Guido Westerwelle – wahre Worte – 13.05.2011
JAN FLEISCHHAUER: „Zuerst in Merkels Wohnung Gas abdrehen, dann in Schloss Bellevue“ | WELT Meinung
Holländische Regierung zwingt künftig Bürger zu Migrantenaufnahme in den eigenen vier Wänden!
- 07. 2022
Australia’s Rental Crisis
Renters across the globe are in a bad spot as housing has become unaffordable. The situation is particularly bad in Australia where rentals have reached a high not seen since 2009. ………………….
Der Euro, die Börsen und ein Schlagabtausch zum Bitcoin, mit Kommentar zum ‚Crashpropheten‘ Markus Krall, Andreas Beck:
The UK government’s official data shows they are killing their children
They should EITHER admit their data is garbage or that the vaccines should be IMMEDIATELY halted for ages 10 to 14. Ideally, they admit BOTH. Practically speaking, they will do NEITHER.
Scheidendes Mitglied warnt: In 30 Jahren könnte es keine Öffentlich-Rechtlichen mehr geben
Von Mario Thurnes So, 17. Juli 2022
Bendix Lippe war mit 24 Jahren das jüngste Mitglied im Fernsehrat des ZDF. Das Aufsichtsgremium muss er nun verlassen. Für die Jugend ist dort nur ein Viertelplatz vorgesehen. Weil ARD und ZDF eben diese Jugend nicht erreichten, werden sie vielleicht in 30 Jahren nicht mehr da sein, schreibt er in einem Gastbeitrag für DWDL.
Wie die Grünen mit Hilfe der CDU die Bürgerrechte schleifen und Denunziantentum fördern
Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai So, 17. Juli 2022
Wo der Staat neben Polizei, Militär und Geheimdienst immer mehr NGOs und andere Organisationen mit quasi staatlichen Aufgaben vorschaltet, wodurch der eigentliche Staat ………………….
New Cases of Mental Disorders Emerged after Vaccination; 3 Natural Ways to Improve Symptoms
BY Dr. Yuhong Dong and Health 1+1 15, 2022
As of early July 2022, 66 percent of the world’s population has been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines. As more people are getting vaccinated, reports on adverse events and …………..
Inflation – Real Estate – Chaos
I thought you were just a Trumper warning what would happen if Biden won. I have come back to your site because I can see inflation approaching 10% as you said and the dollar is ………………….
The Russia-China Polar Silk Road Speeds Ahead
Matthew Ehret Jul 13 2022
Since China’s Arctic extension of the New Silk Road was first unveiled in a January 2018 white paper, a process of Arctic development has been unleashed which represents one of the ………………………
In Eurasia, the War of Economic Corridors Is in Full Swing
Mega Eurasian organizations and their respective projects are now converging at record speed, with one global pole way ahead of the other. By Pepe Escobar The Cradle July 18, 2022
Fossil Fuel? Or Not?
By Mark Reynolds July 18, 2022
Oil scarcity…is it another lie? Another scam being played out on the people of the Earth?
The other day while listening to Tucker Carlson, he used the term “fossil fuel” which seems to still be in common use when speaking of where oil comes from. WHY did he use it?
NATO: The Most Dangerous Military Alliance on the Planet
The massive expansion of NATO, not only in Eastern and Central Europe but the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Asia, presages endless war and a potential nuclear holocaust.
World War III and the Imminent Collapse of the US Dollar
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV July 18, 2022
The latest from Greg Reese
NATO: The Most Dangerous Military Alliance on the Planet
The massive expansion of NATO, not only in Eastern and Central Europe but the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Asia, presages endless war and a potential nuclear holocaust.
The Death Throes of Globalization
Ding, dong, the witch is dying Carlos Ramalhete Jul 16 2022
Tales of woe about coming Globalization are quickly becoming a literary form of their own. It is understandable: when one is stuck in the middle of something, it is easy to make a ………………….
Death by Vaccine
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. July 18, 2022
When we’re dealing with a controversial topic, it’s a good item to start with something we know and go from there. What is something that we know for sure about Covid-19 vaccines? They kill people.
How to Prepare for Coming Crises
By Dr. Joseph Mercola July 18, 2022
In the video above, I discuss the inevitability of coming food and energy crises, and how to prepare for them, on the Children’s Health Defense “Good Morning CHD” program. As I ………………..
Estonia Forms New Government
Yet another shake-up among Schwab’s leaders. Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas stepped down from her role on a technicality before being reappointed a day later. Kallas’ ………….
Starbucks Flees Crime-Ridden Cities
People are less likely to splurge for their daily morning $6 coffee amid a looming recession, and Starbucks stock is down over 30% this year. However, another main problem facing ……………………
Death for „Blasphemers“ in Pakistan
by Raymond Ibrahim July 17, 2022 „Muhammad Irfan came to my shop for wheel balancing for his motorbike. I balanced the wheel and demanded my amount of labour as settled between us. Muhammad Irfan refused to give me money and said, ‚I am a follower of Peer ………………………..
Staatsstreich der Globalfaschisten
Die Regime der westlich-kapitalistischen Werteordnung unter US-Führung ringen verzweifelt nach Legitimation. Exklusivabdruck aus „Schöne neue Welt 2030“, Teil 1/2. von Ullrich Mies
Die westliche Welt steht mitten in einem transnationalen Coup d’État. Kennzeichnend für …………………..
Alice Weidel AfD zur Regierungserklärung von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz am 15.12.21
The Economics of National Divorce
07/15/2022 Jeff Deist Ryan McMaken
Lots of Americans now openly discuss the idea of National Divorce, focusing on the political, cultural, and social divisions in America. But what about the economics? How would issues ………………..
How the World Embraced Nationalism, and Why It’s Not Going Away Soon
07/16/2022 Ryan McMaken
Perhaps one of the more astute observers of Russian foreign policy in recent decades has been John Mearsheimer at the University of Chicago. He has spent years warning against US-led ……………………
Das System Fiat-Geld: Schrecken ohne Ende statt Ende mit Schrecken – von Thorsten Polleit
- Juli 2022 –Thorsten Polleit
Vielleicht kennen Sie das: Man bekommt den Verdacht, etwas stimmt nicht, man kann nicht …………………
Biden Administration: The Friendliest to Iran’s Mullahs?
by Majid Rafizadeh July 16, 2022 Even [Iran’s mullahs] probably cannot believe that they have gotten away with so many violations since the Biden administration assumed office.
Now, in Natanz, the Iranian regime is digging an underground nuclear facility that is …………………………….
Should politicians have character?
Terry Eagletonis a critic, literary theorist, and UnHerd columnist. Idiosyncrasy often ends in a kind of madness. July 16, 2022
Everyone has a character, but some people have more character than others. The British, for ……………………….
Vatican Goes Full Technocracy With ‘Council For Inclusive Capitalism’
Posted By: Brandon Smith via Alt-Market July 15, 2022
Warning: Technocracy is NOT Capitalism and is, in fact, its polar opposite. The two are mutually exclusive. So, why has the Pope introduced a new name for Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy? Because it is the ultimate deception to lure people into ……………………..
What Is The “Council For Inclusive Capitalism?” It’s The New World Order
July 14, 2022 By Brandon Smith
The idea that there is an agenda for global government among the financial and political elites of the world has long been called a “conspiracy theory” within the mainstream and the …………………………..
New insight on Klaus Schwab’s ‘You will own nothing and be happy’: How AI and the Internet of Things will control everything you do in life
July 14, 2022
Hohmann: In A Technocracy, You Will Have No Rights, Only Privileges
Imagine your life being like an iPhone or Android App: You buy the smart phone, grab a supposedly free app and then you notice the fine print: “In-App Purchases” required. If you don’t pay the fee, the app doesn’t work right. If you don’t pay the monthly phone service for the phone, it will stop working, ………………………..
Cotton: We Need to Investigate ESG ‘Climate Cartel’ ‘Contributing to $5 a Gallon Gas’
Ian Hanchett 15 Jul 2022420
On Thursday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) vowed to investigate ESG practices by “climate cartel” groups like BlackRock that are “contributing to ……………………….
Nozick on Morality and Evolution
07/15/2022 David Gordon
Robert Nozick is probably most familiar to readers of this column as a libertarian political philosopher, but this week I’d like to look at another issue, relevant not only to libertarians ………………….
We Need More Inequality, Not Less
07/15/2022 Lipton Matthews
We are bombarded regularly with narratives touting the ravaging effects of income inequality in capitalist societies. For many, inequality is the signature economic story of the twentieth ……………………..
WWIII is not Worth Supporting Ukraine in a Land Grab
The West is determined to invade Russia and they believe that they can destroy it despite the fact that they are no longer a communist nation or a threat. That does not seem to matter for they want war because Russia and China will not surrender their sovereignty to the United …………………………
“What is the Biden Doctrine?’ – Daniel McAdams at RPI Houston 2022
July 16, 2022
Stunning official Canadian data show vaccines now RAISE the risk of death from Covid
Vaccinated people are now more likely to be hospitalized or die from Covid, even after adjusting for fact they’re older than the unvaccinated, according to official government ………………………….
The Collapsing Euro and Its Implications
By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney July 16, 2022
The euro system and its currency are descending into crisis. Comprised of the ECB and the National Central Banks, the system is over its head in balance sheet debt, and it is far from …………………
The Centralization of Nations: What Does This Mean for You?
By Dr. Igor Shepherd July 16, 2022
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”
- Edgar Hoover
The Crucial Difference Between the Fall of Sri Lanka and the Dutch Uprising
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV July 16, 2022
Consumers, Workers, and Monopolies: Free Markets Serve All
07/14/2022 Yash Dubey
Consumers aren’t a section of society; they are not different from others. Anyone who buys goods and services is simply a consumer. In a modern economy, a consumer can buy goods …………………………..
Neues Inland-Kommando: Hetzt deutsche Regierung bei Unruhen die Armee aufs eigene Volk?
NATO-Bedarf & Katastrophenschutz nur Vorwände?
Am 13. Juni verkündete Verteidigungsministerin Christine Lambrecht in einem Tagesbefehl ……………………..
Seeminen im Schwarzen Meer Der komplizierte Weg des ukrainischen Getreides
Von Sebastian Schneider 15.07.2022,
Den ersten Verhandlungsschritt absolvieren UN, Ukraine und Russland zusammen mit der Türkei. Es gilt, eine globale Hungerkrise zu vermeiden, denn noch immer lagern schätzungsweise über 20 Millionen Tonnen Getreide in der Ukraine. Zwar gibt es …………………..
How Can Western Civilization Survive with Reviled Institutions?
by J.B. Shurk July 15, 2022 A Monmouth University poll released on July 5 reveals that 57% of Americans believe that U.S. federal government actions over the last six months have directly hurt their families. In that same poll, Monmouth compiles the 22 most important ………………………
Staatsstreich der Globalfaschisten
Die Regime der westlich-kapitalistischen Werteordnung unter US-Führung ringen verzweifelt nach Legitimation. Exklusivabdruck aus „Schöne neue Welt 2030“, Teil ½ von Ullrich Mies
Die westliche Welt steht mitten in einem transnationalen Coup d’État. Kennzeichnend für ……………………..
Covid-Betrug – 80 Gründe für «Geld zurück!» (von Ivo Sasek)
19.02.2022 |
Längst ist es weltweit gängige Praxis, dass man mangelhafte Ware umgehend zurückgeben kann. Insbesondere bei betrügerischen oder faulen Produkten heißt es dann: »Geld zurück!« Es wird Zeit, ihr …………………..