Russia Is Winning the Financial War
By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney June 24, 2022
Sanctions have backfired on those described by Vladimir Putin as the unfriendly nations. It is setting in train a series of events likely to undermine the whole Western financial system, as ……………….
Biden: There’s Going to Be Another Pandemic
The US government ordered 3.5 million additional Pfizer vaccines and 1.3 million from Moderna. Yet, Biden is requesting more funding from Congress for pandemic initiatives. “We don’t just need more money for vaccines for Children. Eventually, we need more money to …………………..
DeSantis on Vaccines
My computer had forecast that Florida would be the best state to migrate to 6 years ago. I ran the studies on hurricanes. Everything came up roses. We held our World Economic ……………………….
Media – The End of the European Colonial Powers, The Tyranny of Physics
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns June 24, 2022
I sat down last weekend for a long chat with Alexander Mercouris of The Duran and ………………………
Publix Refuses to Vaccinate Children under Five
Publix, a US southern grocery and pharmacy, previously offered COVID-19 vaccinations to anyone who the CDC deemed eligible. The company has stated it will not provide ……………………
Demolition of supply chains is pre-civil war SABOTAGE to shape the battlefield for domestic WARFARE against We the People
Thursday, June 23, 2022 by: Mike Adams
Easy Money, Easy Lies
06/22/2022 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.
Strange how campaign season leads to the usual political drama over taxes. Republicans have learned the hard way that they should never raise them, at least not in ways that are noticeable. They accuse Democrats of plotting secret increases. The Democrats deny it but …………………..
Silicon Valley’s Favorite Weird Philosophy Is Fundamentally Wrong
By Susan B. Levin March 22, 2022
If, through biotechnology, we could drastically enhance ourselves—such that our ability to absorb and manipulate information was unlimited, we experienced no disquiet, and we did not age—would we? ………………………
Uh Oh, Zuck: Study Shows Working in the Metaverse Lowers Productivity, Causes Anxiety
Lucas Nolan 23 Jun 2022281
According to a recent report, volunteers who spent a week working in a virtual-reality environment similar to the metaverse proposed by Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook reported …………………….
Opinion: Jerome Powell is the worst Federal Reserve policy maker in my lifetime
June 23, 2022 Joachim Klement
In the history of the Federal Reserve, the most revered chairmen are William McChesney …………………….
Crashing Markets, Commodities, and What Happens Next
By Doug Casey International Man June 24, 2022
International Man: In addition to stocks, it seems that almost every asset class is also crashing.
What’s your take on the markets, and where do you think it’s headed?
Biden Economic Adviser Assert That More Government Spending Will Solve Inflation Crisis
By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge June 24, 2022
Biden’s “Build Back Better” efforts have been a phenomenal failure so far, but maybe that’s because Americans just don’t understand a good thing when they see it?
EXCLUSIVE: Police Report Proves Plainclothes Electronic Surveillance Unit Members Were Embedded Among Jan. 6 Protesters
Embedded ESU members wore a specific ‚bracelet on their left wrist identifying them as MPD personnel‘
By Patricia Tolson June 20, 2022
NATO Engaged in Direct Aggression Against Russia
By Paul Craig Roberts June 24, 2022
As I have many times written, the Kremlin’s Ukraine operation cannot be limited. Washington will not permit it to be limited. Washington has already widened the conflict, and ………………….
Bericht zur Coronalage – Paul-Ehrlich-Chef feuern, Lauterbach entlassen – sofort
Nun ist es amtlich. Die Zahl der Impfnebenwirkungen der bedingt zugelassenen Covid-……………………
Wien kippt die Impfpflicht. Berlin die Normalität
Das umstrittene Impfpflichtgesetz in Österreich, schon vor Monaten per Verordnung ausgesetzt, wird komplett abgeschafft. Man will raus aus dem Krisenmodus. Nur die Piefkes nicht.
Aber zwingen lass’n möcht’n mir uns net
Von Fritz Goergen Fr, 24. Juni 2022
Die Begründung zur überraschenden Ankündigung der Abschaffung des gesetzlichen Zwangs lautet: Seit die „Impf“-Pflicht Gesetz wurde, sank die damals schon abnehmende „Impf“-……………………
Why Police Do Nothing While Kids Are Killed
06/22/2022 Ryan McMaken
Here is an often-used tactic employed to defend government police organizations from criticism. Whenever critics point out police incompetence or abuse, defenders counter …………………..
US Household Saving Rate Vanishes, Credit Card Debt Soars
06/22/2022 Daniel Lacalle
The United States consumption figure seems robust. An 0.9 percent rise in personal spending in April looks good on paper, especially considering the challenges that the …………………..
Supreme Court Rules New York’s Concealed Carry Gun Law Is Unconstitutional, Recognizes Right to Carry in Public
Justice Thomas: Law violates Constitution by preventing law-abiding citizens from defending themselves in public. By Matthew Vadum June 23, 2022
The Supreme Court voted 6–3 on June 23 to strike down New York state’s draconian …………………….
Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research June 23, 2022
First published on December 5, 2021, updated December 18, 2021.
Since publication, important new sections of this confidential Pfizer report have been …………………..
„Letzte Generation“ behindert Krankentransport – Kritik kommt auch von Grünen
Von Julian Marius Plutz Mi, 22. Juni 2022 Radikalisierung
Lies, Propaganda and the Truth
A response to Michael Senger’s response to my review of Snake Oil
By Eugyppius Eugyppius: A Plague Chronicle June 23, 2022
Non-PC truth: Stereotypes are not all bad
Stereotypes have a bad press, particularly with the progressive wokesters on the left. This mode of expressions is deemed to be insulting and demeaning. And not only that, but stereotypes are also widely thought to be inaccurate, amounting to blatant lies.
DHS blacks out ammo purchase quantities, stockpiles ammo in secret
Friday, August 24, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Detailed information about how many rounds of .223 caliber ammunition the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is right now in the process of purchasing for ……………………
Billionaire Explains Why US Sanctions Against Russia Have Backfired
They are pushing countries away from American investments, according to Ray Dalio
RT News June 23, 2022
Washington’s sanctions against Moscow are forcing other countries to cut their investments in the US for fear of becoming the next target, billionaire hedge fund manager Ray Dalio has …………………
Reality Check: Falsehoods in US Perceptions of China
Source: Editor: huaxia 2022-06
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has recently delivered a speech at Asia Society outlining the US administration’s approach to China. With carefully calibrated language, he sought to promote the „China threat“ narrative, interfere in China’s internal affairs, and smear China’s domestic and foreign policy, all in an attempt at full-blown containment and suppression of China.
In what is to follow, we will use facts and figures to show to the world how deceptive, hypocritical and ………………..
Julian Assange and Personal Freedom
By Andrew P. Napolitano June 23, 2022
“I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude.”
— Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
It wasn’t until 1969 that the Supreme Court’s modern First Amendment jurisprudence made it clear that whenever there is a clash between the government and a person over the ……………………..
Most Journalists are Scientifically Unqualified
Why does anyone rely on reporters to interpret scientific articles?, Robert W. Malone, 20.6.22
Why does anyone rely on reporters to interpret scientific articles? They lack the necessary training, experience and competence to interpret scientific publications and data, a skill which …………………
Five Reasons to Impeach Joe Biden
By Ed Brodow
American has a two-tiered justice system. If you are liberal and vote Democratic, you can get away with anything. Hillary Clinton is proof of that. If you are conservative, Republican, and …………………….