Scott Ritter – Biden’s Mouth is Writing Checks the US Military Can’t Cash – Video
By Janko Ilkovski, August 10, 2022
Der Kanzler könnte über einen Polit-Mafioso aus Hamburg stürzen
In einem Bankschließfach des einflussreichen SPD-Politikers Johannes Kahrs wurden nach ……………….
Trump Raid? What the Hell Is Wrong with this Picture?
By Gary D. Barnett August 10, 2022
We have just been through over two and a half years of total tyranny, leading to complete ……………………
Fourteen Young Canadian Docs Die After Getting the Shot: Normally Would be 0 Over 30 Years
This is a list of just the docs my doctor friend in Canada heard about passively. In the past 30 years, he’s never heard of a single death like this. Not one. Now there are at least 14.
“If you control the food supply, you control everything”
The UN envisions a global command economy, Robert W. Malone, 9.8.22
I spent the afternoon reading the UN’s 2030 agenda, with its 17 goals and 169 targets. This is an agenda that the UN has been working towards building since 1992 –
Interview: F. William Engdahl on Dutch Farmer Revolt & The War on Food
August 10, 2022
Argentina to Stop Printing Money
Argentina’s government has left its beautiful country in financial ruin. July’s inflation report surpassed 60% with no signs of slowing. The problem with socialism is that they eventually ……………….
IRS Staff and Audits Will Multiply
The Inflation Reduction Act will waste $430 billion and will do absolutely nothing to curb inflation. Around $300 billion will be spent on climate change initiatives. Clearly, that is not going to curb inflation, and paying farmers incentives for reducing emissions still does not ……………………..
Biden regime wages lawless TERROR CRUSADE against Trump’s America
Tuesday, August 09, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) Beyond the obvious analysis of the FBI / DOJ / Biden terror crusade against President Trump and We the People, what I’ve pointed out in the Situation Update podcast ………………………..
Pompeo, DeSantis Respond to FBI Raid at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home
By Katabella Roberts August 9, 2022Updated: August 9, 2022
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other GOP leaders have responded to an FBI search of the 45th President’s Florida Mar-a-Lago home after former president Donald Trump ……………………
The Agenda behind Climate Change Catastrophism
08/08/2022 Michael Rectenwald
Democrats on Capitol Hill are pressuring the Biden administration to declare a climate emergency, voicing their doomsday predictions that without immediate action to curb and …………………..
Before Progressives Condemn Capitalism, They Should Be Able to Define It
08/08/2022 Heiko de Boer
Many people blame capitalism for ever-increasing consumption, individualism, and the greedy pursuit of profits. Not very often do we see capitalism defined in any other way. In this article, I suggest an Austrian economics definition of capitalism that explains capitalism ……………………..
Surveys or Specifics: Do Economies Respond to Consumer Expectations or the Facts at Hand?
08/06/2022 Frank Shostak
In order to gain insight into the future state of the economy, some analysts utilize consumer and business surveys. Randomly selected consumers and businesspersons are asked to provide ………………….
The U.S. made a breakthrough battery discovery — then gave the technology to China
August 3, 2022
The former UniEnergy Technologies office in Mukilteo, Wash. Taxpayers spent $15 million on research to build a breakthrough battery. Then the U.S. government gave it to China.
Die EU will dem ländlichen Raum an den Kragen
Deutschland hat sich gegenüber der EU verpflichtet, Städte unter dem Vorwand der Nachhaltigkeit mit umfassender digitaler Überwachung und Regulierung auszustatten. Die EU hat auch schon einen ähnlichen Plan für ländliche Gebiete parat.
Ärzte erhalten Prämie für Verabreichung des Corona-Medikaments
Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 10. August 2022
Apotheken rufen bisher nur zögerlich das Corona-Medikament Paxlovid ab. Nun will Gesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach Ärzten Prämien zahlen lassen, wenn sie es an der ……………………
In Deutschland gehen die Lichter aus
Von Marco Gallina Mi, 10. August 2022
Die Stadt Köln verdunkelt wegen der Energiekrise den Dom. Es ist nur ein Beispiel von vielen. Es ist eine Metapher für den Niedergang des Abendlands: Der Mangel wird nicht als …………………..
Fast jeder fünfte Krankenhaus-Aufenthalt von jungen Menschen psychisch bedingt
Mi, 10. August 2022
Psychische Erkrankungen sind der häufigste Grund, aus dem junge Menschen ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden. Das hat das Statistische Bundesamt mitgeteilt. Die Pandemie hat zusätzliche Behandlungen verhindert.
Der Fall Schlesinger oder die große Schamlosigkeit
Von Cora Stephan Di, 9. August 2022
Die vielfachen Fälle von schamloser Selbstbedienung der ehemaligen Intendantin des RBB und Chefin der ARD-Anstalten erfordern viel Mitgefühl. Achtung, Ironie.
China and Russia—With Help from Biden—Attack the Dollar
by Gordon G. Chang August 10, 2022 Russia and China have launched another attempt to develop a „new global reserve currency.“ In other words, they are again attacking the dollar.
There is only one country that can dethrone the dollar, and it is not a BRICS nation. It is the …………………….
Witten: Freibadsaison endet bei 30 Grad
Das Komplettversagen der Energiepolitik müssen die Bürger ausbaden. Auch im nordrhein-westfälischen Witten, aber nicht öffentlich: Das städtische Freibad schließt mitten im Hochsommer.
Dr. Mercola: Patrick Wood On The Pressing Dangers Of Technocracy
Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola August 9, 2022
With one political outrage after another, Technocrats are slipping by with their unending agenda to create a scientific dictatorship and make politics irrelevant. We are at war with these Technocrats and yet have not begun to fight: Why? Because the enemy, operating in ………………….
North Korea Asks to Join the War
The proxy war with Russia has strengthened the West’s enemies. North Korea is offering to send 100,000 soldiers – all volunteers – to fight alongside Russia. Despite being a small
3 Things Most People Don’t Know About Gold, Bitcoin, and Money
By Nick Giambruno International Man August 10, 2022
Bitcoin has been likened to the platypus… which sounds like an odd comparison.
GEZ-Verweigerer Thiel über ARD-Skandal: „Die ersticken im Geld!“
Göran Schattauer, 9.8.22
Er ist Deutschlands härtester „GEZ-Rebell“: Georg Thiel zahlt seit Jahren keinen Rundfunkbeitrag, legt sein Vermögen nicht offen und saß deswegen schon im Knast. Der ……………………
Gestapo Democrats
By Paul Craig Roberts August 10, 2022
The Democrats in power in Washington have weaponized the FBI and Department of Justice ……………….