturday, 18 June 22
Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says the reason why his country assassinated top Iranian anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani was to protect American ……………………
Warum Helge Lindh die Meinungsfreiheit hasst
…weil man dann „aufgeblasener Motzkopf“ zu ihm sagen darf!
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Angela Merkel und die Unfähigkeit zu trauern
Das hat mich immer an vielen Deutschen erstaunt: die Unfähigkeit zu lernen, zu begreifen, gegebenenfalls zu korrigieren. Man hält unbeirrt am Unbrauchbaren fest. Es gehört zu den …………………
Freigestellte Fachkräfte, Impfschäden, Lebensmittelknappheit: Wie der Westen sich selbst zerlegt
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 20. Juni 2022
Immer wichtiger wird das Thema Impfschäden für die internationalen Covid-Maßnahmenproteste. Daneben dominieren willkürliche Freistellungen und Knappheiten aller Art das Bild. Kanada wird mit seinem Premier nicht mehr zufrieden. Derweil stellte US-…………………..
„Von vernunftbasierter Politik verabschiedet“ – Kubicki platzt wg. Bundesregierung der Kragen
Von Jonas Aston Sa, 18. Juni 2022 „O-bis-O-Regel”
Die Wirksamkeit der Corona-Maßnahmen wurde noch immer keiner Evaluation unterzogen. ………………..
The Great Ron Paul
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. June 20, 2022
Many people wish they could have met a great figure in history. What would it be like to talk to Newton, to Tesla, to Shakespeare? Those of us lucky enough to know Dr. Ron Paul don’t …………………
The History of Juneteenth
Germany Could Spend $10 Billion To Bail Out Expropriated Former-Gazprom Unit
by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Jun 14, 2022 – By Charles Kennedy of Oilprice.com
A Triple-Barreled Gun Is Destroying African Economies: Inflation, Government Debt, and Taxes
06/17/2022 Manuel Tacanho
Today it is conclusive that Africa’s socialist experiments failed, as did the state-led development approach. Not only was the heavily statist approach unable to develop African …………………..
The Biden Administration’s Ignorant Energy Policies: Higher Gas Prices Are Only the Beginning
06/16/2022 Doug French
While Americans angrily grit their teeth while filling their gas tanks, the very first United States special presidential envoy for climate said:
Jamaica’s Experience Shows That Even Draconian Gun Control Will Not Stop Gun Violence
06/17/2022 Lipton Matthews
Many are still repulsed by the monstrous actions of Salvador Ramos who brutally gunned down nineteen students and two teachers in the nation’s second-deadliest mass shooting. This ……………………..
Study: Pfizer Vaccine Increases Myocarditis Threefold
BY Joseph Mercola June 10, 2022
A large study from Israel investigated the effects of the COVID shot on cardiovascular …………………
Putin: Era of Unipolar World Has Ended Despite Attempts To Preserve it at Any Cost
Sputnik News June 18, 2022
The Russian president is delivering his speech at the annual SPIEF business forum in St. Petersburg. His address is dedicated to the future of Russia and the rest of the world in the wake of renewed pressure from western sanctions against Moscow.
Democrats’ Selective Outrage Over ‘Insurrections’
Full of sound and fury on Jan. 6, but crickets on Kavanaugh.
by Josh Hammer June 16, 2022, 11:07 PM
To listen to House Democrats’ — and Liz Cheney’s and Adam Kinzinger’s, but I repeat ……………………..
Ukraine’s EU Accession Plan Is a Suicide Pill for Desperate EU
By Martin Jay Strategic Culture June 18, 2022
Will the EU even be around, by the time the Ukraine fulfils the strict criteria to join the Brussels club?
Pushed strongly by Macron, the Ukraine’s first steps to become an EU member state kick off soon in Brussels. But will the EU even be around, by the time the Ukraine fulfils the strict criteria to join the Brussels club?
Media: Why the Fed Raised 75 bps and How to Break the Davos Crowd
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns June 18, 2022
I sat down for a long chat with my good friend Crypto Rich over the weekend and have just found the 20 minutes to post them here. We did a series of videos, Duran-style, on a number ………………………
Extradition of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange to United States Approved by UK Home Secretary Priti Patel
17 Jun 2022611
British Home Secretary Priti Patel has approved the extradition of WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange to the United States, where he faces up to 175 years in prison on charges of espionage and computer misuse.
Deflationary Tsunami On Deck: A ‘Tidal Wave’ of Discounts and Crashing Prices
By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge June 18, 2022
Three weeks ago, we showed readers what happens when the infamous “Bullwhip effect” reversal takes place by presenting the unprecedented surge in the “Inventory to Sales” ratio for a broad range of US retailers covering the furniture, home furnishings and appliances, ……………………
The Fauci Protocol: treating Fauci’s COVID diagnosis according to his own ’standard of care‘
Will the nation’s “foremost infectious disease expert” take his own advice and follow the Fauci Protocol?, Jordan Schachtel, Jun 17, 2022. Quad vaxxed Anthony Fauci has tested positive for COVID-19.
Beware of Fuel Theft
- I suppose it was just a matter of time. In Thailand, a clever thief drilled into car’s fuel tank to steal the gasoline. In the United States, people are complaining about the fuel cost of ……………………
Understanding Insurrections for Dummies
Elon Musk Tells Twitter Staff He’ll Allow ‘Pretty Outrageous’ Tweets in Leaked Video
By Jack Phillips June 16, 2022
A portion of billionaire tech entrepreneur Elon Musk’s call with Twitter employees was released Thursday, with the Tesla CEO saying that he believes “people should be allowed to …………………
Cattle deaths explained? NASA warns of deadly magnetosphere “rifts” that allow intense solar radiation to wipe out large numbers of animals on Earth
Friday, June 17, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The mysterious cattle deaths that took place over the weekend in Kansas — …………………
For Presidents, Unpopularity Is a Simple PR Problem. Biden Is No Exception
06/16/2022 William L. Anderson
When the United States in 1982 was mired in the worst recession since the end of World War II, supporters of President Ronald Reagan were sure that they had the answer: just let Reagan be Reagan. Conservative friends of mine wore “Let Reagan Be Reagan” buttons to show that …………………..
No, It’s Not „Greed“ or „Price Gouging“ That’s Driving up Gas Prices
06/15/2022 Ryan McMaken
Both consumer and producer prices rose near multidecade highs last month. Price inflation rose to 8.6 percent while wholesale producer prices rose by more than 10 percent.
Rising Interest Rates Are Revealing the True Damage Done by the Fed
06/16/2022 Tho Bishop
On May 4, Jerome Powell dismissed the possibility of the Federal Reserve hiking the federal funds rate by three-quarters of a percent.
Bill Gates and the Frame Game
By Thomas Harrington June 16, 2022 Media, Philosophy 6 minute read
A few weeks back, at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Bill Gates said …………………….
Chinese City Uses COVID-19 App to Prevent Bank Protestors From Gathering, Depositors Say
By Dorothy Li June 15, 2022
The Chinese regime is using COVID-19 control measures to stop depositors whose savings were frozen by rural banks from protesting.
Drei Millionen Deutsche zahlen keine GEZ
Seit fast einem Jahr kostet das allabendliche „Hier ist das erste deutsche Fernsehen mit der Tagesschau“ nun schon 86 Cent mehr im Monat, und die Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Beitragsservice, die den zackigen und dringlicher klingenden Namen GEZ gerne los würde, ……………………..
Dauerkrieg gegen die Marktwirtschaft
Eine Klimasteuer oder Sondersteuern auf bestimmte Produkte nähern sich immer mehr einer Planwirtschaft an. Wenn der Staat anfängt festzulegen, welche Produkte moralisch gut sind und welche schlecht, werden Wirtschaft und Bürger ihrer Souveränität beraubt.
China launches third aircraft carrier, named after province opposite Taiwan
BEIJING, June 17 (Reuters) – China launched its third aircraft carrier on Friday, the Fujian, named after the province opposite self-ruled Taiwan, sending a statement of intent to rivals as it modernises its …………………..
Liberale Staatsbegründungen: Minimalstaat oder weniger?
Michael Esfeld 17. Juni 2022
Liberalismus basiert auf Rechten, die jedem Menschen allein kraft dessen zukommen, dass er ……………………..
Why Is Merrick Garland Smiling?
The unprecedented collaboration between the Justice Department and Congress to target political foes of the regime endangers the rights of hundreds of Trump-supporting Americans. By Julie Kelly June 16, 2022