Europäische Gaskrise verschärft sich – RWE liefert Gasnach Marokko. Darf das sein?
von Stefanie Claudia Müller, Christian Schlesiger und Daniel Goffart 26. Juli 2022
Die europäischen Energieminister treffen sich in Brüssel, um über Solidarität in Zeiten der …………….
Eric Schmidt Thinks AI Is as Powerful as Nukes
An AI deterrence regime would necessitate an AI Hiroshima.
‚You can take someone’s DNA and design a weapon that can kill them‘: House intelligence committee member warns people not to share health data with sites like …………………
Is Europe Sleepwalking into its Demise?
When the Allies crossed the border to invade Germany as WWII came to an end, the German population hung white sheets from the windows to signify their surrender. Just a few years ……………………
Chinese on US Real Estate Spending Spree
The Chinese are keen on investing in tangible assets, namely real estate. ………………….
US Military Failing to Meet Recruitment Goals
Non-voluntary military recruitment is not off the table in the US. The current Commander in Chief is not patriotic and does not inspire young men to join the military. We abandoned operations in Afghanistan, forced service members to undergo vaccinations, and continue to ………………
Former CDC Director Fires Back at Fauci’s ‘Natural’ Claim
By Jack Phillips July 26, 2022
Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield rejected White House adviser Anthony Fauci’s claims that it’s more likely COVID-19 originated …………………
The Competing Ideologies for the Collectivist Mind
07/25/2022 John Kennedy
Competition creates service from businesses, and competition produces benefits for everyone. Neither are politics and ideologies exempt from competition, with Republicans and ……………………
Der zerbrochene Gesellschaftsvertrag
Gerd Held Di, 26. Juli 2022
Wenn wichtige Güter auf einmal unbezahlbar werden, zerbricht das in einem Land etablierte Verhältnis von Leistung und Gegenleistung. Die Folge ist eine Arbeitskrise, die sich in Deutschland schon deutlich abzeichnet.
Another Crazy Plot By A Ukrainian Secret Service Just Blew Up – Flimsy Excuses Follow
In May 2018 the Ukrainian secret security service SBU faked the murder of the Russian ‚journalist‘ Arkady Babchenko in Kiev for very questionable reasons. The murder had first ………………
Deutschland, ein Lügenmärchen (3)
Von Andreas Zimmermann.
Wie konnte die Lüge als solche die überragende politische und gesellschaftliche Rolle ………………
Das Ende des privaten Autobesitzes
Von Daniel Greenfield.
Das Auto ist für die Amerikaner der Inbegriff von Freiheit. Jetzt sollen sie auf teure E-………………
Ist dies der Beginn der eigentlichen Katastrophe?
Von Markus D. Leopold.
WEF erlässt Edikt an globale Führungskräfte: Abschaffung des Autobesitzes, sie können „laufen oder sich das Fahrzeug teilen.“ Juli 24, 2022
Interest Rate Tightening Will Cause Even More Economic Destruction
07/23/2022 Frank Shostak
Federal Reserve policies attempting to promote economic and price stability are a major cause for the recent acceleration in the consumer prices‘ rise. According to popular thinking, the central bank is supposed to promote both steady economic growth and price stability, the ………………..
The Economy Needs a Volcker Moment
07/26/2022 Connor Mortell
Readers of the Mises Wire are most likely familiar with the Volcker moment. This was when ………………